
Only Another History

It's eternity, so after created a new dimension in my room, let's eat popcorn and drink some juice, this is life, becouse it's show time... Leon, after dying of old age, wakes up with his young body, in another world ... 'King Arthur? Is it not obvious that you are a woman? ' 'Isn't that Escanor bartender?' 'Oh my God, Jesus Christ in person' 'what crazy world is this?' World of origin? *Characteristics of the following works: *Nanatsu no taizai *HighSchool DxD *Fullmetal Alchemist *Granblue fantasy *Assassins Creed - series *End of the world *Xianxia *I will be creating some stories that precede the original works or that are a complement. * The copyright of the image belongs to its creator, if there is any problem, notify me. * Any character in the story belongs to their respective creators, minus the original characters of course.

SolrakRK · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Fierce Village Chief

Pov (Winry)

* crush *

And, right in front of my eyes, something hits the corrupt right on the head, and tosses it aside.

When I barely process what happened, a shadow jumps over the other corrupt right behind, and when it is still on it, with one hand it pulls out the object that appears to be an ax that was stuck in the skull of the first.

With a turn of his body, he already deviates from the clutches of the latter and, taking advantage of the swing, as they pass by each other, he hits him with the ax.

So fast that I could only understand what happened when I saw the body falling in front of me with the others 2.

Looking at that tall figure, with an ax in one hand, who turns towards me, while the sun hits his face from the side.

I am mesmerized by the present figure of the man, with a smile on his face, amid the bodies on the floor being bathed in sunlight.

'So cool' i think to myself

"Everything is fine now" (???)


Pov MC

"Ahh" * sigh *

'I'm glad I made it in time', I let out a sigh of relief as I look back on the past.

Those times I spent training were worth it, more than 30 years of experience in training and fighting served something. 'As expected, it's good to have my body young again, it's been a while since I've moved so well'

I watch the girl, but it seems that besides the initial shock, it doesn't look like she is hurt.

"Hey, are you okay? Can you get up? "I say as I extend my hand.

"Y-yes, thanks" she says while taking my hand and her cheeks are slightly flushed.

I turn to look at the main fight, and notice that there are still some zombies left, but they can handle it.

As soon as they finish, the woman in the front runs towards us.

Long golden hair, with a good pair of legs, penetrating brown eyes, but with clear concern on her beautiful face, i can even see that her eyes are full of tears.

Without even looking away for a moment, she puts the sword aside and gives the girl a strong hug, with an expression of concern and relief on her face.

"Daughter, are you okay? "Checking to see if the girl has any injuries, she wipes the tears that are still on the girl's face.

"Yes mom" (???)

"Why are you here? Wasn't it for you at the shelter? Isn't Leila supposed to be with you, where is she? "(???)

With a barrage of questions, one after the other, not even giving the girl time to answer.

"Outsider, impressive, you fight very well" (???)

As I watch the moving scene unfold in front of me, one of the warriors behind, approaches with a friendly smile on his face, as he extends his hand for a greeting.

"Thanks, I was just passing by and when I noticed the smoke, I came to see if you needed help"

I return the words as I accept the handshake.

And the woman who finally looks in my direction, comes over and thanks me with clear joy squealing from her face for her brilliant smile.

"Thank you so much for saving my daughter, I don't even want to imagine what I would do if I lost her too, thank you, thank you ..." the woman says while tears are streaming down her face.

"Don't worry, it's okay now ..." as I speak, a loud noise is heard, as if something has exploded.

* Booomm * .... * Booomm *

As everyone turns to look, the girl speaks, as if she has been awakened completely, and remembered her goal.

"Mother, there is another group of corrupt people attacking the shelter, and one has evolved with them, the others have not been able to hold out for long" with an urgent tone, the girl speaks with concern.

'Corrupt? It seems that's what they call the zombies here ... '

When those around you hear, their expressions darken and their faces turn pale, but of course, it seems, their families are under attack and with little protection.

"Come on, we can't let them invade the shelter, leave the evolved with me. "With a heroic expression on his face, and with just a few words, the somber expressions of those who hear him have changed to determined expressions, she is, a born leader on the battlefield.

I follow them up the road, and what I see is a chilling scene.

