
Only I Level Up in This God Forsaken World

In this world where hunters with various magic powers battle monsters that invade through other dimensions known as "Gates". Then one day, 10 years after the "The Great Disaster" a "Tower" appears out of thin air and after 3 months of its appearance a menacing timer appears on top of it like a doomsday clock, as the time to its countdown nears. Follow the story of Kim Ryu an orphan graduate high schooler and an aspiring Hunter who wants to take revenge on the monsters that nearly took his life years ago, he appears to be carefree and easygoing but is full of despair from inside because of his savings that he saved from working overtime which he all used in the Hunter test he failed. Then one day when going home from work in an incidenexperience's. 1 Chapter as big as 2 chapter's will be released every 2 days Over Several thousand years ago a strange phenomenon that turned most of mankind into dust except a selected few for reasons that are unknown later came to be known as the Cataclysm. 5000 years After civilization fell, the remaining population from being savage hunters to building walled cities had managed to survive over the last few decades, in the year 902 of the new era calendar humanity is trying its best to advance from the Stone Age back to the modern age until small but strange black portals started appearing out of nowhere. Eric Yeager a high schooler and an aspiring scientist had lived his life peacefully until the Cataclysm giving him endless slumber. One Day After hearing a strange voice he woke up from endless darkness only to find himself surrounded by a world totally different from the one he was used to live in. Dumbstruck by the new reality in front, he resolves to find out who turned humanity into dust and why? and to use science to help rebuild the world until one day he comes across a strange black portal that brutally changed his life forever. [Welcome Player Eric]

Az_Tempest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Return

Chirp! Chirp!

As the sound of birds in the morning rang in Ryu's ears, he woke up.


He looked around his room in a dazed state, as he recalled the events that happened the day before.

"So much has happened"

As he looked at his fist he clenched them.

"Well!, time to start another day!"

As he said that he got up from his bed while pushing away his blanket , he headed towards the small wooden balcony of his inn apartment , he picked up his clothes that he left there last night to dry and wore them.

Sigh! . He took a deep breath.

"Should i grind some Monsters today as well?"

Although he did not want to go through the last nights experience again , he did not have a choice since this was a world of survival of the fittest so he had to risk his life everyday to live here and moreover to prepare for the 'Grand Scenario' although he did not know what exactly that meant but his senses would tell him that it wasn't anywhere near anything good.

As soon as he went near his room door to open it a notification appeared.


[You have completed quest 'First kills'

Rewards: Subordinate skill unlocked]

[Subordinate Lvl 0 | F

Active skill.

Mana: 100

You can make a contract to the following person to restrict the other person from betraying you

Condition: You must get the consent of the target.]

"Hmm that may prove to be a useful skill, ,maybe i can raise an army with it?"

that though was soon forgotten once he saw the mana required for the skill to be casted.


"But, seems like i can't use this skill for the time being"

"Skill window"


Dash Lvl 1| F , Slash Lvl 1 | F ]



"Seems like i still couldn't level it up"


He sighed in disappointment, he then started to wonder if there was a way to get an attribute since he wasn't able to get the real innate skill of the slime species because of this restriction, he then clenched his fists and then started heading downstairs.

"I need to find a way to get attributes..."

He then came to the receptionist.

"Um, hello i will be..."

Growl! his stomach rumbled since he hadn't eaten anything the day before.

"Umm, can i have a sandwich"'

"Oh my!, you can take a seat sir we will prepare your Lunch right away"

When his lunch was being prepared he looked around the reception, what caught his eye were people with well built figures.

"So..these are adventurers huh"

"Umm excuse me sir your lunch his ready"

"Oh... thank you"

Ryu than without further delay started eating it could be said that the meal wasn't rather too bad or too good , it could be considered a decent meal according to thus world standards, since this world wasn't as advanced in tech as Earth was it was natural for the taste to not match up with it.

After eating Ryu got up and started towards the reception and gave the 10 copper bill. he then started heading towards the exit , he put his hand in the pocket and took out a few stones and started heading towards the market near him.

