
Ch.4: Battle on the Highway

The pair took a rest in the second town they came to. Zia and Sky hitting up a Mcdonald for their snack. Zia getting 3 spicy chicken sandwiches while Sky only getting a cheeseburger. While they were eating and going over Google Maps to the academy, Mount came in and ordered. He sat at the next table to them. Zia spitting his soda all over the place when he finally notice Mount. Sky kicking the crap of Zia as to not make a scene.

"Our 30 minutes already up?" Zia finally stop gagging.

"Almost but I am going to be yall second one so why not eat for the brawl. Luke still on lockdown. *shrugs*" Mount replied.

"Won't the public be in the crossfire since Zia most likely be going all out?" Sky said.

"Ava and Childa got that already covered." Mount replied.

"Quick question before we leave. Is Childa's grimore what I think it is?" Sky said as the pair threw their trash away.

"A siren that lures men to their deaths? Unfortunately yes..." Mount also threw his trash away. It was when the three step outside did they notice what happened. Without a second thought however, Zia scoop up Sky and slipstreamed away as far as possible from Mount. Mount just sighed as he watch the timer ping to ten seconds.


Sky was the first to notice before the first blow happen that started the second fight. Luckily both had dampening cores with them as they both crush the cores before crashing hard. The highway was a ghost road when the dust settled. A slight spark and Zia was onto Mount in his elemental equip. The killing strike was simply push aside as Mount punch Zia right in the gut the second after. As Zia was blasted away, Sky came in with her grimore equipped, dual blades slashing. She on the other hand had enough speed to match Mount due to her dual blades.

"Been awhile since I was beaten in speed. Especially by a cute gal like this." Mount replied to her effort as he kept on blocking her.

"Sorry but your friend Luke already ruined that charade kind gentleman." Sky wore a gentle smile as she and Zia swap. Zia coming in with an overhead slash followed by rerounding slashes. With a click of his tongue, his scythe alluded into a hook shaped before finally making contact. Both then jumped back.

"Sky, take care of me after this." Zia cut his finger onto his scythe. Mount realizing what he was bout to do, activated his earth twin grimore.

"No you not for everybody sake, Gaia Entombment!" Mount commanded, slamming both of his gauntlets down onto the ground. Clamshell pieces of earth and asphalt from the road closed around Zia as a drop of blood came into contact with the ground.

"Idiot Zia, smh." Sky turned around, pouting.

"Well my little snowflake, seems like your idiot boyfriend very determine in getting into this so call high academy if he had to blood activate me to get both of yall into it. My reward always the same though." a tomboyish voice came from inside the earth tomb as the whole thing begin to crackle and fall apart. "And chom.....owe oWE!" a white headed girl similar to Zia built yelp as Sky begin to pop her.

"B**** how about getting both of us to the academy before trying to suck my blood dam idiot vampire of a grimore!" Sky said as the girl licked her lips.

"Haia of the Heavens, Gaia of the Earth, entomb thy foes by thy contract, Twin Dragon Entombment!" Mount commanded, grasping both gauntlets together.