
Oracle of Possibilities

The Hidden Oracle of Possibilities" is tale that follows the journey of a priest who possesses extraordinary abilities over the domain of fate. This priest, named Noah, discovers that he has the unique power to travel across various universes, exploring the vast multiverse. The story delves into the inner conflicts and personal growth of our protagonist as he grapples with the immense responsibility and consequences that come with his newfound abilities. The priest's unwavering belief in fate guides his actions, leading him to encounter different civilizations, cultures, and beings across the multiverse. As he explores these diverse universes, the priest encounters a multitude of challenges and obstacles that test his faith and understanding of the nature of fate itself. Along the way, he interacts with a variety of captivating characters, each with their own stories, beliefs, and perspectives on the concept of destiny. Throughout the book, the priest's relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth intertwines with his personal journey, as he seeks to uncover the secrets of the multiverse and the hidden forces that govern it. The story explores themes of identity, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things in the grand tapestry of existence ______________________________________ This is my first book and I was not very positive about this but a kind reader gave me some advice(May god bless him) and I am going try my best even if it does not become popular. Edit:Please ignore the cover it is the only fanart in my gallery which met the webnovels requirements it is not mine if you want me to take it down I will gladly do so.

Law_of_fortune · Movies
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23 Chs


In the ancient battlefield, the peace in the mansion that has been maintained for centuries is broken.

Sounds of explosions rang around every floor. The rampager was pissed. It was the supreme hunter in this area, trapping countless preys in it's claws but this time the prey was like a slippery eel.

Every time it comes close to him. He traps him in some absurd traps. The more it happened the more angrier it became, completely forgetting the fact about him being poisoned.

If it was it's former self, it would have questioned itself. Why he is only laying traps that couldn't hurt him much? Wasn't it to make him angry? But now he didn't even question it.

It just faithfully ran around the mansion screaming angrily.

It was right. Clint knew that it is not stupid. It is just unlucky enough to be caught in unexpected traps. Like the wire, it wouldn't be caught in such obvious traps.

For that to happen it first has to be angry enough.

Clint, ignoring the distant screams, searched his empty stach.

It is about time Clint has used everything except for arrows on his back.

Making his mind to settle this problem once and for all. He ran towards the stairs, climbing up to the fifth floor hallway.

At the other end of the hallway, he picked up a crudely made bow from animal tendons and wood.

He stretched the bow, Patiently waiting for the rampager to climb up.

And as he expected, the rampager spotted him from the other end of the hallway.

The angry rampager ran towards him like he was the reason for the demise of his entire family.

Clint patiently waited.

The rampager was fast, even faster then before crossing half the long hallway in just a minute.

Clint could hear his heart beating as he saw the ugly rampager face rapidly closing on him.

When he was just few seconds away, He released the arrow.


The arrow rapidly closed on the rampager. When it was moments away, the arrow split into two transforming into a bola that binded it's legs.

Due to the high speed it didn't stop and was sent flying towards clint.

Clint moved away, the rampager broked the railing rapidly falling towards the ground.

While in air, it regained clarity and hurriedly broke the binding on it's legs. It changed it's direction in the air by rolling and pushed itself up by kicking stairs on the side.

Continuing this action, it was rapidly climbing the tower but before it could be proud it saw it's prey aiming at him from above.

Clint released the arrow, with a swish the arrow just barely missed the head of the rampager.

Rampager was just about to mock it's prey when it saw a smile appear on clint's face.

Clint looked mockingly at the rampager waving at him before pressing the button fitted on his glove.


The arrow that the rampager just dodged suddenly exploded on it's face, Blasting the rampager towards the wall.

This wall was especially withered from time. The wall couldn't withstand the impact and broke.

The red musky sky appeared in it's vision coupled with the mysterious battlefield that seems to be centuries old with torn banners everywhere, it was like an artist master piece.

But it couldn't focus on those things because it's eye's were glued to the large skeleton.

It's fall stopped, Time seemed to have stopped for it to gaze at 'His' magnificence. The giant skeleton gave off a majestic aura, 'His' black body with the red tint seemed to have been through countless wars.

It didn't-, No, it couldn't move it's eyes from such beauty.

Red blood vessels appeared on the corner of it's eyes.

With a 'POP' it's head exploded splashing blood and brain matter.

Clint looked in astonment at the falling body from the crack.

It died? Just like that? Clint was really surprised, he didn't expect for that to kill him. Instead, he was betting on the fall to injure him and the headache from the skeleton was just a bonus.

When it couldn't hold it's rationality due to headache, he would have swiped the opportunity by shooting it's eye with the sharp spine of the creature into which clint preformed the transference ritual.

With the twin corruption messing with it's brain and severe injuries from the fall. It wouldn't be difficult for him to kill it. Who would have thought it would die like that?

Clint hurriedly came to himself and ran towards down.

Shit! What am I dwindling around for? It is good thing anyway. I should quickly collect it's remains. if some creature ate and became a beyonder I wouldn't even know who to curse!

Well, it wasn't big problem anyway. By the time he reached the ground floor, Clint already had the answer.

The only thing that the rampager have that clint didn't was that he was a beyonder and likely of the same pathway as the skeleton.

Clint reminded himself to not look at the skeleton next time he's here because he will definitely die if he was a beyonder.

While exiting he kept his head low and hurriedly reached the place where blood and flesh was scattered about.

It seems that when it died it's powers also weared off. Clint ,without minding the blood and flesh, started searching.

Not much after, Clint looked at the bony lower jaw of the creature that has fallen off.

It is now mettalic in colour with a red tint and gave off a sharp feeling.

Clint knew he found the thing he wanted.

The moment he picked up the jaw, His body disappeared from the world.


Phil felt a strong ivory light sting his eyes. He drowsingly opened his eyes to found the oracle Noah standing up, finally.

While the symbol on his feet was glowing with ivory light.

Phil hurriedly stood up from the pews ready to welcome Clint.

With a flash of bright light, Clint appeared on the Altair.

Phil was just about greet him with a smile when he noticed Clint bloodshot eyes, searching for someone.

Noah didn't notice anything amiss and with a smile on his face tried to hug Clint.


A punch connected to Noah's cheek. Noah looked at Clint in disbelief, first time his mask disappearing.

"That was for wrong information." A big smile appeared on his face.

Noah looked at Clint as if he's gone crazy.


If you are wondering where the curse of badluck came from. Remember, that Clint has transfered his badluck and negative affects to spine. With the help of Key it became even stronger. For Clint to have good luck his enemies will naturally have bad luck.

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