"I should sell this off, since this is my last day on this planet might as well just spend this to buy armor"

He said that while thinking of buying an armor since an armor was crucial if he was to continue hunting monsters , also an armor is the lifeline of a hunter having none is really dangerous so even if he couldn't afford a real good armor , having even a cheaper one was better than none. He then entered the market.

"Selling Mana leather"

"Come buy! , a magic core sword from us for 5 gold"

"come buy a basic magic book 'Clean' from us"

All of those were attractive offers but Ryu payed no attention since he couldn't afford them with his current cash, He then came across a shop of mana stones.

"Welcome customer , what would you like to have ?" said the shop keeper

"We have the finest magic core weapons and magic core jewelry in our stone"

Ryu than put his hand in the pocket and took a small pieces of mana cores.

"I want to sell these, how much for them?"

The shopkeeper took out his glasses and started staring at them from every angle as if appraising the cores.

"Hmm, i dare say!, these cores are in a bad condition since they were broken apart"

Sigh! Ryu took a deep breath as if already knowing this would happen.

"Just get straight to the point, how much for them"

The shopkeeper scratched his chin and said.

"5 slime cores and 1 goblin core...., it will be about 30 copper , 1 silver"

Ryu than handed over the cores while agreeing to the price since Ryu knew that these cores were of low level monsters and weren't even in perfect condition so they wouldn't fetch much for him. After weighting the stones he then went to the backside of the store.

Ryu while waiting for him looked around the store , it was a luxurious store there were magic core weapons imbued with mana on the left side of the store along with luxurious armor , while the other side was filled with accessories for combat and female jewelry but he could afford none of them, soon the shopkeeper came up to him.

"Here is your money sir, and pardon me for asking but do you want to buy the jewelry?"

Ryu shook his head with a smile , he had no one to give this jewelry to, neither he could afford it.

"I can't afford this"

"Oh.. ah pardon me i shouldn't have asked like that"

The shopkeeper said with a confused expression while seeing Ryu's behavior

"My name is Jefferson, can i ask you to sign this form?"

Ryu thought that the persons name was foreign he could not understand why he could understand this worlds language so well , maybe it was the system , he was not sure he couldn't guarantee the reason.


He took a pen and started filling the form , it was a customer service form , after filling it he gave it to Jefferson.

"O..oh my , are you the dagger hero!?"

'Dagger hero!? is that the best name they could come up with?" Ryu said to himself while feeling annoyed.

"Pardon me i did not know, weren't the heroes supposed to be in the castle!?"

"Not me though"


With a brief moment of silence Ryu replied.

"I was kicked out"


Jefferson looked at him with a shocked expression and than out of pity or maybe it was his business sense that made him want to invest in the Hero.

"Would you like to pick out some herbs for me ?, in return i'll make you a custom armor and sword"

Ryu looked at him in doubt but soon agreed since he didn't see malice in his words.

"What are the herbs"

Jefferson then with a smile took out a drawing and gave him a ragged bag.

"Here are the list of herbs , the Healing Lily you need 3 pieces total"

Ryu took the list and set of


....After 6 hours

"Ugh, i can't find any, should i go deeper inside the forest?"

As the time passed he wondered if he should go inside the forest since he had been roaming on the outskirts of the forest because it was dangerous to face enemies with his current weapons state

"I could go but this weapon"


Durability: 7%

+1 Strength ]

"Why did the Durability of the dagger fall low so quickly?"

As he was wondering a though crossed his mind.

"Ah!, maybe it was because of the mana core i had broken , it is a core that hold mana maybe it harmed the dagger..."

Ryu Judgement was somewhat correct, in earth things like mana core inside the monster did not exist so when he attacked the monsters and broke their mana core was not the correct way to do it , usually people in this world would behead the monster or kill it with a fatal blow , so when Ryu struck their mana cores the mana inside them exploded though Ryu did not feel that since the medium between the explosion and him was the dagger that blocked the path of mana during that moment and took on the hit, decreasing its durability quickly.

