
History - Battle/Exam

H-h-hh-he's Gusion?!

He was literally smirking at me and I turned red. I was so embarrassed that I went to the restroom so fast. I just realized something- he's my ally! OMG, I'm never going to be able to avoid him. I never knew he was smart, and I admitted before that he was kinda cute. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I dialed Lesley's number on my phone, "Lesley can you come here in the restroom? I need your help." I asked. "I will be there." She said. *SIGH* I can literally kill Gusion right now! How could he be so naughty?

"Guinevere, I'm outside the restroom, come out and talk to me." Lesley said. "Ok, just a minute!" I said. I then went out of the restroom but Lesley is nowhere to be seen. Did she just quickly leave after saying something? That little- "Why did you escape, baby?" Gusion asked trapping me on the wall. OMG, WHY IS HE HERE? THAT SNEAKY LESLEY! "uh, can you stop saying baby and trapping me here?" I asked raising a brow. "I will but in one condition?" He said smirking. "What?" I asked so that we can get this thing over with. "We have to hold hands all the time when were together." He said smirking.

"Let me get this straight, why are you doing this? I thought you were kind and loving? How is this fair?" I asked. "Well, true. Hmmmm- give me today to prove that I can be your boyfriend, how about that?" he asked. "Wait- do you like me?" I asked. "No-." he said but I interrupted him with, "then why are you doing all this bullshit anyway? The battle starts later, let's focus more on our exam." I said trying to convince him to stop whatever he's trying to do. "I mean that I don't like you, I love you. Next time let me finish, okay?" he said. "Why would you like me anyway? And do you even think I'd fall in love with you? In your dreams, Gusion. As I said earlier, I've never fallen in love with anyone and will never." I said then finally left. I went ahead and decided to go to Lesley.

Lesley, I hate you." I said furious for what she just did. "I know you still love me and plus, I know you like him." She said smiling. "I don't. I have high standards, remember?" I said making her remember. "Well you will until he has proved himself." She said. "Whatever." I said trying to focus on the battle/exam.


Good Morning everyone! The exam will start in a few minutes. It will be held in our battle stadium. Everyone will start at the same time, your ally and enemies are posted in our site, go and check it before going to the stadium. Good Luck everyone, don't forget the punishment if you don't win, but still have fun! You will have 20 minutes and if both of your enemies have fallen down completely (5 seconds long), you win. If both pairs are still standing, they both win.

*checks her phone for her enemy*

"OMG, I'm against Karina and Selena. This will be though." I said complaining. "I'm against Ruby and Alucard. I don't know how to feel about this really…" Lesley said calmly. She's like the best assassin I know, of course she's going to win. "Good luck, even though you don't need it." We both said in sync, and laughed continuously. We always do this when we have a written exam, it's quite our special thing as BFF's.

*Battle Stadium*


"Let the battle/exam begin!"

I can't believe I'm with him and I can't believe he fell in love with me… Ok Guin, no more distractions time to show this man he is no match for me. So yeah we decided that I go with Karina and that Gusion will go for Selena. So yeah, I didn't plan anything so hopefully we win.


*I don't really know how to write fighting scenes so yeahhh*

While I was fighting Karina, I noticed that Gusion wasn't having a hard time with Selena at all. In fact, I think he has won already. I was about to get attacked by Karina since I was lost in my thoughts, but Gusion kind of defended me, okay, he defended me. "Are you thinking about me?" Gusion said. "In your dreams." I said while rolling my eyes. I then used my second skill and third skill so that I can get rid of Gusion and defeat Karina for good.

I counted to 5 to see if she could stand up. She wasn't able to so, we won! "That help doesn't impress anyone, and I never said I needed help." I told Gusion. "I didn't want to see a single scratch on your mesmerizing face, that's why I decided to help you." He said then winked. That was full of cringe and I decided to go to Lesley and see if she won or anything.

So yeah they won and the next chapter is the last chapter for their History! And why Guinevere doesn’t know a Paxley at present even Ethan and how she remembered! You think I didn’t plan that did you, well actually I didn’t. I managed to think of something though.


Mrs_Violetcreators' thoughts