
Our New Miss is a Jack-of-All-Trades

"I quit, you lazy dumb mother**cker!" Yan Rumei declared as she flung the Notice-to-Quit paper in front of her boss. She has put up with this boss and this discriminatory company for more than 3 years and her last straw finally snapped. Like most young professionals, Yan Rumei wanted to advance in her career as an Accountant that was why she left City H and came to City D. But after a few years of being overworked and overused by his unfair boss, the only motivation that was left was to provide her single-mother a good life. Today, however, was a different day. A man, called Assistant Li, came in to inform her that her mother married one of the richest business moguls in the country. He has been calling her "Miss" since he came. He also said that her parents wanted to meet her at the most prestigious hotel in City D tonight. [Hold on, is it even legal for me, a fully grown adult to be taken in by this Gu family? Or even, is it appropriate?!] Join Yan Rumei as she embarks on her new life adventure as a new daughter of a domineering CEO, be spoiled by her doting brothers, and run away from her persitent suitors.

CrimsonLily · Urban
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50 Chs

Her Courage Is Unbeatable!

Tan Jiaying squinted back at Assistant Li. In her head, she had already declared this assistant her archnemesis.

She mouthed, 'You're dead.' At the same time, she also acted in an exaggerated way slitting her throat with her thumb.

Assistant Li's right eye twitched but he didn't know how to retort.

Tan Jiaying then turned towards Yan Rumei and told her what happened. "Yan Rumei, did you know that your dad sponsored to extend the hospital wings?"

"Like, you know that currently, we have the main, left, and right-wing. The hospital is shaped like a reversed T."

"But I just left the doctors' meeting that was led by Director Han. He said the left and right-wing will be extended to the back. That is going to be funded by the Gu Corporation."

"And not only that but there was also another sponsor who will turn the space between them a greenhouse slash garden slash café. They are also going to fund training for the hospital cooks so they can serve better meals to the patients."

"How amazing are these two powerhouses!"

"Mnn. That's indeed amazing. Did they say who the other sponsor is?" Yan Rumei asked.

Tan Jiaying shook her head, "Ah no, Director Han didn't want to mention it. He said the person didn't want his identity to be disclosed."

Assistant Li's other eye twitched. He obviously knew who the other sponsor is. There's almost no information the Gu Corporation can't obtain. It was Duan Heng. [Why do you have to hide it? Acting as a secret good Samaritan… Che!]

Although Yan Rumei asked Tan Jiaying about the other sponsor, she also already had an idea that it was Duan Heng.

When she heard that there was some training for the cooks of this hospital, the food Duan Heng cooked appeared in her mind and she almost drooled on the spot. She couldn't believe how such a hunk can cook such delicious food.

In this area, it seems Country J is one step ahead of Country M.

"Anyway Jiaying, how's my wound? When do you think I can leave?" Yan Rumei was curious as to when she can finally leave this place.

She missed sprawling in her own bed and going out to window shop, except, for now, she does not need to worry about money. Before, she refuses to buy things that she doesn't really need because she was saving for a house for her and her mom. But now, she can finally go on a little shopping spree.

And although Gu Feng gave her a credit card and a bank account with lots of money in it, she wouldn't really spend any of it, she will just use her own money.

Tan Jiaying thought for a moment and answered, "Well… Technically, you are already fit to leave the hospital. Your wound can stay closed now if we remove your stitches. But since you wanted to be safe and don't want to take a risk, maybe about 3 more days, depending on how your body will react when we remove the stitches."

"Alright, 3 days then.", Yan Rumei looked to her left, "Assistant Li, can you arrange a less conspicuous car for Driver Chu to use? If we use the current car, it will definitely attract attention. There are still a lot of curious people lurking around the hospital."

"Okay, Miss." He immediately answered. He picked up his phone to call the currently out Bodyguard Bo. Since he is already out running an errand, he might as well ask him to meet with Driver Chu and get a regular car.

Assistant Li was quite happy today as his Miss is asking him to do things. This is what he is supposed to do, follow her orders, and do the best he can to arrange things for her.

However, contrary to what Assistant Li is thinking right now, his future self is wishing that his Miss would give him even at least 1 day of vacation. His future self is certainly going to be overworked by this boss.

While he is on the phone talking with the bodyguard, a knock was heard on the door.

Tan Jiaying rushed towards it and excitedly opened the door. They all knew who is visiting at this hour.

Yan Rumei thought, [Why are you the most excited here? Are you the one being courted? Lol!]

She really finds this doctor quite funny. Well, she can't really blame her, this man is bringing good food every day, and it also won't hurt to be close to a big shot like him.

It was a good thing that he isn't entirely crazy, he just lacked experience when it comes to relationships, both befriending people and courting someone.

"Hello, Mr. Duan! What did you bring for lunch today?", Tan Jiaying directly asked as soon as Duan Heng entered.

Yan Rumei facepalmed while smiling, [Ah! Her courage is unbeatable!]

As for Duan Heng, as soon as he entered the room, the first person he glanced at was Yan Rumei. When Tan Jiaying asked him a question, he wasn't really paying attention. And then, he saw the person he came for cover her face with her hand. He was stunned when he also saw her smile.

[I'm still confused even now. Is this really what they call love? Why does she make my heart beat erratically every single time? Why was it so unbearable when I lost her the previous lifetime? Could she have poisoned me with something? This feeling doesn't really make sense.]

"Ahh! Rumei, you stunned him silly again. Hahahaha!" Tan Jiaying exclaimed.

Yan Rumei felt embarrassed that her face felt hot. She bit her lip and forced out something to say, "Good afternoon, Mr. Duan. How are you today?"

Duan Heng couldn't help but let out a broad smile, "Meimei, did I ever tell you that your smile is more than enough to brighten my whole day?"

The doctor and the assistant who were with them in the room both opened their mouths wide at the same time.

A/N (* ^ v ^) / ~~~~ o

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