
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Becoming The Dungeon Master (4)

The voice was, to be honest, beautiful. A voice so melodious that I wanted to hear it up close. However, I knew. Even that voice was her hunting tool.

If I was lured and approached her, I'd surely be killed…!


I tried to escape immediately, but like last time, my body felt as heavy as lead! My feet wouldn't lift off the ground!

She was using some kind of magic or sorcery!

"Sha, shasha."

With her arms stretched back, the dryad leaned her upper body slightly forward, revealing her collarbone as she slowly approached me.


She then gave a bounce to her upper body, deliberately shaking her breasts. Where on earth did she learn such a gesture? Clearly, she was a monster, but where did she pick up such a lascivious move?

Was it instinctual, like a rattlesnake shaking its tail?

Did they naturally learn such seductive gestures?



Her breasts swayed from side to side as if hypnotizing.

I wanted to be embraced by them!

Such thoughts wrapped around my brain!

But I couldn't…!

I knew that for sure!



None of my subordinates came with me. I couldn't possibly save all five of them in such a situation.

It was actually more comfortable being alone.

Thinking of that eased my mind.


Like she was singing, she approached while speaking.

Her smile and collarbone drew me in!

Even though I wanted to bury my head into her chest just like an ostrich does in the ground!

After the previous encounter with her, I had devised a few countermeasures.


I immediately bit my lower lip.


The sharp pain and the metallic taste of blood hit me as my fangs pierced my lip…! It hurts! Biting one's lip to draw blood! It was damn painful! It was like the time I tried copying Naruto by biting my finger, an equivalent pain!

But the pain was effective!


My feet began to move slowly.

"Sha, sha? Shayasha."

Right then, the dryad's eyes widened in surprise. She then quickly approached with a look of concern. Those eyes, that expression, anyone would think she truly cared, this pretty monster!

"Leg, come on…! Come on, leg! Move a bit more! Gather strength! My leg!"

My leg felt so heavy…!

Even though it felt like I could move a little more, the dryad was too close! So, I had no choice but to gather my magic!

And then,

"Demon Breath!!"


I spewed fire directly in front of me!

"Sha, shaaaa?!"

The dryad leaped back in surprise, taking a step back. Good! Now my legs could move more freely! No more thoughts were needed! Just escape!


I immediately turned and sprinted away!


First, I had to run away! As I was escaping, I looked back.


The dryad was chasing after me!

"Go, go away! Stay away, sister!"

The fact that a seductive woman was chasing after me, almost naked, was certainly enticing. However, at the same time, it was also surreal. One living in reality should never get engrossed in the unreal! Especially not in the middle of this wilderness!


She was still pursuing me.


The thought pierced my brain. She was following me. And the place where I first saw the dryad wasn't here, but somewhere else.

Could she have spotted me there…

Marked me as her prey…

And had been searching for me since?

"Crazy stalker!"

This ominous imagination fitted the pieces together in my mind. If the dryad was trying to chase me… I shouldn't run towards home. Burili and my subordinates would be in danger. I had to distract her adequately. For now, let's make a run to the valley. If I got to the valley, I could figure out the location of the dungeon.

With that in mind, I ran.

Checking back again.

—Wobble wobble.


Those real breasts!

As the dryad was bounding towards me, her breasts, being so large, jiggled up and down! I really wanted to dive into them!

Was this like the anglerfish from the deep sea?

The tiny fish of the deep sea were lured by the anglerfish's glowing lure, approached it, and then got eaten. I could understand the impulse of those fish right now. If the anglerfish's lure looked like a busty beauty, damn, I'd follow too.

But this wasn't the dark space of the deep sea. If it was just darkness, I would gladly die there, but I had light. I had Burili! And I promised to return to Karuti!

So, I ran.

"Heuk… Heuk!"

I finally reached the vicinity of the valley. Good. Having found the valley, I now won't lose my way. Let's confuse the dryad and escape by detouring.

"Shaa, shaa…? Shaa."

The seductive dryad was still following me. Fortunately, it seemed she wasn't as fast as me.



Was she slow?

If she was slow… was she not that strong? No, no. You shouldn't underestimate your enemy. Stamina wasn't the only measure of strength.

The dryad definitely lured people closer and then finished them off. If she could run fast, she wouldn't need to use seduction. Probably, she was strong in close combat, but anyway. I quickly changed direction and moved again.

—Clatter clatter.

By this time, I could control my pace. The absurdly seductive dryad was still provocatively swinging her chest as she chased, but she couldn't catch up with me.




For a moment, I thought I spotted Burili. But it wasn't him. Another goblin was tearing apart the entrails of a bird.


"He, heh!"

Was it because of my size? The horrified goblin threw the innards and started to run like hell. That bastard. Where was he running to? Was he running to where his friends were?


I looked behind.

The dryad was still following me.


If there was a group of goblins, using them wouldn't be a bad idea! Who knew how long this dryad would chase after me!

I needed to shake it off!

Using the goblins!



I shouted and chased after the goblin. The goblin, in a state of complete panic, ran off at full speed. And then!

"It's a den!"

I found what looked like a goblin's den!

"Kerek! Kerukkeruk!"

The creature cried out in urgency as it ran toward the den.




From inside the den, goblins started coming out one by one with expressions of confusion. The moment they saw me…

"Ke, Kerek!"



They distorted their faces and shouted fiercely. Yes!

This was it!

Their den! Their home! They might have fled elsewhere, but this was their territory! They couldn't back down here! If they couldn't retreat, then fighting was the very instinct of the wild!

No matter what happened, they could not run away from their territory! It was a matter of survival! Losing their territory meant death, so they desperately fought!

Use the goblins' instincts!



Soon, the goblins poured out from the den and charged towards me.


A shout filled with fighting spirit!

And the momentum of an oncoming battle!


I also charged back at them. As I narrowed the distance with the creatures, I faked a jump.


I threw my body to the side!


A prolonged sensation of floating.

The goblins, unable to overcome their momentum, kept running straight. I then looked back. The dryad was still chasing me.


And then.


The goblins collided with the dryad.


As the lead goblin's body slammed into her, the dryad and the goblin tangled together.

"Kerek! Kerek!"

Fierce shouts and violence erupted from


Things were going well!

This was strategy!

Use a barbarian to strike another barbarian!

The clueless goblins, not knowing anything, faced off against the dryad, and the dryad that was following me was now in trouble… huh?!




The goblin that charged at the dryad was thrown into the air.


On the goblin's body, there were four very clear claw marks. Ripped apart by the sharp nails, it bled profusely and was flung away.

And the Dryad?


It struck a pose as if elegantly slashing through the air. Moreover, its face was shaded, yet its green glowing eyes were crystal clear.




The goblins, completely frenzied, charged at the dryad, and the moment a few got close…



Like swinging a sword, the dryad slashed deeply into the goblins.


Blood splattered everywhere.


The goblins were being tossed about by her murderous claws.


The dryad caught a flying goblin by the ankle and, with a fierce yank, tore into its head.



A piercing scream.


The dryad, having tasted blood, nonchalantly tossed the goblin aside.




Only then did the terrified goblins try to flee back into their den. But it was already too late.



Vines shot up from the ground, entangling the goblins' legs. By then, I was already crawling away on the ground. I couldn't muster any strength in my lower half.

I couldn't stand!




The brutal sound of flesh being torn apart, accompanied by the goblins' howls, echoed from behind.

"Huff, huff! Huff!"

I crawled away as fast as I could, just as I had learned during my training…!