
Otherworldly Apocalypse

One day strange phenomenons appeared around the world, strange stone called the evolution stone rains down from the sky that grant human superhuman abilities. Unbeknownst to them there is a sinister power beside granting human superhuman abilities. Norrev is an orphan that studies at a local university while going home he met his neighbour family and asked to take their daughter to the mall to see an evolved showcase. Is there be something lurking within the stone?

DrOflig · Horror
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21 Chs

Chapter 5

As we ran to the 3rd floor we didn't stop and keep running to the 4th floor, along with most of the civilians, usually at the 4th floor there is a food court which now serve as a temporary holdout for most of us.

Keeping myself calm I checked by phone to see the news, Adhalia herself being a shy person is panting with how intense the run been with no shoes on.

"Brother Nor i can't contact my parents, the line is always busy" Adha said with tears.

I caress her head while saying "they should be okay, from what i can tell these creature should be similar to zombie that we once see on the movies."

"Oy you why are you here and not helping those below?" one of the older man asked me.

"Have you seen how many there are? do you really think a group of around 40 men can hold back a horde of those creature without any training" I ask back.

Like a spark gone off most of the civilians here look at me and Adha with disproving eyes.

"Brother..." Adha gripped my hand harder while taking cover behind me.




Screams from below disrupt the tension that we have with the group of civilians.

A group of them being led by a man name Jack look below to see that the garrison is being overrun by those creature.

"Tell everyone to be quiet" Jack said to his people and they go around telling people to be quiet.

All everyone can hear are the moaning and shouting of those below asking for help, while some people are sobbing harder because they have love one below and tried to go down but got held down by Jack's men, thankfully the noise got suppressed by the music of the mall.

As the moaning and crying for help dwells down Jack comes to me and we both peek down to see a couple of civilians running to the 4th Floor, while behind them there is 5 of those creature chasing them.

"Can you hit kid?" jack asked.

"Are you dumb enough to go against 5 with two of us?" I look at him back.

"Don't worry we have a lot of middle age man here, like around eleven of us."

"What's the plan" I asked.

"See the creature, there is 3 male and 2 female with one of them being a little girl" he pointed at the creature.

"I don't think a little girl can keep running like that with no exhaustion, but i get what you are trying to say, but what about the weapons?"

"5 of us will use the chair to hold them back while the other will use knife and mops that we got, what we need you is to use the knife to deal a blow to them."

"Let me tell you this, if i saw a chance that we lose i'll be leaving you guys and saving Adha.

"Oh? what a lucky girl then" Jack chuckled.

If there are gramaticals or typos please kindly comment it and i will fix it as soon as possible

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