
OTHERWORLDLY [Aden x Vshojo]

[5 days after malware's attack] zentreya's report: November 10, 2022. 5 days have passed since the incident, and we have finally managed to stop malware and put an end to the apocalypse once and for all. As for the earth, well let's just say that it is getting a better tomorrow. I still don't trust mel after what happened, but I can only hope for the future's sake that we don't get another malware incident if more corrupt versions of her show up. Also, who is Aden because his name has popped up on my person of interest list, I might as well go ahead and check if he is a good guy or not. End report. (5th instalment in the series)

aden_entertainment · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


I lift my heart, a spring lifts up

And yellow does it rain

My heart will be a lovely cup

Although it holds the pain

For I shall know from flower and leaf

That color every drop they hold

To change the lifeless line of grief to living gold

Alchemy by Sara Teasdale, (as heard in the song ANNIHILATED LOVE by STARSET


Aden, Zentreya.

San Francisco, California, United States.

April 19th, 2023 6 am.



'Morning Zentreya.' i said as I smiled at her while the two of us were in bed together naked, 'good morning Aden, did you sleep well' replied zen who smiled and had her breasts pressed against my chest, 'yes I did, and I am glad that I am still breathing after you brought my head to your chest and smothered me.' i asked as I gave her a head pat causing her to giggle in the process, 'well you asked for it.' she said causing both of us to laugh as we got out of bed to get dressed and ready.

'So zen did you have any digital dreams while we were passed out asleep after our session.' i asked as she smiled and nodded, 'yes and I bet you had digital dreams while you were sleeping as well Aden.' she commented making me agree with the question.

Aden, Projekt melody.

San Francisco, California, United States.

April 19th, 2023 8 am.


I was once again on the bus with my earbuds on as I was listening to Spotify, and this time I was having music in my ears as I played Australian metalcore through them just to give me a soundtrack to start my day, and if I remember what zen had said before I was off to see Mel, well let's just say that she wanted me to keep an eye on her if she did something suspicious.

I got off the bus and took off my earbuds as I was on my way to Mel's place when one of Mel's drones did that thing again, heading to the entry of the building I could see a scanner that was the same scanner that zen had at her place, and I could tell that I need to do the same thing like last time.


April 19th, 2023 8:30 am.

'And here is my room that gives off the cyberpunk vibe.' she said as I smiled and nodded from what I was seeing, 'very nice.' i said as she giggled and agreed while we made our way to the desk.

'So have you met the others including zen Aden.' she asked as I smiled and replied with a yes causing her to nod as she started her music playlist when I fired this question that made her look at me in question, 'ah yes that question... Yes, we went to war with malware, and yes people were killed due to her actions, why bring that up.' she asked.

'Well, zen had said that I should keep an eye on you in case you do something suspicious.' after I said that Mel just laughed and said not to worry about it since it was in the past and that we should look into the future, and hearing her say that was what made me agree with what she said followed by an unexpected glory holes joke that made us both laugh uncontrollably.

And from that moment on I knew that this was going to be fun.