
Chapter 13

The night was still cold and a mist hung heaving in the air as Ellie got out of bed. She washed and dressed at high speed hoping to warm herself up. Ellie quietly went downstairs so as not to wake anyone else. To her surprise there was already two people waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Asmodious looked her up and down and smiled.

"Come, have breakfast before you leave Miranda has cooked your favourite, porridge."

It smelled delicious. Ellie ate quickly as she was eager to leave and see the new world. Asmodious sighed and shook his head.

"Once you are done I have a gift for you.."

Ellie finished and looked at Asmodious. His black eyes shinning in the candlelight revealing nothing..

"Here put this on."

He pulled out a gold chain with a blue stone. The stone was the same colour as her eyes and was polished and smoothed into a perfect orb it was beautiful. Asmodious stood and put it gently around her neck.

"It's an early gift since you are coming of age soon. Its a talisman to keep you safe and the rock is a moon stone I thought it would suit you well after all you were born on the day of the full moon. "

Ellie stood up and checked her reflection in the mirror. It really did suit her and brought attention to her eyes which she always though was her best feature.

"I Love it!!"

She threw her arms around Asmodious kissing his cheek and burying her head in his chest she was very happy.

"Alright, alright I'm.glad you like it child. Come grab your coat it's time to leave."

As Ellie grabbed her coat her excitement grew she was going out. She was going to meet people. She couldn't wait. Maybe it was her excitement, or the fact she had put on her jacket without giving it much thought and covered it but she hadnt noticed, as she was leaving the door the the orb around her neck glowed and turned red, a sign of danger, but no one had noticed...