
Our New Miss is a Jack-of-All-Trades

"I quit, you lazy dumb mother**cker!" Yan Rumei declared as she flung the Notice-to-Quit paper in front of her boss. She has put up with this boss and this discriminatory company for more than 3 years and her last straw finally snapped. Like most young professionals, Yan Rumei wanted to advance in her career as an Accountant that was why she left City H and came to City D. But after a few years of being overworked and overused by his unfair boss, the only motivation that was left was to provide her single-mother a good life. Today, however, was a different day. A man, called Assistant Li, came in to inform her that her mother married one of the richest business moguls in the country. He has been calling her "Miss" since he came. He also said that her parents wanted to meet her at the most prestigious hotel in City D tonight. [Hold on, is it even legal for me, a fully grown adult to be taken in by this Gu family? Or even, is it appropriate?!] Join Yan Rumei as she embarks on her new life adventure as a new daughter of a domineering CEO, be spoiled by her doting brothers, and run away from her persitent suitors.

CrimsonLily · Urban
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50 Chs

Die Of Diabetes

[Oh man, this man is a natural flirt.] They all thought.


Yan Rumei couldn't help but cough to stop herself from making a funny face.

She also turned to her laptop and started to put it away to hide her flustered expression while saying, "Mr. Duan, I'm getting discharged in a few days."

Indeed, this statement took Duan Heng's bright smile away. He furrowed his brows and asked, "Meimei, we can still meet when you're out, right?"

Yan Rumei blinked a couple of times and then she lifted her head to look at him, "Mnn, sure. But will you be staying here in City D for a while? What about your work and your family?"

When he heard her approval to meet, Duan Heng's smile has become wider than his precious one, "There's nothing to worry about the company, I can still work while I'm here. I can also stay to work at one of our branches. Unless it's something serious, I don't need to be in Country J."

"As for my grandfather and family…", he tilted his head and continued, "They can just come here to visit if they want to see me, that way they will also be able to meet the woman I like."

Yan Rumei pressed her teeth together and forced out a smile. But in fact, she was squirming and slapping herself inside.

[Yo! Thirty-something woman, why are you so easily affected like this?]

[Girl, please restrain yourself, this man is a big shot! You can't possibly think it's going to work out really well, right?]

Yan Rumei didn't believe she can have a fairy tale ending or something like in those television dramas.

Previously, she really didn't end up having one. She was not supposed to be even alive right now, but because of the actions Duan Heng and Zheng Li took, she was able to get past that.

Also, although, there was a huge turn of events that happened in her life recently, like her mom marrying Gu Feng, and she is now somehow part of the Gu family with all the perks and that, and then Duan Heng coming out of nowhere and proposing marriage, Yan Rumei was still quite negative about things.

She didn't want to accept things as they are right now because she feels like they are going to be just taken back by fate any minute. She didn't want to be disappointed in the end.

"By the way, do you have a ride? Can I send you to your home?", he asked.


Assistant Li coughed to catch their attention, "Mr. Duan, I have already instructed the driver to purchase a normal vehicle. We thank you for your offer, but the Gu family can afford such small matters."

He didn't dare to be disrespectful and informed Duan Heng nicely.

Well, he couldn't really afford to make an enemy out of this big shot. He's technically equivalent to Gu Feng when it comes to position in the business world, except he rules most of Country J and he's not really a fan of crowds and the media.

His grandfather and father who previously led the Elite Corporation were like Gu Feng. But surprisingly, Duan Heng didn't like to appear in from of the media. He would always avoid them and he was even dubbed as the Mysterious CEO of the Century.

They only knew that he was around the age of 30, handsome, and a very capable man.

Of course, this fed the imagination of women, young and old alike.

It's considered common sense that the Duan family produces beautiful people, so a lot of single ladies want to steal that gene, and not to mention all that wealth in their hands.

Who wouldn't dream of being part of that family?

Yan Rumei suddenly thought of an idea. Her eyes gleamed and instructed Assistant Li, "Assistant Li, stop Driver Chu and Bodyguard Bo from getting a car!"

"I can just leave the hospital with Mr. Duan. That way would be less eye-catching, compared to leaving with a group of people. You guys can just meet me at the penthouse."

"Mi-miss…" Assistant Li was about to say otherwise but he remembered again that his Miss dislikes him going against her orders.

So, although worried, he had to swallow the dissenting words he wanted to say. Instead, he answered, "Okay, Miss." He also took a look at Duan Heng with a little warning.

Tan Jiaying was amused by Assistant Li's obedience, [Finally, this guy is thinking.]

She rolled her eyes and then advised Duan Heng, "Mr. Duan, you should take Yan Rumei to a date before sending her home, hehe."

Before Yan Rumei could even react, Duan Heng immediately exclaimed, "That's a good idea, Dr. Tan!" He then turned to look at Yan Rumei, "Meimei, are you willing?"

[Are you willing?]

[Why does it sound like getting married?]

[Why does it feel like I'm selling myself to the devil?]

[Ahh! Why do you have to say it like that?]

[Why do I even think of this too much? I think I'm going crazy.]

Yan Rumei tried to calm her emotions, but her voice was a little too nervous, "I-I-I… I a-actually need to get some s-stuff from my old apartment. A-after that, we can go to the mall to eat, then I also have to buy some other stuff."

Normally, she shouldn't try to stress her body yet but because she was taken care of especially by Tan Jiaying, and the fact that she stayed at the hospital longer than a normal stab patient would, made her body recover really well. There's also the nutritious food Duan Heng fed her every day.

As long as no one punches her in the stomach or intentionally puts pressure on it, she should be more than fine.

Noticing Yan Rumei getting flustered, Duan Heng felt especially sweet. [Her reaction… This means we are getting closer, right?]

Meanwhile, Tan Jiaying could no longer take it, "Get a room you two! I don't want to die with diabetes because of your sweetness!"

A/N (* ^ v ^) / ~~~~ o

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