
Chapter 14

Ellie zipped up her coat and braced against the cold misty morning. Asmodious walked by her side until they reached the Forrest. A man in a long black coat stepped out from the trees. Even in the hazy mist it was hard to deny how stunning he was, his slender yet muscular body his messy hair with his horns gracefully protruding from his head his elegant features and those eyes, those deep pools of blue enticing his unprepared victims to face into them and get lost in the magic of them almost like drowning. But they were cold and icy. Unlike the warm green of his brothers.

"I'll hand her to you then. Make sure you return before the sun sets.

The men exchanged glances. Asmodious embraced Ellie warmly then let go and returned to the church. His warm embrace left her feeling colder in this icy morning, she couldn't help but shiver.

"So...formal introductions first. I'm James pleased to meet you Ellie. I'll be your escort and helper if you need anything at all just come find me."

He gave her a curious look then turned and began walking through the forest. She supposed it was due to the lack of distinguishing features she had and began to mentally prepare herself for much more of the same. After all she was the odd one out. As they walked through the forest in silence Ellie couldn't help but feel that she was being watched again. She looked around but found nothing so she decided to increase her pace. James saw Ellie's pace increase and thought to himself that she must be eager so he increased his too. They soon reached the edge of the forest and stepped from a world of nature into a world of concrete. The building were shabby looking on the outskirts and the streets were empty. The whole place seemed lifeless and eerie. As the sun began to rise over the horizon as if by magic it breathed life into the dull, lifeless husk of a town. The streets glimmered and the shabby buildings became quaint and picturesque people began to emerge from their homes to begin their days work. It was a sight to behold. So many different people. Young and old, short and tall, fat and thin, some had horns, some had tails, some had scales and some had fur. A few people were covered in spikes and a few people covered in slime. It was mesmerising. It was her first time seeing so many different kinds of people. It was her first time seeing so many people. James grabbed her hand tightly and led her through the crowds. His hand was like ice in hers but the touch was so gentle it made her feel warm. No one had held her hand like this before. Only the little ones and Asmodious had ever held her hand and it felt different. As he led her deeper into town the buildings changed and became neater and more beautiful. The crowds began to thin the further they travelled on the cobblestone path. They finally stopped before a large stone wall.

"We're here.."