

I ran to Odette's room and knocked on the door. She then opened up, as usual, and asked me to come inside to talk about what's wrong with me. "Odette, I have a major problem." I said softly. "What is that? You know I am here to listen to what you're going through and help you overcome the obstacles you're currently facing." she said trying to cheer me up. "Well, you know that the man who's supposed to marry me comes today and he came. I never knew it was going to be my ex-boyfriend. What should I do?" I asked seeking for advice. "Well, what's wrong with making up with you're boyfriend?" she asked confused. "Well we have history and it's complicated." I said awkwardly. "Then let me hear it if you want the best advice." she said. "No laughing whatsoever." I said raising my other brow. "I promise." she said it as she means it as usual.


Guinevere is rich but she likes to be independent and do things on her own that's why she doesn't take private vehicles when going to school and coming back home.

*Senior High* *train station/raining/night*

Ugh. I can't believe we finished our project this late, but at least I'm satisfied with it. But, what is wrong with the weather? Why did it have to rain? Good thing I bring an umbrella with me just in case it rains like now. Who is that man? Seems like he also is going to ride a train, and he's soaking wet. I'd better share my umbrella or he might get sick. I didn't get a good look on his face though, but I am a daughter of a Baroque, I help people when they need my help. I then shared my umbrella and smiled at the boy. I do not know who he is but he had the same uniform as me so he goes to the same school I go to. "Hey, what's your name?" I asked shyly. "Gusion. You?" he asked back. "I am Guinevere, nice to meet you." I said smiling. Then we both looked at each other. Kinda weird huh? Well, um? When we noticed we were both looking at each other, we looked away since it was really awkward. To be honest, he looks cute. I have no idea what I am saying right now. I'll probably forget this after a little while, so no need to overthink. The train finally appeared, THANK GOD. So we waved each other goodbye and finally I arrived home.


*in a call with her bff*

"Lesley!! Can you believe it? We only have one week left of school but then we still have college after our vacation." I said complaining. "Calm down Guin. Let's just focus on the present for now. For this week all we have to do is pass our project and get to meet the other students from other sections. Isn't that amazing?" She said happily since we don't have to study anymore. "Well after that one week we still have to take an exam for college so you still have to study." I said. "Well, I am taking the assassin course. It's going to be easy anyway. You're taking the mage/fighter course right?" She asked because she knew I am really good at that type of magic a lot. "Yes, I will." I replied.

*next morning*

I got ready for school and it was time to meet the other students. Ethan said he'll introduce his brother to us first, so I hope he's as kind as Ethan is.

"Lesley!" I shouted. "Guin, so are you excited for the meetup today?" she asked with delight. "I guess so, I know you are though." I said lazily. "Ethan! There you are!" I shouted. "Sorry I was late, I brought my brother with me though." he said helplessly. "So everyone meet Gusion!" he said proud. His brother is- Gusion?

What's going to happen next in their so called history? Also- just wait till you see how their exam is going to be like. EEKKKKK. SUPPORT ME PLEASE! I need diamonds for Guinevere's normal skin- Fleur de Bleau

I will update this everyday!

Mrs_Violetcreators' thoughts