
OTHERWORLDLY [Aden x Vshojo]

[5 days after malware's attack] zentreya's report: November 10, 2022. 5 days have passed since the incident, and we have finally managed to stop malware and put an end to the apocalypse once and for all. As for the earth, well let's just say that it is getting a better tomorrow. I still don't trust mel after what happened, but I can only hope for the future's sake that we don't get another malware incident if more corrupt versions of her show up. Also, who is Aden because his name has popped up on my person of interest list, I might as well go ahead and check if he is a good guy or not. End report. (5th instalment in the series)

aden_entertainment · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

FILE_03: Abomination

(this chapter will have an alternate ending in the future, stay tuned.)

* * *

Re-emerging as a monster. Marcus Bridge (Northlane)

Aden, Nyanners.

San Francisco, California, United States.

April 17th, 2023 9 pm.

So after meeting Ironmouse and having a chat with her, along with encountering Silvervale and giving her head pats, Followed by another encounter with Zentreya who gave me a note that says 'meet me at my place tomorrow,'

I somehow found myself in an empty street at night, and I would not recommend it since there is a chance that you may have multiple outcomes that lead to death.

outcome 1: you could get hit in the back of the head and get knocked out, and the chances of surviving a coward's punch are likely, And according to studies and research, there are a staggering 94% of one-punch victims were male, with only 7 cases involving females.

But if you are drinking alcohol well, the report says that 73% of fatalities involved alcohol.

So yeah not a good idea to go out at 12 pm and 3 am, cause we don't want the numbers to rise higher than they need to be.

Now with that out of the way, I would like to talk about my encounter with Nyanners.

* * *

San Francisco, California, United States.

April 17th, 2023 6 pm.

I was on the bus with earbuds on since the podcasts are updated on my new episodes list on Spotify, and knowing me and whatever podcast floats my boat, you know that I am always wanting information when it comes to crime, or always wanting a good laugh when it comes to comedy.

And after that, I got off the bus and was on my way to Mel's place when one of Mel's drones did that thing in half life 2 during the opening minute of the game.

Now on to what happened when I was en route to her place since that event lives rent-free in my head.

I was checking the time and putting on another podcast when I saw a woman walking into the ally and disappearing out of my line of sight, curious I went ahead and paused one of the episodes so I could go and investigate.

Going to the ally, I could see her walking into the darkness as if she was leading me somewhere I needed to go.

Aden: 'HEY WAIT UP.'

I yelled as I followed her now trying to figure out where the fuck she was leading me, and in my mind, I could see two outcomes since I know how this plays out.

And knowing that I have 2 abilities in my system is a sign that I am going to die for being curious, or I am going to have a private chat with this girl that I had just seen walking into the ally.

30 secs later.

Aden: 'hey.'

I called out as the girl looked at me and smiled.

???: 'oh hello, what brings you here.'

Aden: 'i don't know you tell me, you led me here in the first place.'

After a couple of seconds of silence, she finally spoke up.

???: ah yes anyway, my name is Nyanners, nyatasha nyanners.