
Original Emperor

Follow the incredible journey of Max, a humble orphan from planet Earth who unexpectedly finds himself transported to The Whispering Wilds, a massive Wilderness within an unfamiliar planet. In this Dangerous Domain, Max is tasked with a responsibility he never asked for, forced to take care of a territory deep within lands able to take his life in the blink of an eye, while also having to take care of an ever-growing number of subjects with different mentalities, cultures, races, and beliefs, Lifting another heavy burden which is the life of his people alongside his. As Max progresses in his story, he experiences countless hardships, challenges, struggles, and catastrophes, So much for a job he never asked for, but cannot let go of due to his own ambitions, goals, and other reasons resulting from the consequences of his journey.

StellNem · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Subjects!

"Hehe, then allow me to introduce myself first!" The veiled woman spoke.

"My name is Tiara, Tiara McDokan, I'm from planet Zetra and my profession is a Nanny! Do not ask me about my age, and please don't embarrass yourself and come close to me, because I'm not comfortable with all men and only shake hands with those I want to. But, if you need anything from me, you're welcome!" Tiara said with a sweet voice.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Tiara! I hope we get along well, and I will make sure to keep your conditions in mind, and I'm thankful for your offer." Max replied with a smile.

"Hello, Gentlemen and Ladies, You can call me Jeff Ropez. I come from planet Lekora, and I am a carpenter. I am pleased to be one of the first people in this territory and would love to contribute and see it reach ever greater heights!" the Middle-Aged man stepped up and introduced himself as he took his hat off his head and put it in front of his chest and bowed down slightly.

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Sir Jeff, I'm also interested in carpentry and would love to learn about it and for us to work together to make some houses and furniture for us to use and for our future comrades." Max approached him and shook his hands as he said.

"Hello, My Lord! My name is Aria, I'm from planet Zetra too, and I'm a chef. If you're in need of any kind of delicacies I'm your number one to look for!" Aria, the second woman said energetically as she came closer to shake hands with Max.

"Thank you, Miss Aria, I'm looking forward to your cooking!" Max smiled once again as he said.

"Umm... H-hello, I'm Othman... Othman L. Ostora." The shy looking teen finally stepped up as he said in a weak voice.

"Uwwaa, what a cute little lad, come to this Lady here for a hug!" The veiled woman forgot all her earlier conditions and launched herself at Othman.

"WAAAAA!" Othman wanted to jump out of her way once he saw her but it was too late.

Max looked at them and snickered, he then turned to look at the last of his subjects, the young man who put up high airs as if he owned the entire world.

"What should I call you?" Max smiled as he said.

"None of your business, brat. Let me tell you, I ain't playing none of this Lord and Slave game, tell me the way out of here, I want to go live by myself." The young man said in an arrogant voice.

'This Fu-" Max almost cursed in his mind as his eyes twitched.

"My Lord." Just as Max wanted to speak, Old Red stepped up as he wanted to teach this little prick a lesson, but Max immediately stopped him with his arm and said.

"Very well, I won't stop anyone wanting to leave, look over there, do you see that greenish barrier? That's what protects us from getting killed. After you pass from it you're officially not my subject, but let me warn you, a few Kilometers from there you will most probably meet up with some not-so-likable creatures that you probably know as goblins, and the weakest of them is capable of lifting 5 of these trees as if they're just little rocks." Max kept his usual smile as he pointed towards the goblin village.

"Wh- Hmph!" the young prick harrumphed as he folded his hands and tapped his legs in annoyance.

"So what are you going to do?" Max asked once again.

"My name is Darek, Darek Molten." He replied in a weak voice as he gritted his teeth.

"Pfft! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The veiled woman suddenly laughed out loud as she pointed straight at him while holding Othman from his shoulder.

"Watch Yourself Woman! Otherwise, I Will show you what a man can do!" Darek yelled as he looked angrily at Tiara.

"Mind your actions, Darek! I won't-" Max was interrupted mid-parole as Tiara replied calmly.

"I dare you to try, young man!"

"This Slut!" Just as Darek wanted to walk towards her, a fist suddenly appeared before his eyes.



"You were told to mind your actions, Young Man!" Old Red cleaned his bloody fist as he reminded.

"My Face! My Face!"

Max looked at all of this with a look of surprise, he then went close to Old Red and said.

"Good Job! I mean, You didn't have to go that far."

"Nice One, Old man!" Tiara shouted with a thumbs-up.

Old Red merely looked at her before he turned his head to look at Max and said.

"I apologize if my actions were a bit overboard, My Lord."

"Alright, alright! It's sunset right now, let me prepare rooms for you to sleep in." Max said as he walked towards Darek, once he reached him he bent down and lifted him up.

"I'm sorry about that, but try not to be disrespectful to your comrades next time, please." Max smiled and said.

"Ugh, I- I will try."

"Excuse me, My Lord, May I know what you meant by saying that you will prepare rooms for us to sleep in?" Jeff said softly.

"Oh, haha, let me show you!" Max then proceeded to move towards the hut, he went to its left side touched it, and started moving backwards, and strangely, the wall was moving back with him.

"Oh, Lord!! What kinda magic is this?" Aria shouted in surprise.

Old Red who was still standing close to the subjects went over to Max and said.

"My Lord, I would like to remind you to be mindful of your mana, you do not have unlimited reserves."

"Don't worry, I know, I've felt my reserves emptying when I was playing with the trees earlier. But thank you for reminding me."

Max then proceeded to enter inside the hut, and multiplied the bed and blanket by 7.

How this worked is similar to when he separated the tree from its roots, he first made them longer and separated them into 7 parts equal in size.

He then went on to separate the now way longer hut in 5 parts, the middle one was where they assemble, like a large guest room, then to the right, is the space to-be kitchen and after it the Women's quarters.

To the left, was the men's quarters and after that, the Lord's room, Old Red was also with him in there.

And that was the initial Design of the First Lord House of the territory.
