
Chapter 5

Angel successfully dock and without further word, Annie walk out the bridge together with Clyde and some of the crew.

"I believed you are Captain Starfeild,, right?" When they got outside, they were greeted by a man on grey vest. While on his back where five people in white.

Annie nodded "and I believed you are the person incharge on the mummy, right?"

"oh!" the man on grey vest exclaimed like he remembered something "what rude am I, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Doctor Strovorsky and yes, I am the one" he raised his hand offering for a handshake.

Annie accepted his hand, "By the way, this is Clyde my vice-captain, Denis, Amgila, and Benidek".

"Nice to meet you, sir"....

"greetings to you sir"....

Everyone greeted the doctor with a handshake.

"doc, may I see what we came here" Annie opened.

"yes of course, come with me" Doctor Strovorsky beaconed to follow him.

Annie walk beside the doctor while her crew was following her. " doctor, may I ask something?"

"Yes, of course, what is it?" replied by the doctor.

" I wish to know the story behind the blue gem and the mummy" Annie said while walking in the hallway.

"Yes, but I'm afraid that everything I said is the same as the report I wrote'

"Don't worry about that, I just want to hear it from the person who personally interact with it" Annie look at him and replied.

Dr. Strovorsky nodded " the discovery of the remains are purely an accident" he paused and pondered for a moment" while gathering samples, we were attack by a six legged Wolf. It was the first time we saw that thing. We've tried to kill it but it was too strong, our weapons are rendered useless. One on one my comrades fall..." the doctor stop talking.

Annie noticed this, "I am sorry for your lose doctor" Annie calmly consoled him.

"Don't worry, they died honorably,,,...Since we cannot defeat it, we ran to find shelter. And then we found a cave. It was not big but at least we have something to hide. For hours we have waited for that beast to walked away, but it remained stationary on the front of the cave. We also tried to call for help, but we cannot find a signal inside. After that, we decided to find another way out. To our surprise, the cave was not a cave after all, it is more likely a passage way. At the end, we found an altar and in the center was the corpse lying while holding the stone."

Annie scratch her chin thinking what possible explanation she might get "I think there is a civilization down there" she said"

"It might be true, but for the past years, we haven't found one, yet. And if they are hiding, it is mostly impossible because our satellite are all over the globe, monitoring every changes and collecting all data it can get from the ground including life. So the most possible theory is they are not from this planet or they gone instinct."

"you might be correct, but there is one thing that left me completely confused." Annie said.

"What is it? Ms Starfeild" he asked.

" according to the report, the remains shared the same genes as to us people. How could it be?"

"Well, that... ..we haven't found any explanation yet." the doctor said while scratching his head.

"It's alright, sooner or later we will find it"

The group walked for about fifteen minutes and finally they arrived at the front of a metal door.

Doctor Strovorsky stop walking and turned around to face Annie.

"Ms. Starfeild may I ask something?" he asked.

"Please doctor.." she replied.

"Why did you choose to be a captain?"

Annie on the other hand knitted her brow because of the out of blue question.

"It because of my father..." but before she could finish she was cut by the doctor.

" I saw it on your profile, what really I want to hear is the one thing that made you choose this path. It is more than a cause but much more powerful than a reason" he eyed Annie on the eye and said.

"I don't quite understand doctor" Annie was confused.

"of course you do, anyway we are here, just forget everything what I said, hehe" he laughed like it was nothing.

The doctor step closer to a control panel right beside the metal door and punch his ID. The door opened and the first person to walked inside was the doctor himself but before that he turned around and said " your dad may be a rush person but all his decision was right and I am one of the result of it."

"what do you mean by your words doctor?" She raised slightly her voice because she smell something that will hit her father.

"Don't misunderstood me captain, actually I am grateful to your father. Because of him, I am alive, if I could repay what he done me" the tone of his voice become remores and lowered his head as he turned around and walked completely inside living them.

On the other hand Annie felt the sadness that the doctor feel and she cannot help but to think back to his father. After the attack at Plutus where her father was died. Almost all the people treated him as traitor of the human civilization and a moron because he started the war. Because her father didn't finished any courses, he was not qualified to have any position and every decision he made was all wrong. Just like what he did in Plutus thus breaking the peacefulness. The people he saved on that incident also turned against to him, instead of thanking him for what he did. They claimed that his father was the first one to fired at the enemy and what their enemy do was merely to protect there self. These claims was also supported by the Azrock making her further the main culprit. Sometimes Annie was thinking, maybe they were right, but just thinking of these. Her heart ache like it was sliced into two pieces. She believes that her father was not the cause of all of these and did not do what they said because she was there. Although she was a new born baby and didn't know what was happening to her surrounding, but she felt it. She tried to know what really happened but the only thing she received was the report from the people who survived. Footage from the base was also destroyed by the barrage of attack rendering useless.

This is also one of the main reason why she stayed and become a captain. Realizing something, her eyes widened and she immediately rush inside to ask the doctor the question she kept for many years.

Maybe this doctor can help her to clean his father's name, she think of.

But then again she realized, this is not the right time. She looked around and found out that everyone was looking at her.

"Come" she gathered her composure and beaconed her crew and the people who is with the doctor.