
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Becoming The Dungeon Master (5)

Extreme fear seized my entire body.

"I need to run away…!"

That Dryad wasn't just a seductive woman! As I suspected, she was a ravenous predator! She was ripping apart those goblins as if they were nothing—like a bear would!

If I were to face such a thing, I wouldn't even remain in one piece…!


The strength in my legs completely gave out.

So, I relentlessly crawled on the ground. No matter what, I had to survive. I couldn't die here.

Move, my legs…!

Why was my body so weak?! Consumed by fear, I couldn't even make my legs move properly! The sheer pathetic state I was in drove me to the edge!


Only escape.

I thought of only escape.

Even if I ended up being caught and killed, I would survive one more second. Just one more second. I'd keep struggling, even if it meant moving just one centimeter further before my end.

Such were my thoughts as I frantically crawled.

For a moment,

I thought I was dead.


Everything around was eerily silent.

I kept my ear close to the ground.

There was no sound at all. Not even the common noise of insects—just utter silence.

What in the world happened?

Over there, the Dryad must've been wildly ripping apart the goblins. But I couldn't hear the sounds of flesh tearing or goblins screaming.

It felt like I had lost my hearing.

Surprisingly, though, I could hear my own movement.



I swallowed.

Could it be…? When I turned around, the Dryad was already waiting right behind me. Was it following that kind of pattern? Damn, this was crazy. But I steeled myself.


I slowly turned around. I had to see what was happening.

And then,


I saw it.

"Shaa… Shaa… Shaa…"

The Dryad, seated in a slouched position.

The previously fierce Dryad was now seated on the ground in a 'W' shape, her head down, making a peculiar noise. To put it crudely, it looked like she was marking the ground with her private parts.

"What is she doing?"

Marking her territory?

Or a victory ritual?

Around her, at a cursory glance, seven goblins were utterly shredded to pieces, their insides and blood scattered about. Was this a gruesome scene from a twisted version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? Of course, no survivors remained. If there were any, they must've fled into their den.

The distinct claw marks on the goblins' bodies were evident.

The Dryad sat right in the midst of it all.



That was…

She was exhausted!

"Shaa… Shaa…"

The Dryad was completely drained, sweating profusely and panting heavily!

Just as I thought!

That was it!

Using such explosive power with that small frame had surely caused a backlash! She exhibited a truly aggressive and powerful attack! She chased after me and even unleashed such massive abilities seven times and used vine-controlling magic, completely wearing herself out!

Perhaps not the worst stamina, but… it was evident that she had weak stamina relative to her strength! She clearly employed a hunting method of standing still, seducing, and making her prey let their guard down!


With that realization, the overwhelming fear that gripped my heart and body melted away, lightening my legs.

"Last man standing."

Thus, I stood up.

Strength surged in my legs!

Now, let's make a dash for it!

"Shaa… Shaa…"

The Dryad, perhaps not noticing my movements, continued her soft chanting, head drooped.

This should be enough for a safe escape. Most importantly, this was a jackpot. In the wild, if a top predator was down like that, they were quickly targeted. I shouldn't be chased any further.

However, as I was about to turn,


A sudden insight pierced my brain.

"Monster Control Skill."

This skill…

Was particularly effective on monsters in a bad state… or completely drained.

Could it be…

That this skill would work on the exhausted Dryad?



What would happen if the skill worked… Would the sensual, scantily clad woman become my slave? Such imaginations came to mind. No, it's not about that odd use. Could her astounding combat abilities become mine?

I, Kim Kyuse, am a Demon King and a commander.

I must make a cold, calculated decision, always thinking of practicality.

"It's risky."

The Dryad was stronger than me.

Even if she was exhausted, there was no guarantee the control skill would work.

"But if not now, then when?"

Seeing a stronger monster in such a vulnerable state might be a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

It was risky, but…

When a bold move was needed, I had to act boldly.

That was the way of a commander!

"I have to experiment."

This was the perfect opportunity.

She was tired anyway, and I could always escape. Plus, I knew I could outrun her. Although it could be a trap, I could rely on my skills to handle that.


With my decision made, I cautiously approached the Dryad.

"Sha… Sha… Sha…"

She was drenched in sweat, dripping profusely from her body, and her breathing was labored. She looked utterly exhausted.


