
History - Ally (nose bleed warning)


*Guin's room*

I am so ready for this exam, thanks to Odette. She helped me practice my magic yesterday, so this exam is for her and I will do my very best to make her proud since she's the reason behind my strength at the moment. I hope I get a good ally, or even better someone I know except for Lesley since I will get distracted a lot.

*also yes, Odette is already Lancelot's wife at this point- you will understand once you read until the end.*

(Just a lil' reminder, she's telling this story to Odette still okayyy)

*Knock on the door*

I opened the door and it was Odette. "Odette, what brings you here big sis?" I asked happy. "You look quite happy, I was supposed to check on you to see if your nervous but I guess you're quite relaxed, why though?" she asked confused. "Well, being calmer helps me achieve a specific goal, and also it's you who helped me enhance my skills, I know I'll pass the test when you're the teacher." I said jokingly. "sweet but not so sweet." She replied with an arched eyebrow. "Good luck on your test and I'll be waiting for your results!" she said smiling. She's so kindhearted that if I was a boy, I'd definitely fall in love with her. Not that I want to be a boy, but all you guys out there has lost an angel. I'm happy brother made a good choice.

*School lobby*

"Lesley, tell me what your number is!" I said excitedly. "Me first, really?" she said hesitantly. "I asked first." I said smirking. "Fine, my number is 14." She said with a forced tone. "I got-." I was about to say my number to Lesley when Ethan interrupted me. I swear Ethan is so rude these days, is he in love? "The number is 14." He said expecting something. "HAHAHHAHHA, you're so unlucky!" I exclaimed. "I'm with a guy who's annoying but one good thing though, I know how his magic works." She said positively. "So, I got 20!" I said shouting, hoping someone would say, "same, girl! Let's do our best and win this battle/ace this exam!" But no one did. I mean what should I expect, there's a lot of students in MLBB School. It's like the best school in the Land Of Dawn, who wouldn't want to be enrolled in this school.

"I got 20 too." Someone said in the distance. "Who's that?" I asked Ethan and Lesley. "Probably the love of your life." Lesley said. "Don't be stupid, I never fell in love in the past until-." Then I was friggin interrupted again. LIKE UGH. "until you met me." Someone, a boy's voice to be exact, said behind me. I didn't turn around just because both Lesley and Ethan are smirking so I knew there was something up between those two. I don't know they kept hanging out longer these days. I replied to the unknown voice, "Oh really? Let's just see if you can keep your word." I said with a big ego. I mean I have a taste/standard and no one has ever made me fall in love with them. "I will, baby." He said. WTH? BABY? HE HAS NO PLACE TO SAY THAT!

Both Lesley and Ethan are like laughing so hard, like what's so funny about this? I am not letting this guy embarrass me in front of my friends any longer. "Well, you just called me baby, and there is no way in hell, you'll be able to say that again!" I shouted still not knowing who he is. Kinda cool since I want to keep him a mystery or I might just kill him any second now. "Baby, don't be so mad. I'm pretty sure I can reach your standards." He said. HE'S SO DEAD AFTER THIS. Lesley and Ethan are still watching us, and I had to win this small talk. "Ok, are you smart, kind, loving, and maybe handsome? Being handsome is just bonus, it adds to your charm." I said smiling since I know he isn't any of the things I just said.

"I am pretty smart since I got A+ on all my exams. I am kind and loving to my whole family at the moment, you can ask my brother for proof later on. Finally, I am also handsome and cute." He said. I just cringed at the last part. Is this guy full of ego? While Lesley and Ethan are both raising their thumbs up as if they know this person. "Do you know who he is?" I asked them both and they both nodded at me like crazy. He must be close to us, but not as close as we three are to each other. I finally turned around and- AJBJKSDJA? DID HE JUST DO THAT? DID HE JUST KISS ME RIGHT WHEN I TURNED AROUND?

Who could that be? Also, you should know her suitors at the moment: (this is random people lol) no hate :0






I might add some drawings (digital)

So that you might like it or something.


Mrs_Violetcreators' thoughts