
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Becoming The Dungeon Master (3)

After that day, we burned all our passion and fervor, focusing intently on dungeon maintenance.

Our motto was damn rigorous. There was no such thing as impossible for us. If it couldn't be done, then we would make it possible!

"Since you've chosen to join the Demon King's army, give it your all! Congratulations on your duty to national defense! Joining the Demon King's army is a proud privilege given to you!"

Charge forward! There's no mercy in the invincible Kyuse Demon King's army!




At my command, five faithful monsters attacked the dungeon's entrance like crazy. They scraped the ceiling, dug the walls, and cleared the piles of dirt that erupted.

Of course, even with all five working together, they were just lowly monsters, so the work's pace was inevitably slow.


After all, even simpler mining work would take several days with multiple soldiers wielding iron tools, swearing, and digging.

How could these small monsters do the job without even decent tools? Thinking so, I felt genuine respect for the kobolds that dug this tunnel. Wow, how did they make all this?

Could it be these guys inherited this tunnel generation after generation?

Whether it was the human world or the monster world, nothing seemed different. Even monsters had an advantage if they had inheritable property. They seemed to be better off than me.


—Clap clap clap!

I enthusiastically applauded and praised them.

"You've done well! You're working very hard! Just keep doing that! Just like that! I'm so proud of you!"

A great leader never held back praises or tears!

When a leader was right beside them, shedding tears and clapping like mad, there was no employee who wouldn't get motivated.

When I was younger,

I used to feel so sorry when watching dramas where company presidents appeared with mean expressions. These presidents always mistreated employees in those dramas and poured out harsh insults.

Back then, I thought I'd treat my employees very well if I were one of those presidents. Instead of swearing and shouting at them, I would stick by their side, shedding tears and clapping to make them happy.

That was what I thought.

And now, it would become a reality.




Upon my sincere praise, my subordinates were extremely pleased, and their motivation skyrocketed. Yes, genuine feelings always get through.

When you're happy, I'm happy.


Of course, I was not just a backseat leader. As I praised my subordinates, I worked harder than anyone. I had these loyal followers, and there was no reason not to suffer with them.

"Haaaahh! Alright, break time! Let's rest for a while!"


"Gyuil! Take your buddies and get some food from the storeroom!"


The kobolds were quite clever, so they were good at running errands. Anyway, we enjoyed our break, chewing on the food that Gyuil's gang brought.

"Haah… Guys, you do know that I really damn love you all, right?"



Adorable every time I saw them.


Despite working hard, we had only managed to widen the entrance. It was going to take more time to modify the entire dungeon to fit my height.

However, time wasn't the only problem.

"Haah… This is a problem, too."

The kobolds had stacked up a lot of food in the storeroom, and while we could focus on the work while eating it, we would have to hunt for food ourselves once it was gone.

We wouldn't be able to focus solely on the work.

It would probably take twice the time.

And that was exactly the problem.

"These damn creatures."

If we talk about hunting, how many should go out?

Could I throw these frail fellows in the dungeon and head out alone? Technically, there may be five of them, but they were practically nothing.

I'm not sure what strong monsters are here, but if I'm not around and just three hostile goblins appear, they will all be slaughtered. And there might not only be goblins.

"And for monsters… Orcs? Trolls?"

If such creatures existed, honestly, our Demon Army would definitely be wiped out. It was true that I was a bit stronger than an average adult male and had some useful skills, but the limit was very clear.

Armed soldiers… or armed farmers. Just one of these would kill me instantly.

Such worthlessness was me. And the strongest here was also me.



I, being frail, have to protect all these kids. Really. No kidding. If I went too far alone, these kids might all die… But all of us going out together was also extremely inefficient.

What should I do here?

"Is this the plight of a commander?"

The foot soldiers didn't understand the commander's struggles. When I was in the army, I thought our squad leader was a damn stupid bastard while we were doing pointless trench work on rainy days.

