
Only I Level Up in This God Forsaken World

In this world where hunters with various magic powers battle monsters that invade through other dimensions known as "Gates". Then one day, 10 years after the "The Great Disaster" a "Tower" appears out of thin air and after 3 months of its appearance a menacing timer appears on top of it like a doomsday clock, as the time to its countdown nears. Follow the story of Kim Ryu an orphan graduate high schooler and an aspiring Hunter who wants to take revenge on the monsters that nearly took his life years ago, he appears to be carefree and easygoing but is full of despair from inside because of his savings that he saved from working overtime which he all used in the Hunter test he failed. Then one day when going home from work in an incidenexperience's. 1 Chapter as big as 2 chapter's will be released every 2 days Over Several thousand years ago a strange phenomenon that turned most of mankind into dust except a selected few for reasons that are unknown later came to be known as the Cataclysm. 5000 years After civilization fell, the remaining population from being savage hunters to building walled cities had managed to survive over the last few decades, in the year 902 of the new era calendar humanity is trying its best to advance from the Stone Age back to the modern age until small but strange black portals started appearing out of nowhere. Eric Yeager a high schooler and an aspiring scientist had lived his life peacefully until the Cataclysm giving him endless slumber. One Day After hearing a strange voice he woke up from endless darkness only to find himself surrounded by a world totally different from the one he was used to live in. Dumbstruck by the new reality in front, he resolves to find out who turned humanity into dust and why? and to use science to help rebuild the world until one day he comes across a strange black portal that brutally changed his life forever. [Welcome Player Eric]

Az_Tempest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The System


"Where is this?....i c..an't see anything at all"

He said as he was surrounded by pitch black darkness, then suddenly he remembered that he had fainted when he got hit in the head by an Orc from behind , with that in mind he shouted with distress.

"Is anyone here!?....anyone!?...get me out of here!...please..."

As no one had replied to his distressful shouts , he said in a low voice

"I had received a brain injury and a fatal one so.....could...it be that i'm dead?"

As he clenched his fists with a determined expression .

"No,I must get out of here, there is so much i haven't done yet.."

Sigh! he took a deep breath

"This must be one of those damned monster's tricks...maybe illusion magic?"

As he looked at his fists he noticed he only had a soul no body.

"Ugh n..no way....i'm D...dead.. aren't i!?



As he heard a notification sound while staring at himself , he hurriedly turned towards where the sound came from.

[You have completed the Secret mission "Courage of the Weak"]

[As a reward Player "Kim Ryu" your system will be upgraded to "Oldest System"]

[Congratulations on Awakening 'Kim Ryu']

He saw a words floating on a blue Screen

"Eh?, wait awakening?..."

"But, i'm talentless i have no trait"

"Ah right... this must be a dream this isn't real i have to get out"

"Hey... i know this is fake get out of my face you damned monsters illusion!"

[This is not a dream]


Ryu's whole body was hit with a electric shock.


As he suddenly woke up because of the pain woke up he saw a white ceiling and smell of disinfectant in the room , he was in a hospital room, as he tried to get up a nurse came up to him.

"I see that you are already awake now"

As he looked at her he said

"A hospital?"

"How did i get here wasn't in the street?"

"Oh my, it seems you don't remember , you were rescued by a B rank Hunter "

Ah so i was rescued.

"Would you like to have something sir?"

"Ah..no i'm good"

"I see, then i'll be going now"


As he took of the blanket around him, he noticed that all his wounds were now gone.

"I...Survived and i feel no pain at all"

"Its like all my wounds just disappeared....could it be because the message that i saw in the dream?"

"No, it can't be that"

He rejected that thought from his mind.

"That type of stuff only happens in novels"

Kim Ryu lays down on the bed and lets out a deep sigh.

The door of the ward opened and people in suits came in.

"Excuse us, is this the room of mr. Kim Ryu?"

"Who are you people"

"I apologize if we startled you"

A man with a sturdy stature came up to Ryu and gave him a card as Ryu read it.

"The Hunter associations Surveillance team... why does the team want to talk to me"

"My name is Jin-Hwan , a B rank hunter and the section chief of monitoring devision of the Association"

Jin-Hwan dragged a chair closer to Ryu's bed and sat down. the other people who were with him stood ,behind him.

"After receiving your

report , we sent the "White Rose" guild and some of our agents. But by the time we got there .... there was nothing there, you were the only one we found there lying on the ground being heavily wounded and just about to die..."

"But that can't be there was dungeon break and...."

"Do not worry mr.Ryu we believe your statement, although that isn't the only reason recently there have been dungeons spawning out of nowhere and instantly causing a break...we believe your case to be one of them"

"Ah.. i see"

"But, the thing we wanted to confirm is that if mr.Ryu really a normal person or an Awakened, don't worry we do not mean any harm"

"But, i'm already evaluated and a Talentless"

"This is just our guess, but....we think you may have undergone a second awakening , since you were heavily wounded but your wounds instantly healed on their own so... "

A second awakening! Ryu thought to himself.

