
Ch.3: Sky's Enters the Fray

Zia kept on sliding past Hiyest to Luke as the three slew flames, lightning, and blades. Luke now actually into the fray to get Zia off of of him. As the fight went on, the aura around Sky grew as she grip her backpack. Between blushing and wanting to knock the crap out of boy made it worser. The split second that Zia and Luke separated, Sky joined into the fray with her extendable staff. She immediately pop Luke right into the gut and roundhouse off her staff with a kick to Hiyest. She then proceeded to slam her staff onto Luke but to no avail as he kept rolling back and forth.

"Be STILL YOU FREAKIN JERK!!!" Sky snapped. Hiyest trying to intervene but kept being bash aside by Sky.

"Milady, calm down, can we just ta..." Luke was cut off.

"First off, gotta introduce yourself. Second, NEVER TOUCH A FREAKIN MAIDEN WITHOUT HER PERMISSION!!! Valkyrie of the Soaring Skies Grimore, heed thy call by thy contract and smite this freakin fool! Storm Equip!" Sky literally went into the dark side as her grimore glowed. Most of her hair turned black, an eye turned golden. Her staff turned into twin swords. She then connected the swords to form a bow. Hiyest backed away looking at the others for help.

"Well shrimp, nice to know you. Rest in peace." Zia turned around.

"Wai Wai Wait, we can talk, my name Luke and I am deeply sorry that I hug you without asking you." Luke literally begin to cry.


After the little squall ended and a knocked out Luke been put into the SUV, the other four introduce themselves. Childa and the Mystic Siren grimore, Ciren being the Mystic Water Guardian of the academy. Ava and the Soaring Sky grimore, Avier being the Soaring Aerial Guardian of Augusta High Academy. Mount and the Twin Heaven n Earth grimores, Gaia and Haia being the Gaia Guardian of the academy. Then there is the student council president of the academy, the top blademaster of Augusta High Academy, Shou Rivers. Despite being not chosen by magic, Shou fought his way up the academic ladder with the highest win to loss ratio of the school with his arsenal of blades.

"Alright now the introductions are finally out of the way due to Luke, we going to give both of you a hour head start, starting now." Shou said, nodding to Ava to start the timer.

"Bruh we do not even know the way to Augusta..." Zia replied.

"Not our problem, Akira filled you two in? 30 minutes now, more you two wait, the shorter the time going to be half." Shou answer. Zia click his tongue in frustration then grab a hold to Sky.

"Lets go before we get denied any chance into the academy." Zia said and Sky nodded in agreement. As Sky piggyback onto Zia, she toss something to the four.

"Zia wanted to give you guys this as a departing gift. *Zia go now you idiot*" Sky said before Zia slipstreamed away as her present went off. Flash grenade.

"You saving that for me huh...?" Zia question Sky as they zip from car to car.

"You owe me Chinese anyways, soooo. *Kiss*" Sky gave Zia a small kiss on the side of his neck. Zia almost slipping off a roof of a car in response.

Sry for the delay, work and writer's block xD

anyways, let the test COMMENCE!!!!!

Zia_Alexandercreators' thoughts