Annie was the captain of the starship called Angel. One day, together with her crew, they were ordered to retrieve a gemstone and an unknown corpse. On thier way back, they were ambushed resulting to a massive damage to the ship. Without a choice, Annie and her team fled using thier broken ship. In the mids of warping, the reactor responsible for pushing the ship into warp give up and they were sent out. Before they realize it, the ship was caught by the two giant black hole. In order to save her team, who she treated as family and friend, she sacrificed herself. When she woke-up, she found herself in the place where fiction exist.
In the endless space, beyond the blue planet called Earth, a massive ship was floating. Inside the ship leaves a million population. From time to time, you can see children running here and there while adults are busying themselves in their own affairs while others are talking and smiling.
You cannot imagine, five hundred years ago, this ship was small as football field, but when technology makes its way, the word impossible become possible. Advancement of the human technology also cost countless of losses. Right besides Pangea was the Earth. Long time ago, it was brimming with life, but now, it was just a waste land.
In the middle of the twentieth century, technological advancement jump by leaps and bounds. Countries like America, Russia, and other giant country compete for world domination. To power-up their brutal competition, fossil fuels become the main ingredient. Unending extraction of oils from the depths of the earth was occurred. They don't care about anything, if you want to stop them, then you're dead.
Although there are some who stand, but against to them, she or he was just an ant.
The competition continued for decades and the time has come. Oil depots stop working and before they know it, they are already too late. The Earth was already exhausted, she cannot gave anything more.
Big companies like Shell, Petron, and other fuel companies crumbled down and so the economy. Inflation was here and there, conflicts between countries are growing. It was not stoppable and no one are willing to do so.
War are born to solve the problem. Countless innocent people died without cause. They just become a collateral damage.
The war continued until reached the saturation point, but still countries doesn't want to loss. They throw the international treaty that prohibits any country from using nuclear arsenal into the trash. And the world was shaken by the mushrooms like explosion. Popular cities vanished from the faced of the Earth.
The rains that brings life become poison, it hunted every living being who walk, talk, and even the life inside the womb.
From the ashes of the war, a new order rises. They called themselves as the "Union". They overthrown any government on their path. In just ten years, they become the sole ruler on the planet.
The Union was different, they care, they love, anything a mother would do to her son.
The planet was put back in peace; but peace is just a preparation for another war. Only thus time, they face something. Their enemy this time was the most powerful and at the same time dangerous the humans ever had. Mother nature wage war to the human civilisation, she was like a coiling dragon who waits for the perfect time to strike. Earthquake, Tsunami, volcanic eruption, and other phenomenon that never occurred before, surfaced. People caught off guard and they suffered more than the past. Humans, again are facing for another extinction.
They say, man is the smartest living thing that walk in this world. They exist from a million years ago where still the planet was ruled by dinosaurs and until now. They faced countless apocalyptic events, but still they managed to survive.
To secure the safety of its people, the Union decided to make the biggest decision. They decided to leave the planet. In order to do that, they assembled the most intelligent individual around the world. Hope was born, it is a spaceship. Its sole purpose was purpose was find a goldilocks planet. A planet who is capable of supporting the life from the Earth.
After one year of exploration, Hope suddenly vanished. No one knows why or can even explain the cause. Man never loose hope, they created Virtue. The mission was the same as Hope, but at the same time, to investigate what happened to its predecessor.
Years by years had past after Virtue left, but still there is no news about goldilocks or Hope. During these time, the Union launched multiple mission with same purpose; Luminous, Light, Gabriel, Noah, Hercules, and Moses. Its mission found a prospect planet, it is not suitable for the human to survive.
Back to Earth. Mother Nature is still waging war to the human civilisation. Unleashing all its might to wipe out the reason why she suffered for a countless of years. A mother is now a new reaper, she never choose who she kills, children, adults, or even innocent puppies. She become a soulless monster who only live to kill and take revenge without petty.
The so called God was now nowhere to be found. Religious group like Catholic, Islam, and others was pulled apart.
To solve the current problem, the Union implemented the so called "Transcendent". It is a global evacuation to our nearest livable planet, Mars. But the red planet was too small for the trillions of family. For this reason, the Union divided the group into two. The first half was chosen to leave on Mars while the second one was pushed to remain in the space station called Pangea.
To avoid the fourth war between human, the people decided that there is only one government body for the two civilisation. The Union managed to take care everyone, to them "every soul was a light in the darkness".
One hundred years had passed, people starting to loose hope and the Union already launched countless mission. But there is still nothing.
Until one day, people was shaken by the sudden news. The third mission, starship Luminous found a habitable planet in the star system called Luminous Star System.
In the honor of the team who discovered the goldilock planet, the Union named it ANGY (Anne, Neo, George, and Yani). Because of their contribution to the human kind, they were awarded the highest honor and was treated as heroes. It was petty that only Anne managed to came back. They died because of age, their bodies was buried on the planet they just discovered.
After a day of Anne's return, people was uproar because of another big news. Anne died because of cancer. Thirty five years inside the nuclear powered ship, finally her body cannot endure anymore and give up.
