
Original Emperor

Follow the incredible journey of Max, a humble orphan from planet Earth who unexpectedly finds himself transported to The Whispering Wilds, a massive Wilderness within an unfamiliar planet. In this Dangerous Domain, Max is tasked with a responsibility he never asked for, forced to take care of a territory deep within lands able to take his life in the blink of an eye, while also having to take care of an ever-growing number of subjects with different mentalities, cultures, races, and beliefs, Lifting another heavy burden which is the life of his people alongside his. As Max progresses in his story, he experiences countless hardships, challenges, struggles, and catastrophes, So much for a job he never asked for, but cannot let go of due to his own ambitions, goals, and other reasons resulting from the consequences of his journey.

StellNem · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: I'm Not Ready Yet!

"Oh, and another piece of advice from me. Use your wits more than your fists. As a Lord and as a public enemy for this world, you're going to need your brain more than your powers... All The Time."

"That's it for today, let's go back. I think it's about time we summon your first subjects, My Lord!" Old Red added.

"I will keep your advice in mind, I feel like it will do me more good to remember them. And..." Max stopped midway.

"Yes, My Lord?" Old Red looked at him and asked.

"Do I really have to summon my subjects today?" Max asked.

"If you want to not fall behind. but, it's up to you, My Lord, I understand that summoning subjects is something you're not ready for yet." Old Red's tone turned serious as he spoke in his regular calm tone.

"That's not just it, if I really do take them in, that's like signing a contract, I will have close to no way out, and I... I will have to be responsible for their lives, what if someone dies? What if they deem me weaker? what if..." Max's worries finally showed up as the topic he feared most was brought up again.

"Do not worry about yourself, you have me. And about your subjects dying... All I can say is you have to try your hardest to become stronger..." Old Red couldn't continue talking as he just turned his head in the direction of their hut and waited patiently.

"Can I really not go back to my world... I'm not ready for this, I don't want this. Old Red, Please!" Max begged as his tone turned weak.

"My Lord... I would never lie to you even if I have to kill myself." Old Red looked back at Max and announced.

"You said our Earth had completely disappeared... What about my friends then? Nabil, Aya, Pedro... What about Karina? Karina... Old Red, please tell me what happened to them!"

"My Lord..." Old Red finally couldn't look anymore.

Max looked at Old Red and shut his mouth, He looked down and clenched his teeth and fists tightly.

He then looked up at the sky, He sighed, and turned to look at the village behind him.

"Is there really no way out?" He said.

"We cannot flee from our responsibility, My Lord... Not this one." Old Red replied.

"Let's go back, I need some alone time." Max said in a very calm and soft tone.

"Very Well, My Lord." Old Red, despite his surprise, replied and began leading the way.

The entire journey back was silent with no words spoken, Max was deep in thoughts and Old Red was paying attention to their surroundings to protect Max from any danger.

Once back, Max launched himself in his bed without wasting a second and went on to sleep for a measly Half an Hour, But, when he woke up, his entire Aura changed. Old Red was surprised.

'What an amazing adaptability, fitting for a Lord!' he thought.

"Old Red." Max called.

"Yes, My Lord!" Old Red bent his knee and answered.

"Let us see what our First Batch of Subjects looks like."

"Very Well, My Lord."

They then proceeded to get out of the hut and get closer to the summoning gate, the intricate Runic Design of the White Gate was beautiful to look at, Max instinctively got closer to it and touched it, and that spelled his doom.

Right after his touch, the runes on the gate shone in an Ethereal White Splendor, the gates opened up slowly and Max started shaking as he got back.

"Wait Wait Wait! No No No No No! I didn't mean to do that! I'm not ready yet, oh heck please, oh lord, OH NO!" He held his head as he shouted.

"My Lord, calm down, please! You can do nothing about it now, so try to calm down. Your subjects will be here in a few!" Old Red begged as he held Max by his shoulders.

"Are you telling me to calm down now, Old Red? Why didn't you warn me before? Ahhhhh! I'm screwed."

*Vzzzz* *BOOM* *Fsh* *Fsh* *Fsh*

The Gate fully opened up before it flashed 3 times, then 5 silhouettes started coming out of it.

Max stopped his panic and looked at them, only Old Red felt his shaking figure. He took his hands off his shoulders after Max took his off his head, then they stood there 'calmly' as they waited for the Subjects to fully show up.

"Ohhh, is that white-haired boy our esteemed 'Lord'? He's so handsome I yield, hehehehe!" A subject who veiled her entire body from top to bottom said as Max looked at her and was taken off by her appearance, then he stopped in his tracks.

"White-haired boy? Who?" Max said as he turned to look at Old Red with a questioning gaze.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that your appearance was slightly altered, My Lord." Old Red replied.

"How Could you forget such an important subject!" Max almost shouted as he wanted to immediately go check his appearance but the newly summoned subjects didn't allow him such liberty.

"Ehhem! Forgive my lack of attention, please introduce yourselves." Max coughed and looked back at his 'Subjects'.

There were 5 in total, 2 Women, the first one wore a long black dress and a veil covering her face not even her eyes were visible, and the other one was black-haired, she tied her hair in a ponytail and wore a white medieval-looking blouse and a long red skirt.

The other 3 were men, or more specifically, one middle-aged man wearing a businessman suit from the 1900s, the other 2 were quite young, one looked cheeky and evil he was around 25-28 years of age he wore a gray hoodie and white pants, the other was around Max's age and looked shy and weak-willed he wore a black shirt and black tech pants, and for some reason, he looked at the two women worriedly as if they were about to eat him.

"Hehe, then allow me to introduce myself first!" The veiled woman spoke.
