
Opposites Attract My Love

Story is for you to relax... "Marriage? Hahahaha very funny, if you want to fight come to the ground hmph!!!" "You know me very well my friend I will never destroy my soo cool life with marriage, even if you sell me off hmph!! Get away I don't wanna talk to you" Few months later "Marriage bureau!? Okay! We will marry, as long as you promise me that we will never have sex..." 'Definitely, I only want to be with you, my love nothing more or less' he thought inwardly and said "As you wish" he smiled dotingly "Hehehe Good... Let's sign the marriage contract then... By the way where is that paper I want, I would like to sign those first. This story? Aaaaa... Let me think A strong female lead - Definitely A strong Male lead - Obviously What is not obvious!? Maybe a female lead in itself... Soo this story is about a women who works for government who is free spirit, dominating, clumsy and talkative... As being their only sister her three considered brother or friend always pamper her a lot plus she is very spoiled too but never wanted to be depend on anyone anymore... And about a man who's only goal in his life was to be at top which he succeeded in 8 years of his career from bottom to top... Now after being forced by his family he needs to get married to a GIRL...!!!! Even though he is straight but what he hates the most is hypocritic girls... Abhijeet met a girl who is not hypocrite but totally opposite of him. The interaction was small but left a deep impression on him. Impression led to craving, craving to meet her again. For him she was the golden fleece of his life. It was not a love at first sight. But one of them wanted to believe it. Because with one sight of her make him believe she is the only one for him. It is said that if you want something from your heart, then the whole work takes place in an attempt to match it with you. I don't know if you're gonna like this novel or not but I would like to tell you to try this at least for 10 to 15 chapters might you like it then. At last I would like to tell you this story is not that messed but my English can be!! Because it's not my first language... I hope you will be able to stop yourself from criticizing me.... hehehe... Best of luck to me... # I am writing another book too... WHY AM I HOLDING ON YOU... COVER doesn't relate to me...

P_A_S · Urban
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216 Chs


In car

"Hey do you think I overdid it? Anyway atleast give me reward. Pretty please." Anna said with moving both her open palms in front of Rahul.

Rahul knew she would ask for it. He threw Doritos packet on her lap with an expressionless face.

"Hehehe my brother knows me the best. You know you can give me snacks three times as a meal and I won't complain to you a bit" Anna said while stuffing her mouth with Doritos.

What Anna loves the most in her life after family and friends is her snack. She used to walk 1 kilometres to save 10 bucks, because her family never wanted her to eat those unhealthy snacks which caused her stomach ache lot's of time so they always keep their watch on how she spends money.

"So what's more in my schedule if there's nothing I would like to go to my father's company, I need to have a talk with my brother" Anna said

"You still have some meetings to attend and some papers to read before you sign after that you can leave" Rahul said

"Bring me the paper I am gonna resign today for sure and even you can't stop me. BRING ME THE PAPER!!"Anna shouted in a dramatic way.

Sometimes Rahul badly wants to ask why she always acts like this. But he also knows the answer is that she only shows this side to those people who are connected to her emotionally, Anna loves it when she can express herself without thinking about what other people think of but still to be on the safe side she never shows her playful version to a random one.

"The paper is in the front cabin and a pen must be accompanying it." He said with a provocative smile.

"Huh! You think I won't. Wait, I'll show you now how daring I am, but I can't do it for the sake of my citizens . I can't leave them alone. So, let's go to the office. I'll try to hold back myself for my country" Anna said dramatically while wiping her fake tears.

Rahul just shook his head with a Chuckle.


After reaching home at night Anna was kind of frustrated and just wanted to sleep. But luck was not on her side. Just when she was about to lock her room suddenly her mom and dad budge inside.

"Hey what you guys are doing? I need to sleep, please get out."Anna said annoyingly.

"Shut up and come here we need to talk. You rarely come back home this early, and you won't be here tomorrow again." Mom anaya said.

"What you want talk say fast" Anna said

"So, this year you are already 26, which is a good age to get married. Don't say a word till we finish." Mom anaya said before Anna could object.

"We don't know what you are thinking and what you have planned for your future but this time you have to listen to us. We are not asking you to get married by the end of this month, you can take your time but at least start going on blind dates. it's not a big deal to meet some boys.

You never had any boyfriend you also hate having any intimate relation with boys please tell us are you lesbian? We can understand we are not against it but let us know at the least." Mom Anaya said

"Woahhhh!!! Like really mum just because I never had a boyfriend you think I am lesbian!? Let me clear myself, I am straight. I definitely don't like boys as my boyfriend. They are good as long as they are my friends. I just don't like this kind of relation why you guys don't understand I am not against it I just don't want it for myself so please stop this I am not going to get married with any stranger and spend my so called wedding night with that stranger" Anna said with a calm face but with a cold voice. and continue-

"So end of this conversation because it will never end and I can't sacrifice myself to pleased you, so please don't force me"

Anna just went straight to the bathroom to ignore those useless conversations.

"What should we do? We need to get this straight as soon as we can, we can't let her live her life alone just because of her strange ideology we need to ask Rahul" Mom Anaya said.

"I just never get this girl why she is so different from those cute girls. I also want to pamper her but I can't because she doesn't need it. I don't know if I am wrong or right but if I have to force her to get married I will need to understand that she can't live her whole life alone" Mr. Reddy / dad said.


Next day

Rahul came early as per Mrs Reddy wanted.

After talking to them Rahul was also convinced that Anna needs to understand even if she wants to live alone, first she should try to go for some blind date. Without trying she can't take this important decision of her life so easily and especially just because of her stubbornness towards the next gender.

Later Rahul promised Mr and Mrs Reddy that he will try to talk with Anna and try to convince her otherwise he will ask her friends Gautam, nirmal and yagya to talk to her. Because Anna never acts unreasonable in front of them.

When Anna came down for breakfast she saw Rahul talking to her parents in the drawing room with so much seriousness just like he is planning for ISI's next attack. It was strange because the first thing Rahul does every morning in her house is to wake her up but today he didn't.

'Whatever' she just ignored it and started having her breakfast. Later Rahul and Mr and Mrs Reddy also joined her. Anna was quite curious about their talk but still ignored it because she doesn't want to talk with her parents after last night, at least for a day to tell them that she is serious about her decision and won't discuss it further.