
Only I Level Up in This God Forsaken World

In this world where hunters with various magic powers battle monsters that invade through other dimensions known as "Gates". Then one day, 10 years after the "The Great Disaster" a "Tower" appears out of thin air and after 3 months of its appearance a menacing timer appears on top of it like a doomsday clock, as the time to its countdown nears. Follow the story of Kim Ryu an orphan graduate high schooler and an aspiring Hunter who wants to take revenge on the monsters that nearly took his life years ago, he appears to be carefree and easygoing but is full of despair from inside because of his savings that he saved from working overtime which he all used in the Hunter test he failed. Then one day when going home from work in an incidenexperience's. 1 Chapter as big as 2 chapter's will be released every 2 days Over Several thousand years ago a strange phenomenon that turned most of mankind into dust except a selected few for reasons that are unknown later came to be known as the Cataclysm. 5000 years After civilization fell, the remaining population from being savage hunters to building walled cities had managed to survive over the last few decades, in the year 902 of the new era calendar humanity is trying its best to advance from the Stone Age back to the modern age until small but strange black portals started appearing out of nowhere. Eric Yeager a high schooler and an aspiring scientist had lived his life peacefully until the Cataclysm giving him endless slumber. One Day After hearing a strange voice he woke up from endless darkness only to find himself surrounded by a world totally different from the one he was used to live in. Dumbstruck by the new reality in front, he resolves to find out who turned humanity into dust and why? and to use science to help rebuild the world until one day he comes across a strange black portal that brutally changed his life forever. [Welcome Player Eric]

Az_Tempest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Grand Scenario (1)

He opened his eyes, what he saw was a familiar scent and a familiar view , it was his room a fan hanging on the ceiling of the wall a dark blue colored room with a white roof it was a small apartment and it was messy everywhere his T-shirt was on the bed and a few clothes dropped on the floor , he could not clean up his room since most of the time he was busy in overworking himself still he couldn't keep his job just because of Hei Ryung she wasn't at fault the only problem her desired appearance made the Higher ups wanting to give her a job in order to woe her (court her) every time he though of that in the past this words would come in his min 'Disgusting Bastards!'

"I..i'm home!?"

He said while giving an expression of confusion, but soon he he looked towards a stone he had in his hand and gave a wide and wicked grin.

"Hah... how'd you like that you bastards, it seems i succeeded in getting the attribute stone"


"I wonder how the faces of those bastards were when i stole this"

Although he did steal this he did not feel guilty because he had no regret in stealing this item from those wicked bastards, they were people who would kill for benefit's , although he couldn't see the bastard kings face when he teleported because he was in a hurry he didn't regret that since he knew he would've had a barking dogs expression anyway.

He clenched the stone in his arm and stood up from his bed and sat down on the chair next to it , he then held up the stone in silence and then.


[Would you like to use the Attribute stone]


He said without a second thought.

The stone in his hand started to break from the cracks on it a brilliant Golden light shone from the inside it.

"I wonder what it will be?"

As he was thinking of what attribute he would get.


After it broke a bright light shined in the entire room it probably could be seen from his apartment window since his room was dark.

[You have acquired ( Holy-Affinity C ) ]

[ Holy attribute | C | Lvl 1

Effect: Allows you to use Holy attribute magic

Effect 2: Strengthens Holy magic by 30% ]

[Unlocked Holy Power stat]

"A New stat.."

"Hmm , even though the effects are good holy magic his hard to obtain i don't even know if there is a monster that will drop it or a way to get it through the system"

He said in a disappointed tone.


He took a deep breath and then.

"The common way to learn holy magic is to get blessed and since holy magic is rare ways to obtain it's skills are bought with money ..."

He took out his phone which was covered with blood and had been cracked.

"Ugh.. seems like it ended up this way fighting the slimes and the Goblin..."

'i should have taken it out and put it in the room because i wasn't going to use it anyway..'

