
Only I Level Up in This God Forsaken World

In this world where hunters with various magic powers battle monsters that invade through other dimensions known as "Gates". Then one day, 10 years after the "The Great Disaster" a "Tower" appears out of thin air and after 3 months of its appearance a menacing timer appears on top of it like a doomsday clock, as the time to its countdown nears. Follow the story of Kim Ryu an orphan graduate high schooler and an aspiring Hunter who wants to take revenge on the monsters that nearly took his life years ago, he appears to be carefree and easygoing but is full of despair from inside because of his savings that he saved from working overtime which he all used in the Hunter test he failed. Then one day when going home from work in an incidenexperience's. 1 Chapter as big as 2 chapter's will be released every 2 days Over Several thousand years ago a strange phenomenon that turned most of mankind into dust except a selected few for reasons that are unknown later came to be known as the Cataclysm. 5000 years After civilization fell, the remaining population from being savage hunters to building walled cities had managed to survive over the last few decades, in the year 902 of the new era calendar humanity is trying its best to advance from the Stone Age back to the modern age until small but strange black portals started appearing out of nowhere. Eric Yeager a high schooler and an aspiring scientist had lived his life peacefully until the Cataclysm giving him endless slumber. One Day After hearing a strange voice he woke up from endless darkness only to find himself surrounded by a world totally different from the one he was used to live in. Dumbstruck by the new reality in front, he resolves to find out who turned humanity into dust and why? and to use science to help rebuild the world until one day he comes across a strange black portal that brutally changed his life forever. [Welcome Player Eric]

Az_Tempest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Transmigration: The Four Cardinal Heroes

"Hmm" with a smile on his face

I just got a really good weapon for a decent price this will do for now. Ryu thought to himself but then suddenly.

[You will now be Transmigrated to another world for 2 days]

"Eh!?, w..wait this is too so--"


He was then teleported , it seemed like he had vanished into thin air , he was reported as disappearing by the people near him at that moment and was later reported as a missing person when he didn't show up anywhere for 2 days.

"I can't see anything at al--"

As he was saying those words while his eyes were closed and he couldn't see what was happening around him, he just felt a strange sensation of being lifted and then suddenly he felt his feet touch the grandly built tile floor.

"This place is?" Ryu said.

It was a huge and medieval style audience chamber like those in movies where the king sat down, the pillars around it were made grandly with sculptures engraved onto them and red curtains dyed with melted gold were hanging on their sides , countless knights were standing everywhere with their weapons and there were wizard-like people surrounding him .

Soon he noticed 3 people started talking beside him.

"Ah..,where am i ?"

"Who are you people?"

"Wasn't i playing games a moment ago?"

and the fourth person stood silent and confused.

As Ryu looked at them he noticed that their appearance was that of modern residents and not of medieval ones,

'Are they people from earth?' Ryu though to himself


[Welcome to the world of Eldnoir]

"I see.."

Soon a person in a black robe proclaiming himself as a mage came up

"My apologies for startling you guys you have been summoned here into this world as the Four Cardinal her-"

"Alright , just shut it i've seen this before in novels you will just shamelessly tell us to protect your country right?"

The person holding the spear said ,he had brown messy hair and a tall stature and a spear in his hand.

'When did he get the spear'

Thinking that Ryu glanced at the other three people , the black haired one was holding a Sword he had a medium stature , while a Golden haired boy who seemed to be a foreigner was holding a bow, while the last one who seemed to be Japanese has a shield with him. the Black haired person moved forward pointing his sword and said.

"I don't care what is going on, send me back home immediately"

"Hero, pls calm down i understand how you feel but i do not have the authority to send you back home, you see the Four Cardinal heroes can only be sent back when the calamities are over you see , i am but a mere mage who helped in summoning my name is Jarvis"

'Calamities? what is he talking about' Ryu said to himself

"Okay Jarvis, what do you mean by Four cardinal heroes?" the one with the bow said

"Yes , the four ca--" the mage stopped talking when he glanced at Ryu

He spoke in a low voice to the other people.