According to the scientist who first visited the planet, Angy was a new born planet. Just like Earth when it was ruled by dinosaurs. But most of the experts opposed the idea. They claimed that; somehow, Angy was much more older than Earth. This idea was immediately omitted because it is baseless and only speculation.
On the other hand, after years of observation and study, finally the Union initiated the colonization.
The planned colonization was composed of five phases. Each phase has its own part and duration. Before proceeding to the next phase, everything must be satisfied. The Union is willing to sacrifice anything, even time, to ensure that everything will flow smoothly and no unnecessary problem.
They don't know what is on the planet, if they miss something, even it is too small, they need to identify it. On their hands was the fate of the human civilisation and they cannot afford to make any mistakes.
Planet Angy was a thousand times much bigger than Earth. It was in closed by triangular formation; formed by its three satellites. Each satellite has the same axis, revolve at the same speed but differ on its traits. Satellite Hygieia was covered by forest while Tethys is like a water world. The most special among the three was Plutus, although it shared the same characteristics as the two, but what really makes it stand among the rest is that, it does possess a floating mountains. Yes, floating mountains like in the movie called "Avatar by James Cameron". Not only that, humans found a mineral called Odiam. The hardest metal the human ever found, and only a fourth in weight.
After the discovery of Odiam, technology entered a new era. The thing that was only written on novel a thousand years ago, becomes a reality.
On the other hand, colonization was facing difficulties. Planet Angy and the three satellites was ruled by mindless beast. Four limb beast that stand up to a hundred metre, wolf like creatures, scaled giant like alligators.
Soldiers and guards are having a hard time on killing this creature because to them, human is like an ant.
Further study was initiated to identify why those creatures become too strong. Years of study, finally one person discovered the reason. On planet Angy, there is a mineral called "Leon". It is highly radioactive but it the sense that it helps its surrounding to grow stronger. Unlike Uranium which is very unstable, Leon was surprisingly calm.
Although the technology that the human has is already advanced, but pairing with new discovery? Technology a year ago becomes antique today.
People are all celebrating, after years of suffering. Finally, they saw the end of it. The colonisation entered phase two. The Union started to build a base on Plutus. Engineers and skilled individual was sent to start the preliminary of the phase two. In just a blink of an eye, the base was established.
This time, human learned from their mistakes and chose to respect the nature. Buildings and other infrastructure was designed to maximise its usefulness while minimizing the effect to the surrounding.
Year 2980, phase two was almost completed when a mysterious ship suddenly appeared from nowhere. Bryan Starfield who was seating anxiously on the chair inside the hospital received the news. He pushed himself to stand and look inside from the window. Inside was a woman in blond hair lying and giving birth to a child. Worry can be seen to his face as he walked out from the hospital.
Entering the control room, he saw on the main screen the said mysterious ship. It was completely all black, without any light escaping from the inside. The shape was also very unusual, it has four like tentacles like on the octopus. It was stretch out forward and bend slightly to touch its tip to each other.
Everyone inside the control room was nervous at the same time excited. This is the first contact with the aliens. On the other hand, Bryan cannot help but to feel very anxious and wary toward to that unknown ship. He immediately ordered to raised their defence. Hundreds of plasma cannons was immediately given life and aimed to the mysterious ship. He was thinking that there is something wrong with that ship.
A minute later, there is still no movement of that unknown ship. Bryan, chose to sent a message, but was stunned because, what the ship replied is a very powerful laser cannon firing at them.
The laser blast travel at the extremely speed, it hit the base. Thankfully, the energy shield was activated before the contact. The ground shook very hard, cracks on building was appearing.
Finally, the attack stop and the protective shield crumbled down. The mysterious ship learned this and without delaying any time, it unleashed hell into the base. Thousands of drones and missile were launched. Explosion can be seen anywhere, it was total chaos. People are running for their life, dead bodies are littered, children's crying, parts of bodies flying around.
Seeing these, Bryan's eye turned red and his heart feels like it was being smashed. He turned around, he found out that all his crew was on verge of exploding because of anger.
He took a deep breath, he straighted his back and look to a certain building not far away.
Bryan decided to abandon the base. His crew was step-step-aback because of his decision but they later on realize. They don't have the chance to win. Not far, warship like of the enemy was arriving. It is much bigger and much stronger.
The officers of the base help the civilians get into the escape pads while the crew and Bryan are doing everything to ensure their safety. Every missile from the enemy got near the escape pads was shot down by plasma cannons. Bryan ordered his crew to go to last escape pad, but seeing their determination, he was surprised and at the same time filed joy. His crew never abandoned him even in the last day of his life.
The last escape pad was launched, Bryan focused all their defence into that ship. Inside was a woman lying on the stretcher and her legs was slightly pulled apart. Doctors and nurse are all over around her, tears are flooding in her eyes while shouting the name of her husband.
Back to the control room, time seems came to a stop, Bryan heard the cry of a baby and the whole building was ablaze by fire.
In the escape pad, the heart of the woman who was giving birth suddenly stop. Her hand fall down and a drop of tears was slowly crawling right beside her eyes. Everything went silent....