The capabilities of a Hunters powers are determined when they first awaken however, in Rare , some Hunters Re-awaken. There have also been cases of Hunters surpassing their limits. Some C-Rank Hunters have advanced to A-Rank and some A-rank Hunters awakened as S-Rank , Often referred to as 'Re-Awakening' .

Originally, once a Hunter's rank was assigned at the beginning, it rarely changed. A Hunters abilities were determined the moment they awakened that is why.

However it was different story for those who went through the Re-awakening process.

'If i have Re-awakened i would be able to kill monsters and earn a lot since hunters are paid really well' he thought to himself

"This is a Mana core all you have place your hand on top of the Essence stone to measure your mana"

In This world a Hunters rank was determined by Monsters mana core if a person was able to completely light up an E-rank meter core he would be E-rank if the person would be able to break the E-rank meter core he would be a D-rank Hunter and so on....




'Even The weakest E rank hunter has a score of at least 70'

"How are the results?"

"You have awakened as an F-Rank Hunter"

"Oh..F rank."

Ryu did not feel bad, because being an F rank was still better than being Talentless.

"We'll be gong then.. we seem to have taken a lot of your time, though being an F rank isn't that bad it is still better than E rank since F ranks do not have to face danger directly. Here is the Association card."


As they left Ryu Looked up and said.

"Why is that still here?.... maybe it's not an illusion after all?"

"Though the people from the Association did not seem like they saw it"

"Should i have just told them about it?"

[Pls say 'Status window' in order to Enable the System]

As he looked at the screen words just came out of his mouth.

"S..Status window"

[Status Window]

Name: Kim Ryu

Age: 20

Level: 1

Title: None

Class: None || Sub Class: None

Constellation: None

HP: 100/100 || MP: 0/0 || Stamina: 100/100


Strength: 1 | Defense: 1 | Agility: 1 | Physique: 1

Stamina: 1 | Mana: 0 | Soul: 1 | Dexterity: 0

Life: 20/90 | Charisma: 1 | Endurance: 1 |Luck: 5

Ability Points : 0

Coins: 0




Passive: None

Active: None

[Subordinate] (Skill not acquired)


The status window briefly displayed Ryu's info.

"Hmm...well it's not entirely wrong, but still"

He reached out his hand towards the system in doubt.


"This Certainly Isn't a dream I can feel pain and also touch that screen infront of me"


[System Guide:

1. You can Voice command in your mind

3. The Experience that is accumulated will also make you stronger until you level up (Leveling isn't easy)

2. You will gain 4 stat points per level up

3. Stat can be increased by either using points or by doing the action that uses the said stat to it's limit (only do if you have a way to save your life after)

4. You can only Upgrade Attributes by using Points

5. You can Eaitger Increase skill with points or use it to the limit until you sieze.]

"Ah I see seems that it will be quite hard to level up"

"But, still I can't believe this is really happening...well I should get going now since all my injuries are gone"

Ryu stood up and took of the blanket covering him.


What he saw next was an Evaluation letter left by the Agents, he picked it up and started walking down the corridor of the hospital , he had already been checked as a healthy person so he could leave without any further due.

He then came out of the Hospital and Looked at his Phone.

Account: Kim Ryu

Balance: 156,000 won


"This was my last day of work as well....do I have to work as a Hunter then?.... even an F rank can make atleast 30,000 won a day..."

"Let's just get home first and see what to do"

He Took the nearest Subway home.


"It feels like it's been years since I've been home"

He let out a deep breath after entering then he noticed another message.


[You have 3 unread Messages in inbox]

"It's Still here?"

[Detected that host is not in belief]


His entire body was electrified in pain he said

"This is not a dream..."


"Check inbox"

[Side Quest: First Kills

Difficulty: F

Mission: Kill any 10 Monsters

Progress: 0/10

Reward: Subordinate skill unlocked

Failure: Death ]

"So I have no choice but to become a Hunter then..."

[Main Quest: Grand Scenerio

Difficulty: Unknown

Mission: In 3 Days the Timer ends on The Tower , The First Scenerio will Start and the Whole Universe and the Multiverse will Participate the world will end and become new]


As he saw that he thought that the Timer was 3 months but for some reason has speeded up.

He turned on the TV to the Tower stream channel

[Today we are at the Tower and as we can see the Timer that was supposed to be a 3 month one, has now suddenly speeded up a lot we expe--

He turned off the TV knowing what they would say next.