"Why is there a fifth person here? wasn't there only supposed to be four!?"

"I am not sure maybe something went wrong?"

"I probably think there is nothing to worry about this person seems harmless, moreover he does not have a cardinal weapon with him"

"True" Jarvis said.

They people surrounding Ryu started a ruckus they were probably Aristocrats .

"Why is a fifth person here ?"

"Weren't there only four heroes?"

"Who knows maybe they were actually five? it could have been that the records about the fifth were erased"

"Is that even possible?"

Many people started questioned meanwhile Ryu.

'These guys are really annoying'


As Ryu was saying that to himself he heard a Firm and Domineering sound which silenced the crowd, then.

"I am well aware that you are taken aback by your circumstances , but time run short for us our adventurers and knights were almost wiped out completing the first wave as the monsters keep getting stronger ,thus we have have called upon you the four hero-- i mean five heroes"

'Hmm seems to me like he is talking about a dungeon break?'

Ryu frowned at the mans words , he seemed to fully understand that he was not welcomed here.

"I am this Country's King , the 43rd ruler of Ingrasia , my name is Rion , should you save this country you will be Duly compensated , Aside from that i have funds prepared to help you work to your fullest"

'Now then, heroes i will hear of your names"

"My name is Kitamaru Kazuya, i'm 20 and a University student " said the one who had the spear

"My name Gabriel , i'm 17 and in High School" said the one with the bow

"I'm Tatsuma Zen , i'm 18 and in High School ' said the one with the sword

The one with the shield hesitated and said.

"My name is Zetto , i'm 21 and an office worker"


"Kazuya , Gabriel and Zen"

"And the fifth?"

Everyone stared at Ryu

"My name is Kim Ryu "

"You do not possess a Cardinal weapon, you are of no worth just like the shield"

It seems i'm really not welcomed here Ryu thought ,

'i don't seem to welcome the shield as well is it because it isn't an attacker role?'

Ryu thought something didn't feel right about this.

"Now could everyone please confirm their status?" said Jarvis

"didn't you notice yet an icon in your field of vision try opening it" said Zen


Then the voices came.

"I'm a Spear hero"

"I'm a Sword hero"

"I'm the bow Hero"

"I am Shield Hero!?"

Ryu didn't pay attention but suddenly they looked at him and said

"What's your class?, have you also played something similar to this world?"

'Eh?, what are they going on about!?"

He thought that these guys had gone crazy when they said 'have you played something similar to this world' though he did not know at that time that the thing that they were talking about was that they played or have experienced this world before and are full aware of the future events happening here and when Ryu proceeded to answer it.


[Error: Detected a Eldnoir system, Commencing Absorption]


before Ryu could proceed further .

"You may enter and select the hero you will server" The king said

The huge door opened behind them.

When they all took their position only 2 people were left with no companions

One was the shield hero and the other was Ryu

"Seems like no one has volunteered to Act with the 2 heroes "

"The shield is the weakest class


"As i am Merciful, i will grant both the hero of the shield and the Dagger Hero who has a shabby dagger, here is a sum of 5 silvers have your reward and leave "

Ryu than opened his eyes wide open

'is he seriously abandoning the both of us after summoning himself!?'

'i am not powerful enough yet although i want to crush his damn skull he is powerful than me i have no choice but to accept and leave'

He had decided to turn around and leave getting a few silvers was more than enough since he didn't even expect to be summoned in a court rather he had prepared for the worst since he thought that he might have to spend the days in a jungle or a dangerous place in the other world

"Tch" Ryu said in a low voice and left.


[12 hrs left to complete quest First Kills]

"It seem i should get to killing monsters since this world seems to have them, i don't have time....,but where do i find Monsters?"

When he was thinking a soldier came up from behind and told him.

