
Only Another History

It's eternity, so after created a new dimension in my room, let's eat popcorn and drink some juice, this is life, becouse it's show time... Leon, after dying of old age, wakes up with his young body, in another world ... 'King Arthur? Is it not obvious that you are a woman? ' 'Isn't that Escanor bartender?' 'Oh my God, Jesus Christ in person' 'what crazy world is this?' World of origin? *Characteristics of the following works: *Nanatsu no taizai *HighSchool DxD *Fullmetal Alchemist *Granblue fantasy *Assassins Creed - series *End of the world *Xianxia *I will be creating some stories that precede the original works or that are a complement. * The copyright of the image belongs to its creator, if there is any problem, notify me. * Any character in the story belongs to their respective creators, minus the original characters of course.

SolrakRK · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Damsel in distress? (2)

Pov (Winry)

"Humm humm humhum" * humming *

'My mom and big sister try so hard to help everyone, I must try to help at home too,' I say to myself with determination.

"I finally finished cleaning the house, I'm also going to do my best, Mom"

______ * _______

* boom * * crash * * screams *

Noticing the abnormal noises, I look out the window and see the residents running towards the center of the village.

'Are they attacking again? 'I am surprised when I reach that conclusion, after all, it hasn't been 2 days since the last attack.

'what should I do? Should I run to the shelter too? 'As these questions fly through my mind, I hear someone running through the door.

"Winry!!! You are here? "(???)

"Sister, I'm here" (Winry)

"Thankfully, we are going to the shelter, we have no time to lose. " (Leila)

My sister hastily pulls me by the arm as we start running towards the shelter.

With heavy breathing, we continued to run, and soon we reached the gate of the shed, which serves as a shelter in times like this, the shed is the strongest and most robust construction in the village, with walls made of thick logs, reinforced with a little runes and inscriptions embedded in the wood, it will not fall as easily, as a very tall building, bigger than a three-story house, but with two strong doors, one on the south side and the other on the north, and with very wide internal structures, the villagers usually stay in the suspended part, close to the attic, together with some warriors, who use the balcony around the terrace as a point of struggle, using bows and arrows to fight from a distance or spears when they get too close, and how high it is , both inside and out, allows for multiple lines of defense to buy time, and has withstood many attacks so far.

As we enter, the warriors close the door and leave some animals at the bottom and then go up to the terrace.

"Leila, the evacuation has already been completed, the villagers are in the attic, if the situation gets worse, they can go out on the terrace while we buy time for them to escape" (???)

"Understood Mina, tell the others to prepare their weapons and be ready, we cannot allow anyone to die. " (Leila)

"Winry, go to the others in the attic, I'll be with the defense group ...!" (Leila)

While Leila was talking to me, Mina, who was on watch, arrives in a hurry and speaks in a tone of fear.

"Corrupts are coming from the north" (Mina)

"Shouldn't they come from the South? " (Leila)

"It seems that there is more than one wave, and there is still more, I saw an evolved one among them!" (Mina)

When Leila hears these words, it looked like the blood came out of her skin and she went pale, as did those around her.

An evolved, corrupt people who go through an evolutionary process after devouring a lot of other beings or even other corrupt ones, they become much more dangerous than the normal ones, because it is not known which aspect of them evolved, my mother told me about them, she said she fought them when she was younger.

"Were you able to identify what type he is? "Leila asks after recovering from the initial scare.

"He's a force type, twice the size of normals, but a little bit slower. "Said Mina as she looks north.

Mina is a hunter with brown eyes and brown hair, she learned to hunt since she was a child with her father, an excellent archer who knows how to use the "Falcon eyes" an eye ability, which allows her to observe at great distances since there are no obstacles.

"If it is a force type, the shelter will not last long, we will kill the normals and then we can focus on the big guy, everyone be silent, Winry, go inside, Archers, prepare the arrows. "Leila puts on a serious expression and goes out with the others.

I run inside, and go up on the terrace and lie down near the edge so I can watch the fight.

* tumn * tumn *

* GRRrrr * * GRRrrr *

Not long after, growling noises in a hoarse, high-pitched voice, in addition to the sound of heavy footsteps that can be heard in the background.


Beings who died and were infected by the resentment of those called "aberration".

As they approach, the archers, silently start shooting with their bows, and then, the corrupt fall one after the other, like archers trained by the fights, all with incredible precision.

'But if this continues, the arrows will end and soon they will start attacking the shelter' while I think about it, I must call Mommy, most of the guards are in the South, unaware that we are being attacked from two sides.

And looking around the roof, I head towards the emergency exit, which leads to the house next door.

As I walk down the stairs and start to sneak around the houses, I realize that some corrupt people have managed to go through the rain of arrows. I ignore them and start running, the south gate is not far, I just need to run there.

'Those in the shelter need help' I run as fear fills my heart with the sound of growls coming closer.

'Hurry, run faster, I can't die here, run, run, run !!!' I say this as tears start to flow from my eyes, and blood starts to flow from my mouth, as I bite my lips to keep from be paralyzed by fear.

'Run! Run! Run! 'I'm already close, I can already see Mom fighting from here.

'Just a little more'

* tum *


'what ..?' my mind goes blank when I fall, and automatically I turn, and what is in front of me is a deformed face with elongated teeth, the mouth of an animal ready to devour its prey, with claws just in front of me, I can even smell the putrid smell of meat that exhales so close is the proximity.

And all I can think of as my tears run down my face is ...


a better image, corrupt, imagine the corruption of "supernatural" after the Darkness is released mixed with the zombies of "world war Z", for the evolved force type, imagine the big guy from Left 4 Dead 2.

I'm sorry for the writing, I will still improve with practice

SolrakRKcreators' thoughts