
Only Another History

It's eternity, so after created a new dimension in my room, let's eat popcorn and drink some juice, this is life, becouse it's show time... Leon, after dying of old age, wakes up with his young body, in another world ... 'King Arthur? Is it not obvious that you are a woman? ' 'Isn't that Escanor bartender?' 'Oh my God, Jesus Christ in person' 'what crazy world is this?' World of origin? *Characteristics of the following works: *Nanatsu no taizai *HighSchool DxD *Fullmetal Alchemist *Granblue fantasy *Assassins Creed - series *End of the world *Xianxia *I will be creating some stories that precede the original works or that are a complement. * The copyright of the image belongs to its creator, if there is any problem, notify me. * Any character in the story belongs to their respective creators, minus the original characters of course.

SolrakRK · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

My new house?

[Mission complete]

[Reward: Unlocking the mental training room]

[Proficiency increase:

Perception - High, level 1

Hand-to-hand combat - intermediate, level 4

Ax Mastery - Beginner, Level 5

Footwork - intermediate, level 2

Parkout - beginner, level 1

Stealth - beginner, level 3]

[Suggestion - use the training room for complete synchronization of the host's personal experience with the current condition of the body]

'Observing the skills I used, they received a degrees of assessments, it looks like I'll make good use of the training room'

'Cortana, what are the levels of skill ratings? '

[For the current level, it would be the deadly category, where proficiency and mastery is reflected in 4 classes, 'beginner', 'intermediate', 'high' and 'peak', which are subdivided into 9 levels]

'This is enough for now, thanks'

Returning to the present situation, it is already late afternoon, just remembering, while walking through the day, I realized that although this planet does not rotate for 24 hours, and is divided between day and night, the moons in the sky cover the light, allowing that there is a cycle of 3 nights and 3 days, and it seems that 1 day has 72 hours, but with the moons, it keeps an interval of 12 hours between them, being able to consider a normal day.

While I help people with cleaning, collecting the corpses and taking them to a hole, a place farther from the village and then burning them to prevent them from attracting more of them, or that corruption may spread to the land.

And I managed to make friends with the guards through cleaning work, the first step towards socialization, is work !!!

Among them, one of those fighting at the south gate, Thomas, who had seen my fight to save the chief's daughter, seems to admire me a lot, and asked if he could learn some moves from me later.

It turned out that we became best friends, very quickly, it seems, is one of the qualities of those who have warm blood.

Thomas has a cheerful, warm and receptive personality, so we get along very well at the beginning, he is large, but he is still shorter than me, with my height of 1.93 m, I am about 10 centimeters bigger, he usually wear a leather suit, but he has a bronze breastplate, and he usually fights with a sword and shield, to what he told me, he will become a daddy in a few months, and that his wife, Rebecca, is a hunter, but due to the pregnancy, he was with the others at the shelter.

And for him, I just found out, that they are not guards, but all the combatants here, are the villagers who work in the field, but after the Chief returned to the village, 5 years ago, she taught the villagers how to fight and defend herself and use magic to strengthen the body, transforming each resident into capable fighters who can defend themselves and survive even against normal corrupt ones, and 2 years ago, she became the village chief, and of course, her name is Maia, who had returned to the village after her husband passed away, but she does not talk about the time she spent outside the village.

When the cleaning was over, Maia, the current head of the village, comes towards me, with the girl from earlier and with a woman who seems to be very close to them.

"Once again, thanks for your help. "

"You are welcome, Chief Maia, can I call you that? "

"Where are my ways, you can call me Maia, that's what everyone calls me, and as you can see, I am the chief in charge of this village after the previous chief died, this is my daughter Winry, who you met earlier"

Maia speaks while she has a slight flush on her face, and if it weren't for my high perception, I wouldn't have noticed.

'She should not be used to expressing thanks to other people'

"Nice to meet you, and thank you so much for the earlier" the girl, Winry, speaks with a little shyness while keeping her head down.

After introducing herself and showing it to the girl beside her, she turns and points to the woman behind her, who has dark brown hair and blue-green eyes, a thin waist, but with a nice curl and along with her beautiful face, dressed as a hunter, with a complete set of leather-based armor, it looks like a standard outfit for those who are used to moving, without being restricted by the equipment.

"And this is my apprentice, Leila, currently she is my secretary and helps me to manage the village, and she acts as my spokesperson when I am busy. "

"Nice to meet you Winry, Leila"

"My name is Leonardo, but you can call me Leon, that's what my friends call me"

"Mr. Leon, can you come with us for a moment? "

Maia takes me to what appears to be the chief's house, or her house, a two-story building with inscriptions on the wall.

When we enter the room, we sit and face each other, while Winry serves us what looks like tea, but the situation is strange, and for those who don't know, to be observed by 3 pairs of female eyes, which focus on each of your actions,in other situations that would be wonderful, but the reality is that it is undoubtedly strangely suffocating.