"Hero, if you are looking for an inn to stay you need money , you will probably need to hunt low level monsters in the forest located at the outskirts of the village, you can sell their mana stones that they drop to the Adventurer guild or to the Butcher or you can just pick herbs from the forest and sell it in the market in the middle of the city but that requires experience, though if you want to sell to the guild you would have to take a 8 hour test to join it first"

"I see thanks for the info"

"It is my duty sir Hero"

'seems like not everyone is as bad as the king'

Ryu then nodded and left, the information he was given was really helpful but he had no need to register at the Guild since he knew the level he was at there was no way that they would accept him as a member so the only way he had was to go hunt monsters in the forest and sell to the butcher.

'I wonder how is the shield hero doing?, i have no way to help him right now since i'm also in a dire situation'

He then came up to an Inn and entered it, A lady greeted him

"I would like to stay for 2 nights how much will it be?"

"It will be 70 copper"

He then gave a silver coin .

"Here is you 30 copper extra" said the lady

"Thank you"

Ryu then went up the stairs to his room, it was an old shabby one but it was in a live-able state, Ryu then laid down on the bed and looked at the status screen.

[If you choose to do (Y)

You will gain a Random Skill from the System ]

[If you choose to do (N)

You will gain title : Hero of ?

You will gain a Legendary Weapon

You will lose the System]

Without further doubt he chose Y as he knew which was better, it was obvious that the system was better since it could Absorb the System the Heroes or this whole world uses , he knew this when he saw a note on the inn wall indicating that in this whole world everyone uses the status and everything is determined by levels , so he did not choose N since he would lose the Oldest system.


[You have Absorbed the Eldnoir system]

[You have obtained 'Absorption lvl 1' (Growth-Type)]

[You have obtained 'View lvl 0' ]

[Absorption lvl 1 | F | 0%

Type: Unique (Growth Type)

Active skill.

Can Absorb a Monster and gain its species skill]

[View lvl 0 | F | 0%

Type: Rare (Growth type)

Active skill.

Mana: 1

Cannot use with current mana stat

Can view the status screen of others who are weaker then the caster]

[System Guide:

While absorbing a monster corpse you may not be able to absorb a magic skill if you don't have the said skills attribute.

Absorbing a skill more the once will increase the said skills proficiency

Skills that are Growth-type will increase in Rank when they reach level 10 , while the skills that are not will stop at level 10 and won't display a rank]

"The status guide is really helpful!, anyway the absorption skill is op as well"

Ryu said to himself when he saw the status screen floating above his head.

"My mana stat is 0 so i can't seem to use the view skill, but that is pretty good as well since i can view my opponents strength"

"Then its decided lets level up then"

Ryu than got of his bed and started going down the stares and then.

"Umm.., excuse me "

The receptionist called out to him.


"The imperial guards were here, they said to give this to you"

The receptionist handed over a wooden card, as Ryu saw it he knew that this was some sort of identity card

Name: Kim Ryu

Status : Commoner

Job: Hero

"Thank you for handing this over"

"No problem" the receptionist lady said with a smile.

Ryu than left the inn and headed towards the city exit

"Stop right there!"

A guard soldier stopped him.

"I haven't seen you around here before can i have you ID"

"Oh yes!"

Ryu handed over the wooden ID to him.

"Oh my, sincerest apologies i did not know that you were a Hero you may go forward now"

He then handed over the wooden ID, Ryu then started walking outside what he saaw next was a vast place with a vast forest on the left and the mountain covered with at their top and with a road in between it was a Majestic sight, he then started headed towards the forest with a dagger in his hand , when he came near the outskirts of the forest he found a Chubby blue looking creature , it soon looked towards him and then.


"Ugh , that was close!"

Ryu immediately dodged when the creature nearly hit his head.

"The impact was hard i would've surely suffered an injury if i hadn't dodged in time..."


"Damn, i can't believe what i'm seeing is that really a slime!?"

Ryu than thought of rushing towards it and stabbing it with the dagger since slimes were low level mobs in games, but he was wrong this was reality when he approced the slime..