"Hmm.. is that?

"It's a the herbs are no monsters around it?"

Quite the time had passed by and Ryu with hardship had finally found three of them although he could still be considered lucky since he found a pile of them , most people would have to fight monsters to get them which were guarding it or would spend 3 days at most, As Ryu started approaching them to take the herbs, suddenly a Goblin appeared


Ryu quickly dodged the strike but he still got a small cut on his chest, though Ryu did manage to kill a Goblin last night it was only a fluke since the Goblin had lets it guard down but this Goblin had not let its Guard down.

Ryu Reached its foot to strike it down but was soon blocked by the Goblin,


As the goblin was about to attack Ryu's head he quickly dodged it

"I can't beat it head on"

As Ryu was thinking of a way to beat the Goblin , it took out a horn.


It called out its allies!.


At that moment a though flashed in his mind.


"2 stat points on strength"

'Please work'


[Strength increased to 3]




the Goblin's head was sent flying.


[Your F-Rank Dagger has reached 0 Durability]

Ignoring the message Ryu did not wait much he quickly went to the herbs and picked them up and started running towards the city gate since he knew if the Goblins allies had come he would not be able to leave alive at his current state, hence it was not an escape it was a 'Tactical retreat'.

"Ugh... that was close, the world is full of strong"

As he was going back to the Shopkeeper Jefferson.

"Hey did you know they re holding a banquet in the castle tonight!"

"Yeah i know apparently it was to celebrate the summoning of the Heroes"

"I heard they are giving them Attribute stones!"

"What attribute stones!?, don't they give you affinity to a magic type just by breaking it!?"

"Yeah!, i kno-"

Ryu stopped paying attention while it was true that a attribute stone was the most Ryu needed he was well aware he wouldn't be given one since he wasn't welcomed here that nicely.

He then came up to Jefferson's shop and came inside


"I got the what you wanted"

"Oh my that was quic-, i think you should wash up first"

Ryu looked at him self since he killed the Goblin the moment he got stronger that made its blood spurt on Ryu.

"Alright then.."

The shop keeper leaded him to the bathroom , Ryu took a bath there and after coming out .

"Since the materials you brought cost about 40 silvers , i can make you a private one for this much since none armor here costs less than 10 Gold"

Ryu looked around, it was true most of them armor here was expensive than 10 Gold as the price tags had shown.


'Since i'm going to Earth soon might as well make something that style'

He then Explained the details of the Suit , a modern style plain long-sleeve T-shirt with low protection, a leather Armor with light metal plating , leather foot wear ,and a long sword.

"Honestly i'm astonished the way you had me made this T-shirt or whatever is really fascinating,"

'It not that great, the other heroes will be able to do this as well since they are from the modern world'

"Here is the bill"

Ryu than looked at the bill.

T-shirt & Foot-wear , 5 silvers

Leather armor , 15 silvers

Magic core Long sword, 15 silvers.

Custom fee , 10

"All of this is expensive because it is the finest and since i make the finest stuff in town so no bargaining about the custom fee, you still have 5 more silver coins due"

"This guy..."

Ryu said in an angered expression, he took out the mana core of the goblin he had hunted just now.

"Will this do?"

"Ah.. yes, it is in good condition this is exactly 5 silvers this will do"

He gave the money since he couldn't keep it or do anything with it in Earth because as the system had mentioned the earth was going to end and become new but even if that didn't happen, he couldn't get anything if he sold this to an appraiser in Earth he wouldn't get much for a silver coin but it would have been a different story if he had a Gold coin with him.

"I need a dagger as well"

"Oh, that would be 8 silvers extra"


He gave all the money he got from last nights hunt a total of 4 silvers and the left over money he had been given by the king another 4 silver. since he was going back to Earth this night he had nothing to do with the money he had left.

"Here is you equipment do you like it?", why not try it on ?"


Ryu after he equipped his gear he went in front of a large mirror.

He was dressed in a long-sleeve black T-shirt with black leather armor with a dark brown tint and dark brown with leather boots.