He looked up again to the last message

[You Have Completed The Secret Quest "Courage of the Weak"


Oldest System (Un-measureable)

Skill "Transmigration" (Transcended-Rank) ]

[You Have Acquired Transmigration]

"Transmigration!, is this system for real!? , thats too OP for a skill"

[ Skill: Transmigration Lv.Max ( 1-time use)

Passive Skill

It is a skill that allows the user to Transmigrate into a different world

Duration: 42hrs]

[12 hrs left until Transmigration skill is forcefully used]

"it seems i need to go to the Association.... i have to level up but for that i need to enter a dungeon"

He said as he knew that the otherworld won't be a simple deal , he took out the Letter of Evaluation and headed for the Hunters Associations main Entrance, there were 4 Hunters standing near there they started to say out loud.

"Hey look isn't that our infamous good-for-nothing Hunter?"

"Tch, why does that bastard coming here ? does he still want to become a Hunter even after he was evaluated as a Talentless!?"



As They laughed at Ryu , he said in a low voice "

"One day, i will get back at you for this insult today bastards"

As one of the Hunters heard what Ryu had said he put his hand on Ryu's shoulder and said.

"Oi!, Trash what did ya just day about us huh!?"

Ryu knew he had gotten in trouble now so he cleverly and quickly ran inside the Associations main entrance , knowing that they wouldn't cause him trouble inside as that would get them into trouble,

"Get back you Trash!"

"Tch, we can't follow him there let's just leave that trash be"


The Hunters that provoked Ryu left.

Ryu than calmly walked towards the reception lady.

"Hi, i would like to register as a Hunter, here is my Evaluation letter"

Hearing Ryu the reception lady looked at the letter and took out a Mana meter.

"Sir kindly put your hand on this device so we can know your attribute and verify your identity as well"


Ryu nodded and put his hand on the meter, the meter stone did not glow up that much and just gave a dim and colorless white light, looking at that the receptionist said witha smile to Ryu.

"Mr. Ryu pls wait a moment here i will be right back"


While waiting for the lady receptionist to return he looked around the building, it was really huge, many Hunters had come today to register or either change their class as it was a must because it determined your role in the raid party for example the Primary Jobs were as followed , Swordsman , Mage , Archer , Warrior , Tanker , Spearman , Healer and Assassin and other less known jobs , while the Secondary one's were Magic Swordsman , Magic Warrior , Summoner , Pet Master , Paladin and other Variants of less known jobs while the jobs that are higher than that are Unknown to the common people of this world, then the receptionist had come back with her manager as he said.

"We are sorry Mr. Ryu to have kept you waiting , but unfortunately you cannot become a Hunter "

"But, why?!"

"We have determined that it would be dangerous to have you enter a dungeon at your level since your physical capabilities are even lower than an average F-Rank Hunter along with the fact that you have no attributes , we are sorry and good luck!"

Ryu had somewhat expected that already since he knew that because the status window had already shown that to him , with a deep sigh he left the Association building and said"

"At this rate i would have to go to the other world at level 1 ...tch"

As he clenched his fist i thought came in his mind , if the world is going to end in a few days he would have no use of his money here since he was going to be summoned to the otherworld for the last 2 days and even if he it turned out to be fake he didn't have any other but to Hunt Monsters to make a living, with a determined expression.

"Lets go get a weapon"

with that said he looked at his balance f 130,000 won he couldn't afford going to a bigger shop so he took the subway to the market and entered an old shop there.


"Mr ?"

"My name is Robert"

Said the shop keeper.

"Yes, i would like to purchase a long-dagger my balance is a 100,000 won"

"Huh?, you want to get a weapon with that puny amount?"

"Thats all i have"

Ryu said with a smile

"Huh these are all the Dagger's i have "

As Ryu looked at them he saw a screen.

[ F- rank dagger

Durability: 70%}

[E-rank dagger

Durability: 60%]

It even shows the info of items as he thought to himself he saw a peculiar item info in a shelf corner he went near it and picked it up.

[ E - rank dagger

Durability: 50%

Ability: +1 attack]

"I would like this one, how much for it?"

As the shopkeeper glared at him he said.

"You have a keen Sight kiddo"

"Originally this was a 200,000 won item , i'll give it you for 110,000 won"

"Eh i can't accept that...."

"Do you want it or no?"

"I... i do.."

"Then just give me only 110,000 won you can pay the rest later "

Ryu without hesitation gave the amount.

"Thank you, Mr. Robert"

"Yeah, yeah just get going already kiddo"

Ryu than gave a 90 degree bow and left through the door.


As he left the shop with a satisfied expression.

"I can't believe i got a weapon with an ability for just 110,000 won, although it has a 50% durability left it is still good for now"

As he was talking to himself.


[Wait time is over you will now be forcefully Transmigrated to another world for 2 days]

There will be a chapter as big as 2 chapter after every 2 days

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