"Well what's done is done, no use regretting it...still it cost a lot"

A tear fell down his cheek when he thought about how much cash he used to buy it since it was the only thing he had pampered himself by buying it since it was an expensive phone.

He then opened his tap water and by using a tissue he wiped the blood of the phone, after thoroughly cleaning it.

'please work'

while thinking that he opened the phone. it worked he then opened his account and saw.

Kim Ryu

Balance: 30,000 won

Last Transaction: 110,000 won



"It seems i don't even have the money to pay for the information to learn a divine skill"

Thinking that it was hopeless he gave up on finding a divine skill for a while and opened his remaining points.

[Remaining Points: 2]

'Hmm, last time i used 2 on strength which certainly made him stronger'

He though while looking at his figure it felt good to surpass his usual weak self.

"I'll put them on hold for now and use the remaining points later"

He then looked towards the ceiling and in a dazed and relaxing position sat for a while , but it did not last that long when suddenly a message popped up in front of him.

[10 min Left until 'The Grand Scenario' starts ]

He eyes got wide open looking at the announcement and stood up in a hurry.


After saying that he realized quickly that he had shouted in a loud voice he quickly shut his mouth and thought to himself.

' Whatever it is i don't think this is good..'

Then with a determined expression he followed.

"No matter what it's gonna do , i am already prepared for the worst i'm not a scared kid i once was , i'll face it head on"

'Scared , Weak'

These thoughts immediately came to his mind he did not know the exact reason as to why the system was given to him out of the entire universe , he was now completely sure life existed on other planets after seeing Eldnoir although he couldn't see it whole, he had a hunch that maybe it was the author of the novel who had to give him the gift.

'it was quite suspicious thinking back at it now the authors promised gift time , the dungeon break and me gaining the system all of them overlapped at the same time'

Although that could be possible he was not sure that he would be given something as the Oldest System for just that because it was a system that could devour the systems of other worlds ( Eldnoir ).

He couldn't grasp the reason why he went to Eldnoir that day as well , did it want him to grow first before the grand scenario that was the most plausible explanation he had.

Knock! Knock!

Ryu heard a knock at his door step.

'Who could it be?' he thought to himself.


He opened the door, what he saw next was an lady with black hair glaring at him.

"Sis Hanuel !?" she was 2 years older than him

The old Lady's name was Hanuel , she was the one who took care of Kim Ryu when he was an adult , she would usually bring him food at evening or night that was cooked from her house, she would take care of him unconditionally , she was the closest person to Ryu in his life she knew him very well, she was 22 years old and looked really beautiful, Ryu was confused seeing her come here suddenly.

Hanuel with an angered expression and closed eyes.



Ryu turned his eyes away and then said an excuse

"Ah.. i was with my friends at party"

"Huh!?.. When did you have friends?"

"Ah! they were work friends"

"Then why didn't you tell this at work or anyone else?"

"Ah we thought it would be okay since it was the last day at office.."

"It wasn't! Idiot!"

'Wait.. what !?"

He quickly realized.

'They wanted to have me work extra for a extra pay , since he needed it'

"You know how worried everyone was , my parents have been looking for you ever since the last 2 days... we even went to the police they couldn't find you then today, then i heard some loud shouts from your room and immediately came here"

'Ah ... the time when i accidentally shouted'

Although it wasn't his fault that he had disappeared since he was forcefully taken away against his will still he felt guilty and bowed down.

"I am Whole heartedly sorry , i had a reason for this , i can't tell you the reason now but i will one day , so please trust me"

Hanuel paused for a moment.


"Alright look at me.."

Ryu stood straight again and.

Growl! his stomach growled

"You! stay here i'll be right back from the market"

'Shit, i'm having her make food for me again, i must learn to cook to myself as not to shamelessly stay at her help'


[The Grand Scenario starts in 10 seconds]

His eyes got wide open and he instinctively said.

"Hanuel wait!"


She turned back confused.


Both of them teleported.

In Order to Compensate late release I have released 3 chapters in bathc

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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