
Original Emperor

Follow the incredible journey of Max, a humble orphan from planet Earth who unexpectedly finds himself transported to The Whispering Wilds, a massive Wilderness within an unfamiliar planet. In this Dangerous Domain, Max is tasked with a responsibility he never asked for, forced to take care of a territory deep within lands able to take his life in the blink of an eye, while also having to take care of an ever-growing number of subjects with different mentalities, cultures, races, and beliefs, Lifting another heavy burden which is the life of his people alongside his. As Max progresses in his story, he experiences countless hardships, challenges, struggles, and catastrophes, So much for a job he never asked for, but cannot let go of due to his own ambitions, goals, and other reasons resulting from the consequences of his journey.

StellNem · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Monsters?

"Huh!?" Max, who was deeply unconscious on top of a huge cliff, suddenly woke up.

He got up from his sleeping position and looked at the large village full of wooden houses and large trees beneath him and said.

"Where... Am I?"

"Please don't start the drama again, My Lord. You are here as a punishment for doing what you have done." Old Red who was sitting next to Max said calmly.

"Y..." Just as Max wanted to scream, a cold hand shut his mouth tightly.

"Now Now, we don't want the monsters to focus their attention on us... Yet." Old Red said.

"Monsters?" Max, who was energetically trying to get Old Red's hand out of his face, stopped struggling and looked at the village for the second time.

There he saw 'Them' Greenish creatures strangely familiar to his eyes yet unfamiliar at the same time, their skinny forms and naked upper bodies woke him up from his stupor, it was then and only then that he fully realized that he was in an entirely different world.

"GGGGGRAAAAGH!" Suddenly, a loud scream came out of nowhere, Max turned his head to look and what he saw caused his skin to shudder and cold sweat to run on his back.

The skinny fantasy life-form known as a Goblin casually held up 5 large trees with two hands as if they were nothing but twigs.

"W-weren't they supposed to be weak... And considered monsters at the bottom of the food chain?" Max stuttered as he said.

His eyes couldn't believe what he just saw. The monsters forget grotesque; they make one's eyes twitch just by looking at them. Imagine a large green worm with two arms and two legs. That level of grotesqueness! Now imagine that same hideous existence capable of taking down 100 men alone without weapons. Max was looking at a Village of such existences.

"My Lord, they are the weakest existence in the Whispering Lands." Old Red smiled and said.

"I want to call Bullcrap but... How?" Max turned to look at Old Red in utter Shock.

"Well, you're just trying to limit everything about this world according to your knowledge, and Trust me if you don't put an end to it, you will be surprised to no end."

"Now, I seriously believe you, but, It's just strange, it's like everything is so close to what we know and at the same time so different, It's crazy that goblins really do exist, and it's also scary that they're this strong and not as weak as a child as we thought." Max held his chin and spoke his mind.

"It was all the work of The Creator, if this didn't happen it would have taken much more than just 30 days for you to get accustomed to this world. But, in the end, they remain as weak as children from this world's point of view, and remember that you are as weak as a newborn in this world, maybe slightly stronger." Old Red said.

"Teenagers of your age are strong enough to destroy this entire village and the somewhat outstanding ones are mostly already married with 2 kids with a large estate and connections to the royal family." He added.

"I would be in shock if I wasn't able to estimate Your definition of 'somewhat outstanding', Old Red. " Max smiled as he shook his head.

"However, are they really able to destroy this entire village, that sounds kind of off the charts."

"Let me tell you about the Monsters in this Wilderness for you to get an idea. They all have their highest power which is the Main Tribe of their race, they divide this Land equally in 7 parts, and the Central One is the land of Whispering Devil, the Overlord of this Territory and the Magical Beast you need to take down in order to rank up your Unique Talent and conquer the Whispering Lands."

"We are currently in the land of the Goblin Tribe, and this... is a sub-village containing the weakest monsters you can find in here, The level 1 to 10 Monsters' territory. And the average 17 years old is Level 15, and that's not counting the rich legacy and arsenal of techniques the civilizations of this world have."

"Wait Wait Wait, too much information dumping at once is bad for my mental health, Old Red." Max interrupted.

"I apologize, My Lord."

"Lemme recapitulate, 7 Main Tribes, 7 races, Whispering Devil Overlord of the Whispering Lands, Levels... Magical Beasts... What else? Oh, the Levels. There are levels in this world too? Like Levels Levels??" Max asked excitedly.

"Yes, My Lord, that's one of the most important elements when it comes to powering up as you just begin your journey in this world. Oh and just to remind you, you forgot to mention that we're in the Goblin Tribe's Territory."

"Yeah, that too, but never mind, how do you level up??"

"By killing monsters of course. Each monster gives 10 times his level as Essence Experience, so a Level 1 will give 10 Exp. and to level up from Level 1 to 2 you need 1000 Exp. In addition, if one of your subjects kills a monster you get 1% of the share, and if it's someone like me with Full Loyalty to you, you get 10% of the share." Old Red Explained.

"Next time explain slowly please, but I understand. So should I jump in and kill these guys?" Max asked.

"If you want to die in seconds, Yes." Old Red replied.


"That's what I thought." Old Red Said.

"You're not ready yet, My Lord. Leveling up is important, Yes, but not that important in the grand scheme of things, and levels are only good in the beginning as they're the only way to increase your Mana Storage and Stats efficiently and easily. However, if you learn some good Survival skills and techniques in addition to your already powerful Unique Talent you can easily overpower Monsters with 10 times your level." Old Red added.

"Oh, and another piece of advice from me. Use your wits more than your fists. As a Lord and as a public enemy of this world, you're going to need your brain more than your powers... All The Time. That's it for today, let's go back. I think it's about time we summon your first subjects, My Lord."