A group of archers, shooting arrows from a balcony, a corrupt, imitation of the Hulk punching a gate over rain of arrows that seem to have no effect, normal corrupt ones scattered across the ground with arrows over their bodies, and more trying to climb up to the balcony.

'This is a desperate situation' the only good thing, is that it seems that there is no more coming. '

"Eliminate the normals, archers support, while I distract the big guy, let's get this over with" with a higher number, and tacit understanding, good coordination and confidence, great plan.

'Yes, definitely, if this isn't the village leader, I don't know what it is anymore.'

I look at the imitation of Hulk, and I analyze, bigger, stronger, slower and not very intelligent 'simple, just not being hit, and everything is fine, you can do that'

I reach out to the woman who looks like the leader, and speak.

"You need help? "

"Yes, we will occupy the evolved, with his skill, we must be able to deal with him" she says as we run for the fight.

Being attracted by the excitement of our arrival, the normals start running towards us, but with the coordination of this team, they do not seem to offer work.

The leader and I went around, and we went straight to the evolved.

Looking closely, there is only one thought, 'evolved only if it's ugly evolution'.

He is about 3 meters, with the sun reflecting the pink skin, with dark colored veins, very visible muscles, and what seems to be tumors spread throughout the body, if I found that at night, I could have some nightmares.


When we get close, the leader lets out a war cry to attract the attention of the evolved, and keeps moving, to avoid getting too close, while trying to cause injuries to try to disable the use of her arms, keeping him in a circle of his own in a battle of attrition.

In the meantime, I'm cleaning up the approaching normals, to avoid interruptions, because when fighting a stronger opponent, all of her focus turns only to him, leaving his back exposed. 'One of the most stressful ways to fight, having to fight several opponents who have synchronism and don't let the mind lower the tension', compared to that, creatures that don't think, are a lot easier to deal with.

While I'm being attacked by 4 normals, I just can't stand still, use the ax or with the rope on my arm to deflect the claws, dropping them on the floor to buy time.

As a smile forms at the corner of my lips, deflecting, rolling, attacking, deflecting again, immobilizing the movement, use your fist when you cannot use the ax, they are human bodies without a mind, just using teeth and claws, 'even if you have enormous strength, if you do not know how to use it, it is useless'

I think that while the last corrupt man falls with an ax blow to the head, and finish finishing off those who are immobilized on the ground.

'Now that I've cleared the arena, it's time for the main fight' as I watch the fight unfold, I approach behind the big guy's back.

As I exchange glances with the leader, we nod as tacit understanding.

Just as the evolved strikes with his right arm, I take advantage of the moment, and aim at the tendon of the right leg, using the power of the rotation of the enemy's attack, where he extends the right hand, and uses the left foot as a pivot, leaving the right leg unprotected for blind spot attacks.

It's even easier, when they don't seem to feel pain, and don't even realize that they can't move because of the loss of the tendon ligament, they try to move forward regardless of the situation.

When the evolved knee falls, he rotates his arm in an attempt to hit me, but I have already retreated enough, in the meantime, the leader takes advantage and cuts the wrist of his left hand.

'Good perception of struggle'

Now, with one leg unusable, mobility has dropped to less than half, and thus the level of threat.

"Do you know if he has any spitting attacks or from a distance? "I ask the leader, who has a serious expression looking at the evolved, but I am impressed, not even her breathing is accelerated.

"Not for the strength type, but he can use anything around him to use as ammunition. "

"I am going to keep him busy, call in some archers, it will be safer to finish him off at a distance. "Although with reduced mobility, he is agitated a lot, trying in every way to reach us.

I look around, and it looks like the fight is already over.

"Archers, here !!!" As he is the last opponent, the other warriors are already gathering.

"Aim at the joints of the arms and legs, for complete immobilization, if any archer has the skill, finish him off by hitting the eye" I say this, because, like it or not, I don't think anyone would be able to take an armful of a mini Hulk, we just shouldn't focus on taking the view from him, otherwise the evolved next course of action will be unpredictable, and we are not running away, but slaughtering a monster.

Even though she said that, after immobilizing, the leader personally beheaded the evolved after having her limbs immobilized, 'but I must say, using a sword to decapitate a monster of size, no doubt, she must have at least learned to circulate the mana to strengthen the body, a characteristic common among human warriors.

And the battle ended like that, without further causality.