But perhaps the squad leader had his own problems.

"Huh. Seems like a day of maturing on its own."


"Yes. Buril, I trust only you."


Buril patted his chest.

Seeing him really lifted my spirit.

"Let's go drink some water and then get back to work!"

Let's work hard!

Eventually, all the food in the food warehouse ran out. Damn. These kobold bastards. Why didn't they store more?

"This is bad."

From today, we needed to get food ourselves.

"Do I take all five? Or should I go alone for a while? No. Without Buril, hunting is a bit difficult."

If I just take Buril, then only these worthless guys would remain. Imsoong and the young Gyuls. Even if a passing goblin came, they would surely be beaten badly.

"This won't do. We need to halt the dungeon expansion. Imsoong, and the Gyuls, hide in that pit as before."


"Follow me."

For now, I felt like I needed to hide them in the pit. So, immediately after picking up the spear and handle, I returned to the pit where the kobolds were being watched.

"Stay here. And wait until I return."

"Kkeureuk? Kkeureukkkeureuk."

Imsoong responded.

But did he understand?


Buril added something, but how would I understand? Wait a minute. But won't they all run away without me?

"Damn. Today is not the day. Buril, stay here with them. You are the smartest and strongest, so keep them from leaving."

"Keruk? Kerureung! Kek!"

ㅡThump Thump!

Buril pounded his chest as if saying he could be trusted.

Right. I could trust Buril.

"Then, ah, this. Drink all the water… good. I'll be back in a bit."


I confirmed that the guys went into the pit and collected some nearby branches and leaves to make the lid more sturdy.

Then, I stepped onto the field.


This was the first time I was moving alone. But it wasn't as frightening as before. I had become somewhat accustomed to life here.

Let's see.

The surroundings of this dungeon were quite favorable. A bit further ahead, there was a small ravine. We used it as our water source. We used to go there in groups to drink water while working.

Let's head there first.

ㅡThe sound of flowing water.

Soon, the sound of water reached my ears. I immediately went to the water's edge, washed my face, drank water, and filled my water container.

"Those little ones."

I wondered if they were thirsty? I gave them all the water from my container earlier. If I was too late, they'd struggle.

I needed to find prey quickly.

"That's right."

I couldn't just look after myself now. This must be what it meant to be in a pack. I felt an involuntary sense of readiness. Everyone must feel like this when they become a leader.

"I'm learning little by little. Just keep going like this."

There was nothing to worry about.

I crossed the ravine with my spear at the ready. Today, no matter what, I would try hunting a lizard or a "dodo bird". If that doesn't work, I really need to get Imsoong and search for bugs.

ㅡThe sound of heavy footsteps.

With that in mind, I pressed forward.



The familiar sounds of the forest. By the sounds alone, I could generally tell what was going on. I tried hunting, but it was tough alone.

"Damn it."

After several failed hunting attempts, I found a denser area.


It was an easy place to get lost. Without a guide feather, there was no way I could enter such a place. I was about to turn back without a second thought.

ㅡA soft noise.

Suddenly, the bushes from that direction rustled.


Tense, I aimed my spear. There was a large tree surrounded by thick bushes.

Was something hiding behind that tree?

No matter what, let's hunt it down! That was my brief thought.


When a human face suddenly appeared from behind the tree, I was so startled – I swear I'm not exaggerating – that I jumped on the spot.



A human.

A human face.

Moreover, a female face.

"Dr… Dryad…!"

And a face I recognized! The naked woman of the forest! It was the Dryad! The sexy Dryad was looking at me, hiding her body behind the tree and only showing her head!


On her emotionless face,

ㅡA sly smile.

A threatening smile formed…!


And then, the Dryad emerged completely from behind the tree. She was dressed similarly to last time. Leaves covered her essential parts, and vines decorated her arms and legs.

"Shaah, Shaaah? Shaaah."

She approached me, speaking as if she were singing…!