
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Becoming The Dungeon Master (2)


The demonic breath, like a burst of flame, burst from my mouth, setting the head of the mother Kobold on fire.


A horrifying scream.

However, she didn't die immediately. Just because her face was on fire didn't mean she'd die instantly. Having become like Ghost Rider, the mother twisted her body in agony, causing a ruckus.

Gush! Gush!

Blood spewed from her torso, pierced by a spear. The intense movement caused even more blood to gush out.

I retreated a little with my bugs.

The flames were fierce, after all.

"Gyuraak! GyuGyuraak!"


Seeing her suffer like this made me want to put an end to her misery quickly. However, I couldn't. If I got close, there was a chance she would charge at me, and I'd catch on fire, too.

How much time passed?


The fierce flames died down. The scent of burning meat filled the air. The mother Kobold seemed exhausted and lay sprawled out.

"Go to a better place."

I quickly drew my hand axe.


I ended her pain by cutting her neck.


I won.

In such groups, the mother was usually the most powerful. She was the boss. With the boss gone, it was over. We had won.

With that thought,


Intense euphoria and joy overwhelmed me…!


A fiery roar!

My passionate chest heated up my vocal cords! My roar was incredibly hot and passionate!

"Kerukeruk! Kerururung!"

"Krrrk! Krrrk!"

Following me, my proud bugs also shouted in triumph!

They did really well! So did Buril! Imsoong too! Everyone played their roles excellently!

Perfect teamwork led us to victory! We took over the Kobold's den without any casualties!

"Hehe, we did really well! We won! Now, this dungeon is ours!"


My heart was pounding.

Now, I needed to decorate and repair this place to make it a complete dungeon of my own. Goodbye to that damn pit. Now I'll live in a proper den!

I must hurry to realize this!

I couldn't just sit here.


I pushed the body aside.

"Let's go in further!"


We went inside.

Around the corner after venturing to the very end.

"What's this?"


I stumbled upon remnants of the kobolds.




Baby kobolds, smaller than Imsoong.

"So, they're baby kobolds."

Three of them were huddled in a corner, rubbing their bodies together and whining softly.

"Are you scared?"

They were shivering, seemingly paralyzed with fear. Regardless of being young, they seemed to know what was going on, possibly sensing their impending doom.

"Keureuk! Keureuk!"


Buril and Imsoong, upon seeing the young ones, salivated and flexed their fingers. To these wild beings, the offspring of their prey meant tender and sweet meat, a delicacy, nothing more and nothing less.

A splendid trophy and food.

"Stop. We're not eating these. Leave them be."

"Keu, Keureuk?!"

My magical energy was drained. I used domination magic on the kobold and breath magic on its mother, leaving me devoid of power.

Therefore, after a day's rest… I should try domination magic on these little ones. From what I saw, these frightened and helpless younglings would likely be highly susceptible.

They're just babies, and they could hardly move. Let's capture them today and experiment tomorrow.

These kobolds will undoubtedly prove useful.

Raise them and use them as labor for this dungeon.

I would need a lot of goblins as soldiers in the future. As ranged attackers, imps were essential, and kobolds, adept at digging, would be invaluable workers.

"Buril, make sure they can't escape. And absolutely do not eat them. If you do, you'll be punished, understand?"


Buril seemed disappointed, perhaps viewing the undominated baby kobolds as tempting morsels.

After all, Imsoong also tried to attack when he first saw them.

To eat.

"Hehehe, sorry. Hey, we did find the food storage, right? Let's eat from there tonight."

"Keureuk! Keureuk!"

Having exerted so much energy, I was rather hungry. Tonight, we shall feast on the supplies from the food storage.



I've taken over the kobolds' den!

"I've acquired a dungeon, damn it!"

I was over the moon right now!

I finally had my own dungeon!

Finally, that day was spent rather leisurely.

I moved the corpses of the slain kobolds to the food storage, ate, and then laid down to rest. The ceiling here was a bit low, but the floor was relatively flat, making it much more comfortable than the pit.

This might be the reason I felt that my mana recovery rate has sped up.

The peace of mind of knowing this was my dungeon and its comfort. It was evident these factors had increased my mana recovery rate.

