
OTHERWORLDLY [Aden x Vshojo]

[5 days after malware's attack] zentreya's report: November 10, 2022. 5 days have passed since the incident, and we have finally managed to stop malware and put an end to the apocalypse once and for all. As for the earth, well let's just say that it is getting a better tomorrow. I still don't trust mel after what happened, but I can only hope for the future's sake that we don't get another malware incident if more corrupt versions of her show up. Also, who is Aden because his name has popped up on my person of interest list, I might as well go ahead and check if he is a good guy or not. End report. (5th instalment in the series)

aden_entertainment · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

FILE_04: meeting zentreya (DATE_RELEASE)

"I like her; I could watch her the rest of my life. She has breasts that smile."

― Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Aden, Zentreya.

San Francisco, California, United States.

April 18th, 2023 6 pm.

* * *

Aden: 'this must be the place.'

I looked at the street address and building just to make sure that I was in the right place as Zentreya had told me where she would be located, I guess this is what she meant by the know your location joke.

Making my way to the building's entrance and front door where the neon welcome sign was, I could see 2 geckos and a scanning system that was installed on the door which is a hint to see if you are a friend or a target.

As I was arriving at the door and getting scanned by the scanning system, I could hear Digital Dreams playing in the background as I was given a green light to go inside the building, once I was in the building and going upstairs I could hear Digital Dreams playing in the room she was in, so I went ahead and knocked as she opened the door.

Zentreya: 'Ah come on in.'

Stepping inside I could see that her room had that cyberpunk neon vibe with the lights and colors, another thing to notice was the setup she had since she streams content on her pc along with the streams on twitch.

Aden: 'Comfy place you got here.'

Zentreya: 'Thanks.'

Sitting on the couch I started to continue my conversation with Zentreya as she Booped my nose and gave me a cup of tea to drink.

Aden: 'So how are you.'

Zentreya: 'i am good thanks, how about you.'

Aden: 'same.'

Zentreya: 'hehe.'

As we kept up our talk she told me about what happened months ago when malware had taken over and started a war with zen and the others, and hearing her say that reminded me of the war that is going on in Ukraine.

Aden: 'So how badly damaged was the city.'

Zentreya: 'Very, 7 injured and 13 dead.'

Aden: 'Jesus fuck.'

Zentreya: 'Mmhm, but hey at least we won't have any problems right.'

Aden: 'Amen to that.'

After finishing my tea and conversation with her since hours had started to pass, I later joined her stream as a guest for some fun and games followed by a QnA where i would respond to some questions.


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