
Chapter 4

It didn't take long for Annie reached the bridge.

Looking around, she found out that everyone was already here and preparing Angel to lunch out from the hangar, while others are scanning the entire ship for possible problem.

The bridge was not big as to compare to other ships. On deck, Angel has only twenty individual and was placed on triangular two lines. On their front was two huge screen that acts as window. Currently it shows the outside world and a bunch of data including the line of the ship's trajectory. In total, Angel has one hundred individual on board and they are specifically placed on their field of work.

"Is everything ready? ' Annie asked her crew.

"Everything is all green, I think we're good to go" Andrew calmly answered while his hands are dancing magnificently on the screen on his front.

Annie walked around the bridge, scanning everything and when she feel satisfied. She walked back to the center where her chair was located.

"Prepare for hyperspeed" she order while motioning to seat.

Andrew nimbly brought the ship out from the hangar. While slowly drifting out, Angel was like a real Angel coming out from the heaven. The sun's rays reflected to its body illuminating the blue strips and red line formation giving the essence of elegance and beauty.

After reaching a certain distance from Pangaea, Andrew stabilize Angel preparing for warping. After everything was ready, the clock started to tick.

"two minutes to hyper jump" a robotic but lovely voice sounded. It was Angel, from now on, she will take over the ship since warping was far too complicated.

While standing, Annie watch her crew busily walking here and there, while others are nonstoply taping their screen.

When the clock hit the one minute margin, a leather like strap suddenly emerged from her chair and slithered throughout to her body. It connected to each other and slowly tightened the grip.

The diagram on Andrew's screen was increasingly filled by green to reddish colour bar as the countdown was slowly hit its mark. Andrew who who was always monitoring the event of the diagram raised his hand placed unto a lever right beside him.

"Twenty seconds to hyper jump" Again Angel sounded the countdown.

As the monitors inside the bridge are keep flashing with various data, the outside of the ship also shows some changes. The red line formation become more vivid and released some kind of protective layer throughout to the entire body. While behind, the boosters was starting to illuminate. The light was increasingly brighter and brighter until no one can directly look at it.






"0" When the countdown hit zero, Andrew who was patiently waiting pulled the lever to its maximum and the hyperdrive used all its might to propelled the ship into the hyperspace.

From the dark and empty space, Angel who was elegantly drifting suddenly shrunk and become a stream light shooting towards to the edge of the galaxy.

Inside the bridge, Annie released herself from the chair. She pulled up herself and looked to the two big screen. Right now, what she saw was only a strike of light passing them.

She panned her sight around and started talking about the mission. "Our mission this time... " she wave her hand and the hologram of the corpse and the blue gem materialize in mid air" is to bring back this corpse and the this gem from our base at Plutus to Pangaea." she paused and looked around. The crew on the deck stop what their are doing and listen to her. "We need to bring these two things as soon as possible, that's the directors order."

"I believed, you are already briefed by Clyde, so I will not talk to much about it. I only wish is a goof luck" she continued.

Everyone nodded and returned back to their duty.

"Nice speech!" Clyde said in the intercom.

"Yeah, a flat one" she chuckled "making a speech is not really my thing".

"I agree with that" Clyde who was busily doing his stuff instinctively turned around to look at her. He only saw Annie who was looking at him, left brow raised. Seeing this, he made a bitter smile.

"Do you remembered Gina?" he continued.

"Yeah, she's the one whom you are in love with, right?"

"Yes, and I'm planning to ask her to marry me" Clyde said while face down.

"Really!? she must be out of her mind when she'll ag..." she jokingly said but seeing him act like a defeated person "She'll agree", she consoled him.

Annie walked closer to Clyde, she raised her hand to tug his shoulder "Come on, you are a good guy and you're handsome too. Everything a woman needs is in you, don't be too worried."

"I hope you're right, and you should get back, we're arriving" Clyde straightened his posture and turn around looking back to his screen.

"I'll help you prepare for your proposal, but first we need to finished this mission" Annie said while walking back to her chair.

"I'll counting on you, then" Clyde smiled.


"shhhoohhh!! "

Angel jump out from warping not far from Plutus. Everyone inside the bridge held their breath as they were mesmerized by the seen unfolded before them. Angy was totally beautiful, no matter how many time Annie look at it. White clouds, blue oceans, and the vast tropical forest. She can stop herself but to mesmerized.

Annie remembered the pictures and videos from Earth before, it was totally like these except that there are no desert on Angy.

"This is Andromeda, you are entering the airspace space of the Union, please identify yourself or we will shoot you down" a message was sent from Andromeda the terminal at Plutus.

"I'm Captain Annie Starfeild and we are here by the order of the director" Annie replied through the main communication board.

"Captain Starfeild, please send your clearance for verification" ordered by the other line.

Jenny, the officer incharge for communications immediately send the clearance.

"Clearance is sent cap." reported by Jenny.

The person on the other line didn't reply immediately after the clearance was sent. Annie and the rest of the crew waited for the confirmation. This is a standard procedure for security, so they are not anxious.

"Please proceed to Gate 1 to dock and your package was already waiting for you" After five minutes or so, finally they are granted to proceed.

Annie thanked the person on the other line and after that she nodded to Andrew who was currently looking at her.

Using two like joystick module in front of him, Andrew skillfully brought Angel towards to Andromeda.

As Angel got closer to Plutus, the silhouette of Andromeda came into view. It is like a two wheel placed side by side and slowly revolving opposite to Plutus. From now on, they can now see different kinds of warships and starships. Docking to Andromeda while others are keep patrolling the surrounding vicinity.

When Annie shift her view to Andromeda, her heart skip a beat because all the defence mechanism was activated. Long range attack cannon, static torpedo missile, anti drone plasma guns, and the thing that shock her the most was the Guardians. Guardians are giant humanoid robots standing fifty feet tall and was controlled by human pilot through brain waves. Basically because of the cost of each Guardian was exponential high, the Union only used it during critical times or when they are need to protect something or someone very valuable.

Currently there are only two of it floating not far from them eyeing who ever pass. Seeing this, Annie feel that there is something amiss. She think for possible reasons including their package but she immediately omitted the latter because the enemy only claimed it and not wanting it. The only possible reason left is an eminent all out attack from the enemies.