Even after I grabbed her from behind, the Dryad showed no reaction. It was as if she was unaware of my presence. Such an occurrence was unthinkable in the wild since animals were extremely wary about something or someone approaching them from behind.

She was completely worn out.

But… her back, it was…

Could it really be this pale and smooth…?

Moreover, this slender neckline of hers…


I shook off the distraction and began casting my domination skill.

"Monster Domination Technique."


As the Dryad turned slightly to glance at me, I swiftly jabbed my finger into her shoulder, channeling the domination technique into her!


A black orb entered the Dryad's body. She simply looked at me with her tired face.


I simultaneously cast a backstep spell to retreat.


Did it work? Or did it fail? If it failed, I'd just run. The casting was perfect, after all.

Thump-thump! Thump-thump!

My heart felt like it was about to burst.


"Sha, Sha…? Sha…?"

It seemed like the Dryad sensed something.


"Sha, Shaa?!"

She jerked noticeably!


She then jumped up in place, seemingly unsure of what to do, checking her body.

"Sha, Sha…? Sha…?"

It looked like she was checking for any injuries or anomalies, but I wasn't certain. After checking herself, she slowly turned to look at me.

"Sha, Sha…? Sha…?"

She made some hand gestures. Did it work? Or did it fail? To test it out, I gave a command.

"Dryad? Sit. Sit down."


She tilted her head, seemingly not understanding. Damn it, it failed! Even a simple bird would understand a command to sit!


I immediately turned to flee!

"Sha?! Sha, Shaaaaa!"

From behind, I heard a voice that sounded like she was calling out to me. I looked back and saw that she wasn't following but instead reaching out to me with a flustered expression.

"Was it successful?! I'm going now! Don't follow me!"

My priority was to escape!

I relentlessly sprinted forward!

Goodbye, beautiful Dryad!

Let's never meet again!

That day, in the end, I couldn't procure any food because I had to run away.

"Phew…! Sorry, guys! I couldn't get any food!"



Regrettably, due to that, my subordinates went hungry all day long. They were trapped inside a cramped space, eagerly waiting just for me, and they ended up completely starving.

Perhaps that was why.

Today, I felt like I could eat anything.


In the end, we made do with a dung beetle brought by Imsoong and the fruits we collected. That day, I realized I could survive even after eating a dung beetle.

Damn that Dryad!

The next day.

When I visited the goblin cave that I had seen the day before, as expected, the corpses were all cleared out. All that remained were a few gruesome fragments.


In this wilderness, it was improbable for corpses to remain for long.

Of course, the cave used by the goblins was no better either. When I went inside, it was so cramped that it was practically useless. There was nothing valuable either.

"What a pity."

Naturally, the Dryad was nowhere to be found.

I wondered what happened to her? Did she regain her senses and return home? Demon control spells had a recuperative effect. If she regained her health, she would have gone back. I sincerely hoped she went far away.

"Let's move on, Buril."


Thus, I only took Buril with me, moving in familiar paths and carrying out hunting. Indeed, hunting was possible with Buril. I woke up early, hid the other subordinates inside the pit, and set out to hunt. Before lunch, I fetched food and water, and after we all ate, I worked on the dungeon construction.

Such were my tranquil days.

Time was of the essence, and increasing the number of mouths to feed was problematic, so I didn't increase my troops while hunting.

On one of those peaceful days,

"Keururek? Keururek, Keururek?! Keurureking incessantly!"

"What did you say?"

While I was engrossed in construction, suddenly, Buril threw the wood he was holding, grabbed my clothes, and hung onto them.

"Keurureking! Keururek! Keururek-Keururek!"


"Gwil gwil!!"

At the same time, both Imsoong and the Gyuil gang started freaking out. I could tell intuitively,

"Go in. Quickly. I'll get ready to back you up."

I let them inside the dungeon and stood at its entrance, spear in hand, facing forward.

"Who's there!"

Who dared to intrude on my dungeon!

If you wanted to kill my subordinates, you would have to take me down first!

"Keururek! Keurureking!"

Terrified, Buril pointed out!

Looking in that direction,


From the bushes ahead, damn it! The head of that cursed Dryad peeked out!!!!

"Damn! Dryad!"


Seeing me, the Dryad grinned broadly!

The crazy bastard seemed happy to have found food!!!!