After hesitating for a while, Maia puts on a serious expression and opens her mouth

"I will be direct, then, Leon, which brings you to this village"

With furrowed brows, and fingers crossed under her chin, she looks at me with golden eyes, which seem to penetrate the minds of those who observe, saying 'there is no use lying to me, I will know'.

'It looks like an animal watching its prey, it would easily put someone with a weak will in tears just by looking. '

'What a pity that intimidation doesn't work for me, on the contrary, I find that look incredibly sexy'

'Oops, I'm letting my mind float, concentrate'

"To be honest, I don't really have any reason to come here, I was passing on the road on my way to Halks, when I noticed the attack by the corrupt and ran to help"



'How can anyone be so reckless? As soon as he sees someone in danger and runs ahead to help, just like him ... '(Maia)

A gleam of sadness passed over her eyes for a moment after my explanation.

"Leon, do you have any place to spend the night? The city is 5 cycles of walking, if I remember correctly, we must deliver the harvest in 10 cycles, by carriage the road time decreases to 2 cycles, if you can wait, we have vacant houses in the village, as thanks for your help, is the least we can offer. "

'Cortana, quick, how many days is 1 cycle? '

[According to the observed data, a cycle must correspond to a rotation of 3 days and 3 nights]

"15 days of walking ..."

'So it's difficult, without provisions, or even a way to get a good night's sleep, and you can be attacked at any time, it's not a good idea to go out alone, the answer is clear and crystal clear'

"Well, there were some difficulties along the way, and I ended up losing my provisions, if it's not too much trouble. I accept the offer, allow me to work in the village so that I can get enough for my trip "

I say as I look into Maia's eyes.

"I would be happy to have another reliable fighter on our side"

* Grrruuu *

At that moment, my stomach announces his presence loud and clear.

"Well, would you like to join us for dinner? if you are okay, you can join us for meals, after all, it is the least that I as a mother can do for my daughter's hero. "

Causing a smile on the face of the girls present, and I, without the slightest shame, readily accepted.

"It would be my pleasure to share the table with women as beautiful as you. "

Apparently, Leila, with the help of Winry, takes care of preparing dinner.

While dinner is being prepared, Maia takes me to see my temporary residence, which, ironically, is just to the right of her house.

Unlike the sturdy house before, it is a simpler house, with two floors, but with a balcony at the top, although simple, it is still in perfect condition and since there is no dust on the furniture, it is constantly cleaned.

"This house was where my parents lived, and where I grew up, I hope you will take care of it, it has a living room, kitchen and a guest room, at the top, it has two bedrooms, and a living area leisure, has a private well in the back, has a cabin with a bathtub if you want to take a bath. "

Maia shows me each room if she was deeply nostalgic, with a slightly melancholy look on her face, but with a small smile.

The living room, with sofas, table and chairs, can be simple, but gives an appearance of simplicity, but comfortable.

The kitchen with a wood stove, some iron pots, spices, and a basin, I don't know the rest of the world, but the life of ordinary people is of the Middle Ages, even with magic, not everyone enjoys luxury. ..

In the upstairs rooms, in addition to cabinets, bookcases, a table, chair, and it seems that there is no difference in double and single beds, the beds are wide enough to accommodate 2 people.

"When you go to bathe, you can use my father's clothes, they are a little old, but they should be fine, my father was a very big and strong man, so he must be a little loose on you. "

"Yes, thank you Maia"


* tot tot tot *

"Mother, Leon, the food is ready"

After walking around the house and not finding us below, Winry calls us from the stairs.

"Yes dear, we are going"

So, we returned home, and oddly enough, the smell is incredible.

"As we are receiving a new guest today, I made a point of preparing a special dish"

"Vegetable soup with eggs, venison and salad, you can enjoy it. "

Sitting at the table, which looks like a simple food, with a soup of vegetables, which look like carrots and potatoes, with some other vegetable that I don't know what it is, a dish that looks like the whole leg of a deer and a simple salad than if it looks like lettuce, a very lively meal, 'is it because it's the chef's house or is it because I'm here?'

'Cortana, last time, you scanned the area around me for 1 km, you can scan the surrounding houses and tell me the amount of food present in the houses and in the surrounding plantations, and compare it with the food present in that house. ? '

[Starting scanning process]

[full scan]

[The surrounding countryside is mostly wheat grains, followed by potatoes and carrots, the houses around them have a similar stock of food, and the dried meat is familiar to them, only a few houses have servant meat, while there is a vegetable garden at the back of the house, the shed in the center has a good part of stored grain, and the vegetables are kept in a separate place and due to the quantity, it seems to be used only by the members of the village]

'I am more relieved to hear that, at least the condition of life here is not one of the worst'.

Looking at the scene, to my right, Winry, a beautiful cheerful and smiling girl, to my left, Leila, a young woman, with a great attribute of a wife who is undoubtedly a beauty difficult to find, and to complete, Maia, with a heroic appearance at the time of the fight, but that makes a very childlike face while eating, seeming to taste the best food in the world.

And for my first decent meal in a different world, after a morning based on fruit, and the afternoon based on fighting, at least the night has a familiar warmth, full of flowers.