
Ch.2: Let the Test Commence

"So you basically saying we both have to get to the academy without no support and by midnight while avoiding getting beaten to a pulp by whoever in the black SUV?" Zia question Akira as both vehicles pulled over on the side of the road.

"That's basically the entranced exam of Meridan High Academy. Don't worry, they gonna give y'all a head start. Besides I have to talk to them for a bit." Akira replied with a shrug.

"I am making a freakin bee line to your car if they are black hooded figures. Zia can go ahead if they are..." Sky trying to make out who's in the black SUV.

"Girl, you got your knight in shiny armor to protect you." Akira wink. "Besides I be long gone by then."

"Chinese if we get accepted...Sky?" Zia tomatoed as he helped Sky with her luggage. Both gals gleam at him. Akira turned away with a pouting face.

"You paying then Zia..." Sky pinch the side of his athletic jacket, also tomatoeing. *These two...* Akira sighed as she made her way to the black SUV. Moments later, five people emerge from the black SUV. Sky's fear was dissolve as all five of the people from the SUV were wearing casual clothing. One of them were a boy similar to Zia and Sky's age. As soon as the boy eyed Sky, he made a run for her.

"Cuuute :D." the boy made a hugging leap to her.

"Wha wha...WHAT, ZIA!!!" Sky yelped as she received a hug from the boy.

"Get your freakin hands off of her you SHRIMP!" Zia quickdrew his wakizashi sword before shadow stepping to the two. The boy immediately disappear and kick Zia from behind. Reappearing to hold Sky's hand as he kiss her hand.

"Milady." the boy look up from his kiss of her hand.

"Leviathan of the Raging Hurricanes, heed thy call by thy contract and become thy blade. Harbinger!" Zia chanted the elemental enhancement. His sword was soon swallowed by lightning and a gust of wind as it became a scythe. Zia' right side eye and hair turned sapphire blue highlights. A click of his tongue, he was onto the small boy once again. Zia was blocked by another figured but this time, a red flamed werecat girl wielding a D-sword.

"Grimore Hiyest, turn this turd into ashes." the boy dead look at Zia.


"Well there goes Luke..." one of the five from the SUV sighed. The other three helping Akira load the pair's luggage into the SUV. Luke is a flame elementist contracted to the flame hellcat spirit Hiyest.

"This exactly why we do not bring his immature ass onto exams..." Another of the five also said.

"Well if my brother is defeated by him this early in the exam, then so be it then. Luke should not had summoned Hiyest out for something this pity..." Akira sighed.

"Well I gotta admit, the girl newbie does look cute to be honest." the driver of the five pushed his glasses up.

"Valkyrie, her grimore will kill you if she was out and heard that..." Akira replied while Zia was crossing blades with Luke and Hiyest.

"I thought her grimore was the Astral Contax, Aerial???" one of the five pipped up.

"If you shits look what's dangling from my idiot brother's belt, still wrap up in chains. That's Aerial. And yes we tried everything to unseal her ass. Even Ignis could not." Akira said.

"At least he have his elemental equip. That be more then enough to at least knock out Hiyest." one of the five replied.