After a good sleep, I woke up feeling refreshed. For one, it's less cold than the pit, which I really appreciate… Ah, damn it. But I was not getting used to this low ceiling.

"It takes forever to get out."

While it was not exactly that long, unlike the pit where I could just wake up and leave instantly, I had to walk all the way to the end of this cave-like dungeon in a hunched posture.

I needed to widen this entrance and path.

"Anyway. Buril. Imsoong. Wake up."



My cute minions slowly rose.



The baby kobolds were sleeping inside a pen that was simply surrounded by decent-sized rocks. I grabbed one of them.


"Buril. Imsoong. Let's each carry one out."

It was too narrow here.

We would have to do it outside.


So, I went outside with my minions.

"Wow, this place is really nice."

Upon exiting and looking at the dungeon entrance, I felt like I just pulled a luxury item from a gacha game. I was that satisfied.


"Now, Buril. Arrange those tiny ones well."


Buril lined up the baby kobolds neatly.


These small things, small compared to even Imsoong, couldn't even move properly. They were just rubbing against each other in fear.

I immediately gathered my mana.

"Monster Domination Technique!"

It felt like injecting a shot. As I infused the technique into the back of the baby,


The baby that was stretched out had a momentary spasm and then slowly got up.


"Oh! It worked!"

Judging by the reaction, it was a success!

"Alright! Continuous Domination Technique!"

I immediately poured all my remaining mana into the other two!



With that!

"Acquired three baby kobolds!"

I got three more minions!



Both Buril and Imsoong immediately realized that I acquired new minions. They hopped around me in excitement.



The three newly dominated baby kobolds came and stood in front of me. They were definitely smaller than Imsoong.

Buril's height reached up to my waist.

Imsoong, up to my thighs.

These little ones came up to my knees. When fully grown, they would be bigger than imps but smaller than goblins.

"Kerek… KerekKerek."

Buril started talking to the newbies.



Of course, the newbies couldn't understand.

"So, guys. Look here."


"You guys are sort of Gyusat-like. So, your names will be, in order: Gyuil, Gyui, and Gyusam. You're Gyuil. You're Gyui. And you're Gyusam. Got it? If you do, nod your heads."


I spoke clearly, trying to imprint the names, and they nodded.


Now, these little ones were my minions! Sure, I killed their families and mother, but such things didn't matter once they were dominated! Ants also steal pupae from other colonies to raise, after all!

"Then, Kyuse's Demonic Army's 1st unit members! Shout loudly towards the front!"


As I shouted loudly.



"Gyu, Gyuuuuu!"


They all started to cry out at once!


Watching them filled me with satisfaction! Now, I have five subordinates!


Having such an amazing house and five subordinates, it was almost perfect!

"If only I had a wife next to me… Anyway, today's task is to repair the dungeon. There's food in the storage, so focus on the task until it runs out. Got it?"


Buril answered as a representative.

I had already looked at the entire structure of the dungeon.

It was a somewhat deep tunnel.

Inside, there was one bathroom, one food storage, and a slightly spacious room where everyone lived. In total, there were three rooms and several corridors.

Now, I had to refurbish all of them to fit my size. A narrow tunnel might be advantageous for defense, but it should be comfortable for me to live in.

And as the dungeon got more expansive, I could set a trap near the entrance.

Just digging a hole and planting sharp branches inside would make it into a trap. I was just thinking about it now, but I should make it soon.

"Then let's begin!"


Immediately, Buril and Imsoong started to widen the entrance of the dungeon, scratching with their hands and scraping hard with the thick branches they picked up.

"Hey, Gyuil. You guys should help, too. Just like how we are expanding the surroundings."

"Gyuooo? Gyusat."

Nodding, Gyuil and his mates crawled inside and used their fangs to dig the walls, doing the renovation.

"Kyah! Look at these guys working right away!"

Child labor was illegal, but weren't they monsters!

If they joined my demonic army, they must work no matter how young they were!

"This is the demonic army you chose to join! Bear with evil and power!"


I, too, immediately took out my ax and began the task!

"High mountains, deep valleys! Silent, under the mountain!"

This was fun!

Life as a demon king!