[ Leather Armor | E


+1.30 Defense ]

[ Long-Sword | E

Durability: 100%

+1 Attack ]

[ Leather Boots | F

Durability: 100% ]

[Short dagger | E

Durability: 100%

Effect: weak poison]

"view points" he said in a low voice

[Remaining points: 2]


He then looked at his old dagger

"Thanks for protecting me all this way i think its time to say goodbye huh.."


Durability: 0%

Can be used to cause an small mana burst]

"Mana burst.. maybe i'll keep it for now"

Mana Burst was a phenomenon when the said weapon had deteriorated and could no longer hold the Mana in it, so when used after 0 Durability would cause the mana inside it to burst out as a small explosion

Jefferson than interrupted.

"Did you use that weapon to strike mana cores?"

"Uh ... yeah! how did you know"

"Uh, i'm good at handling weapons you shouldn't use the weapons to strike the mana cores and rather try your best to get a clean fatal blow as much as you can, since hitting the mana core greatly damages your weapon.."

"Ah so thats why the Durability fell low so quickly"


Soldiers came in.

"On his Majesty's command: The Hero Kim Ryu is to be summoned at the castle immediately for the rewarding ceremony any attempt to Deny this will be taken as a betrayal and the hero will be subjugated"


'What does this king want from me'

"Sir Hero please accompany us to the castle"

The soldier gave a 90 degree bow.

Ryu than left with the soldiers as he was walking towards the castle.


[10 minutes left until you are Transported back to Earth]

Ryu than had an idea, he gave a wide wicked smile.

"Sir hero we are already late.. please keep up"



"Where is the unknown hero?"

"What an imbecile to make his Majesty wait!... outrageous!"

A loud call sounded in the hall.

"The Dagger Hero has arrived!"



The large and majestic iron door opened.

"I can't believe i'm back here... they were the ones who kicked me out before and now they want me back here!"

Ryu glanced towards the shield hero who just like him had been kicked out, he seemed to have gotten a bit mature looking at him again.

The king sat up from his seat.

"Since all heroes have arrived, let us commence the awarding!"

Five people came forward with five boxes in their hands even in front of Ryu but then a person came up to the king and whispered to him and then came forward to the person who was holding a box in front of Ryu, he said something to him that soon after the person holding the box left and then the king said.

"Since the Dagger seems to be gone and your are holding a sword you seem to be no hero!"


"You imposter!, a hero cannot wield any other type of weapon other than his cardinal weapon"

"Your crimes are unforgivable, but since you re a summoned you must be somewhat capable, once this ceremony is over i will deal with you!"

'This disgusting bastard, i can't kill you now but that doesn't mean i can't kill you forever'

Ryu thought to himself while holding in his anger , there was still a minute left he had till he was transported back and to complete his objective.

Then the person with the box next to the spear hero approached.

"Spear hero since you have done the best among the other heroes"

[30 sec left]

The man opened the box

[27 sec]

"You will be given the attribute stone"

[25 sec]

"Ah.." said the spear hero

[22 sec]


[20 sec]


Ryu grabbed the stone and started running.

[17 sec]

"Capture him!" said the king

[15 sec]


[13 sec]


Ryu threw the broken dagger at the soldier causing the small explosion.

[9 sec]


he dashed to the left.

[7 sec]

"Give me the strength to- fireball"


"Water blade"


[5 sec]


Ryu dodged the fire ball but as he saw the other spells approaching.

[3 sec]

"Fuck of you bastards"

[1 sec]

He closed his eyes to prepare fro impact knowing that he wouldn't be able to escape

Swoosh! . He suddenly vanished

[You have been transported back to Earth]


After feeling that nothing had happened he opened his eyes slowly and saw a familiar ceiling, it was his room.

"A..am i back?"

[10 minutes until the Main quest 'Grand Scenario' starts]

Sorry for late release i have added 1k extra words to compensate,

normal novels chapters are : 1k words

normal 'only i level up in this god forsaken world' are: 2k words

this chapter : 3k words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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