[Hp 40/100]


While Ryu fell down the smile approached him with a dash


Ryu then in terror held out his dagger , though even if it was a monster that could kill Ryu it was still a monster with intellect .


Ryu opened his eyes in surprise he had pierced the monster but it did not die it was even regenerating.

"What is that stone!?"

He quickly got the instinct to crack that stone, and without further due he ran towards the monster before it could repair itself.



He struck the stone with all his might with the dagger.


[You have killed a slime +10 exp]

He took a deep breath and as soon as he regained his senses .

"Lets try it!"


[You have absorbed the slime]

[No affinity with water attribute failed!]


He tried again in a desperate state

[You have gained skill Dash]

[Dash Lvl 1 | F |0%

Type: Common (Growth-type)

Mana: 1

Active Skill

You can 2x your speed for 3 seconds]

Ryu gave a wide smile


He tried the skill immediately he felt like he was really light and twice as fast as his real speed.


He looked up

[ You have 0 Mana 1 Hp is consumed]



[Level 1: 10/100]

"I'll keep hunting"

He then then started hunting slimes the entire time while dodging with Dash and along with collecting mana stones and absorbing corpses along the way


[Dash: 60%]

He felt like getting stronger when the exp piled up even when he didn't level up.

then suddenly four slimes showed up suddenly he dodged 3 of them while the 2 of them hit him.

[Hp: 20/100]


While he did feel pain , rushed towards the slime that had just attacked him with a Dash


One approached him from the behind he fended it of with a slash it fell down wwith its mana stone exposed, Ryu ran towards it and slashed its mana stone.



Suddenly another slime came up to him but he dodged in time then he thrusted his dagger towards it with full strength.


As he gasped for breath , the last slime approached him , he gritted his teeth , and rushed towards it while the slime too jumped towards him.


Ryu then fell down with exhaustion. but it was not over.


When he saw the goblin approaching him he stood up he was different from before the last time he faced a goblin he was weak but now he could stand his ground.

The goblin stood their laughing at the weak Looking Ryu who was about to faint but then Ryu with Hatred.

Thud! Dash!


He moved his dagger towards the Goblins throat while it was shocked



While his head feel to the ground


[You have leveled up]

[You have completed the quest 'First Kill']

He reached out his hand to absorb the corpses.

[You have gained 'Slash' ]

[Slash lvl 1 | F | 0%

Type: Common (Growth-type)

Mana: 1

Active Skill

You can use 1.5x your original strength to attack]

"Sigh!, this was a hell of an adventure"

His body which was aching everywhere with intense pain had quickly healed like nothing happened.

He then clenched his fist and started walking towards the city gate.

"Hey you there whi are you" The guard said

"It's me remember?"

"Oh! , Hero forgive me I didn't notice you since your appearance is a bit.."


It was true the Guard couldn't recognize him since his whole body was covered in blood his face too, his clothes were all worn and tattered. No one could recognize him in that state.

He then started walking in the city as he was too tired even though his body healed his mind didn't , without paying attention to everything he entered the inn.

"Who is that?"

"Don't Know, but he looks Scary"

"Yeah , like a devil covered in blood"

"A blood Demon!"

"Shssh!, he might hear you!"

The people talked about Ryu in a low voice, but Ryu didn't pay attention as he headed towards the Receptionist.

"I would like to go straight to sleep please don't disturb me"


The receptionist replied with a frightened tone , though Ryu was too tired to notice this but this incident that just happened would've had Ryu known as "The Blood Demon" in this other world.

Ryu then headed upstairs , he entered his room and took a bath while cleaning his clothes it took him some time to clean the blood which made him even more tired and then after hanging his clothes to dry he jumped on the bed and started sleeping immediately with loud snores like he had never slept before in the last years.

[Only 1 Day left until you will be Transported back to Earth]

Sorry for late release I wasn't feeling well the Day before

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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