
History (2)

"Hey, nice to meet you!" Lesley said. I didn't say anything since I knew him already. "We met already." Gusion said. "You did?" Lesley and Ethan said confused. "Yeah, last night at the train station. He was soaking wet so I shared my umbrella with him until the train appeared." I said explaining. "Thank you Guin." Ethan said happy and giving hints to Lesley. What are those two up to? *SIGH* "Hey, thank you for the umbrella last night. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be sick by now. How about some food?" he asked generously. "You're welcome, if you really want to treat me then go ahead, I can't refuse." I said smiling. We then ate in the cafeteria and talked for hours.


NOTE: It's Tuesday

"Everyone listen up! It's me Moonton and I will be explaining how you're exams will be executed. You will take the exam as a pair. However, you will not be able to choose your partner, it will be decided in a number generator. If you both have the same number, you're partners then. It's that simple. The exciting part here is 2 pairs will have a battle with each other. The winning pair will be able to get their chosen course, while the losing pair has to take a written exam all about that course. So, you better win! Please do not tell anyone your number, if I know you did, you will be automatically taking the written exam. You can only tell people on Thursday, the exam day itself. Numbers will be given in a minute privately. Please fall in line in my office. If you want to have someone you know as an ally, you better not be falling in line together, because that will give you less chance of being with each other. Good luck everyone! Have fun getting to know other people, the more you know, the more chance you win because you know your ally!"

"That is very exciting yet I'm really nervous." I said. "I know you're gonna do well, trust me." Gusion replied. "Hopefully, anyways thanks for the food. I need to ask Lesley when we get our numbers from Moonton. You should also ask your brother." I said. "Moonton just said that if you want your friend to be your ally, you should not fall in line with him/her together." Gusion said worried. "I do not want to be with Lesley though since we will both get distracted and not win the battle. It's better that way." I said and went looking for Lesley.

School Lobby

"Lesley! Let's get our numbers already!" I said exhausted. "After this let's get snow cones because it's really hot, okay?" She said mercily. "But I just ate." I said. "You never eat this early, what changed?" she asked doubtfully. "Well... Gusion wanted to thank me for the umbrella thing yesterday so he treated me with food, I can't refuse when it's food." I explained. She then started smirking, not to me, but to Ethan. How did he get here so fast anyway? "PLEASEEE." Lesley continued begging. "Fine but only because you won't stop and that it's actually hot." I said.

*Moonton's Office*

*long line* (they just talked as usual)

*finally their turn*

"Good afternoon sir. We are here to get our numbers!" I said happily. I don't know but I am quite excited since I will be able to test my skills once again. "I'll whisper to you both each of your numbers, don't tell each other." he said. "We won't until Thursday morning." I said. He then leaned in to me and whispered, "20 is your number." He then whispered to Lesley as well. "Thank you sir." Lesley and I said in sync. "You're welcome, good luck on your battle." he replied. We then left the office and went straight to look for Ethan and Gusion. I hope I get a good ally.

"Ethan, Gusion! Are you done getting your numbers?" I asked. "Not yet, in fact we are on our way now. See you both later!" Ethan said. So, we both waved and went on our way to get snow cones.


I will skip this day since it will be boring to read so I'll skip to Thursday for the next chapter so you'll already know how the battle goes and so on...

History will be until the next 2 chapters only, I think... :) then back to reality, which will be fast anyway. This will have maybe 5-6 chapters? So, who will be Guinevere's ally and enemy? Find out in the next chapter! PLS SUPPORT ME BY CLICKING THE SUPPORT BUTTON, TYSM!

Mrs_Violetcreators' thoughts