
Oracle of Possibilities

The Hidden Oracle of Possibilities" is tale that follows the journey of a priest who possesses extraordinary abilities over the domain of fate. This priest, named Noah, discovers that he has the unique power to travel across various universes, exploring the vast multiverse. The story delves into the inner conflicts and personal growth of our protagonist as he grapples with the immense responsibility and consequences that come with his newfound abilities. The priest's unwavering belief in fate guides his actions, leading him to encounter different civilizations, cultures, and beings across the multiverse. As he explores these diverse universes, the priest encounters a multitude of challenges and obstacles that test his faith and understanding of the nature of fate itself. Along the way, he interacts with a variety of captivating characters, each with their own stories, beliefs, and perspectives on the concept of destiny. Throughout the book, the priest's relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth intertwines with his personal journey, as he seeks to uncover the secrets of the multiverse and the hidden forces that govern it. The story explores themes of identity, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things in the grand tapestry of existence ______________________________________ This is my first book and I was not very positive about this but a kind reader gave me some advice(May god bless him) and I am going try my best even if it does not become popular. Edit:Please ignore the cover it is the only fanart in my gallery which met the webnovels requirements it is not mine if you want me to take it down I will gladly do so.

Law_of_fortune · Movies
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23 Chs


During the past two hours, Clint has throughly explored and memorized the entire Mansion.

It didn't take long. Although the mansion was big or more exactly massive but it was equally simple. This mansion could be summed in one word, 'Chaotic'.

The entire Mansion has five floors, Six if you count the roof top. But don't make the mistake to think it was small. The height and length of each floor was massive, Enough to fit a three storey house in height and shame an airport in length.

Every floor has countless small rooms fitted roughly in series and on top of each other.

No, I am not kidding, apart from the long and wide hallway at least a hundred rooms are huddled on top of each other like square booths with wooden ladders to climb on both sides of the hallway.

The only way to climb up the floors are the two towers connected on both sides of the mansion and the hallway. Aside from the stairs in a square design the entire tower is hollow devoid of any floors or resting platforms.

The entire Mansion doesn't have a single lounge aside from the first room connected with the main door. This mansion seems to have been build by a child with no complicated designs and abundance of unnecessary rooms.

Clint quickly arrived at the third floor and without making any unnecessary actions crossed the hallway and turned on the third intersection.

A few moments after Clint has disappeared the rampager also caught up to him. It didn't waste time and effortlessly saw his tracks and followed behind him.

Turning after the third intersection, it jumped towards the left wall using it as leverage and shooting towards the door to the second room on the right side.

The moment it entered the room it saw it's prey on the door opposite of him. While it was in the air the prey throwed a fan shaped shuriken towards him.

Thinking it couldn't dodge in the air, The rampager snorted at his ignorance. It rolled in the air changing it's direction and narrowly dodging the shuriken.

The prey seemed to have anticipated and quickly closed the metal door.

The rampager quickly turned around planning to leave the room and ambush him from another route instead of wasting it's time and energy on opening the heavy metal door.

Naturally, it's eyes fell on the shuriken that has been stuck on top of the door.

Suddenly, the shuriken exploded destroying the edge on top of the door and bringing down the storage cupboards, effectively closing the door and trapping him.

That's... Before it could understand the situation it's sensitive ears caught the sound of gas being released. It looked towards the sound to find a flat mine on the floor that was releasing a white gas.


Clint was running through the maze of rooms when he heard a thundering explosion in the distance.

His eyes narrowed making him look solemn on the outside but he was actually jumping in excitment in his mind.

Shit! It worked! It really worked! Clint resisted the urge to kneel and kiss the earth to thank the world.

He was not excited about the explosion in the distance because he knew that with the abilities that rampager displaced it will only results in a few broken ribs.

This entire trap was just a way for Clint to solve his puzzlement he has.

From the moment he has seen the rampager in the mansion he was puzzled.

This monster was completely different from the one he saw outside and he is not talking about it's appearance it is as ugly as it was outside but rather it's behavior.

Instead of the patience, focus and vigilance Clint noticed when he was outside, this rampager is just like a mindless beast that has thrown caution in the wind.

Morever, it was stupid enough to lose itself in excitment and didn't even noticed how Clint is able to move.

There has been a massive change in it's personality between the two hours Clint hasn't seen the rampager.

The only major thing that could have changed it's personality in those two hours, ofcourse if it didn't hit his head somewhere, is the ritual.

He remembered Noah's words, The God's curse able to make people so unlucky that they will die due to their own speciality.

Clint knows that with the reflexes and sharp senses it shows it can easily dodge any trap but he was still caught in the explosion. How? Even a dimwitted person would have noticed something by now.

The angry scream and the rushed footsteps in the back further proved his hypothesis.

I knew it! Lord wouldn't abandon me! He will surely regret losing a devoted person like me! Now that Clint knows about it he is more confident in his plan.


[New York- Grayburn College]

Today the peace of the quiet college has been broken. The place that should have been bustling with hopeful students is sealed close with dozens of military cars coming and going.

The atmosphere is tense and hectic with people shouting and reporter's trying to trap anyone who came close to them for answers.

With the afternoon sun as the background the scene looked right from apocalypse.

Dozen of black sedan's suddenly stopped in front of the University from which men and women in black suits emerged.

The reporters seem to have found their new target as they stared at the newly arrived company but before they could surround them.

The group hurriedly ran past the tape, seemingly being used to these situations.

"Gentleman, This is a restricted area. Please identify yourselves and vacate the premises immediately."

"This is Agent Romanoff from shield, from now this case is under our juridication"

The agent next to her immediately handed out a permit. The soldier, Emil, immediately snatched the permit. Halfway through reading his eyes expressed disbelief.

"You can't do that. The victim was from the military."

"And it was assigned to us first, He was our mentor."

"We already have a lead. If you give us enoug-"

"My Apologies, Mr. Blonsky, but the significance of this case has increased. Rest assured, we will throughly handle all aspects of the investigation."

"Gentleman, please escort all officers out and secure the evidence."


Emil was forcibly escorted out, shouting all the entire way. Natasha remained unfazed by his outburst and continued on her way.

Passing the several dozen officers who were being escorted out. She reached the inner most area of the college, it was a ground in the middle with a clocktower facing it and surrounded by classes.

Natasha studied the Agents in fully covered suits who were searching for any clue. While a man's dead body was hanging from the clocktower.

She didn't get too close as there were reports about agents hallucinating when they were close.

The man has stern features and a heroic mustache. His upper body was naked and has cuts all over with a red circle depicting a cow or a goat in the middle. The symbol gave a feeling of evil whoever looked at it.

If it was before meeting noah, she would have dismissed it at some delusional killer case who sacrifices people but now she couldn't be sure.

The man next to her handed her clipboard.

[Victim: Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross.

Victim's identity: Military General.

Motive: Sacrifice? Assailant: ????

Deployment: __________.

Signature:___________. ]

She thought for a moment before writing;Cathedral.

Looking at the eerie symbol on his chest and then general eyes which were still filled with fear, She couldn't help but make a cross on her chest.
