
One piece: Vendetta

In the Great Pirate era marked by the ferocious conflict between Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionaries, a young child, scarred by the repercussions of their epic clash, resurfaces from the shadows. Driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society, while keeping promise made years ago. He faces monstrous outlaw with no fear, who has caused extreme suffering to many. Patreon: patreon.com/Honored_Fics

Ease_Life · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Aki sat atop the lifeless body of the colossal crab, his piercing gaze meeting Law's as he and Bepo approached. The villagers, battered and broken, formed a somber backdrop to the grim tableau. Aki's dark eyes narrowed, taking in the state of the villagers, their injuries and bruises mirroring the aftermath of a vicious battle. His lips curled into a wry smile, a faint hint of amusement dancing in his voice.

"So, Law," Aki drawled, his tone laced with curiosity, "mind enlightening me about what in the seven hells happened here?"

Law's finger rose, pointing towards the lifeless mound of exoskeleton that sprawled at their feet. "Something like that," he replied, gesturing.

Aki's eyes followed Law's gesture, the sight of the motionless crab's immense form eliciting a mixture of awe and understanding. Some monster had fallen, unleashing its last fury upon these villagers. Aki's gaze shifted to the survivors, admiration gleaming in his eyes. It was a testament to their tenacity and will to survive.

As the villagers milled around, tending to each other's wounds, Aki leapt down from his perch on the crab, landing gracefully beside Law. His presence exuding an enigmatic blend of swagger and menace, Aki approached Law and raised an eyebrow, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

"Well, Law," Aki purred, kicking the giant crab,"You encountered one of these personally?"

Law's noded, as he glanced at the villagers he had been tending to. "A gaint grasshopper my part, Aki," he replied, his voice steady. "These people were attacked by some kind of rabbit, though i didn't meet it,"

Aki knelt down beside the group of injured children, his hands laden with bandages and a gentle touch that belied the ferocity he was known for. The air was thick with the scent of blood and the echoes of pain, but he remained steadfast in his mission to bring solace to those in need.

The children, their faces etched with fear, looked up at him with wide, tear-filled eyes. Their wounds were not as severe as some of the others, but the sight of their broken bodies tugged at Aki's heartstrings.

With a soft smile, Aki began to tend to their wounds. His hands moved with a grace, delicately wrapping bandages around their grazed knees and bruised arms. The children flinched at the touch, their bodies still trembling from the ordeal they had endured.

"There, there," Aki whispered soothingly, his voice carrying a warmth that seemed to melt away their pain. "You'll be alright now. Just hold on a little longer, and you'll be bouncing around like rabbits in no time."

One of the children, a young girl with tousled brown hair, looked up at Aki with curiosity shining in her eyes. "Rabbits?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The children, their eyes wide with a mixture of pain and curiosity, nodded hesitantly. One of them, a boy with wild, unkempt hair, spoke up. "We were playing by the shore when these rabbits appeared out of nowhere. They had flaming backs, like tiny fireballs"

He sat down beside them, his gaze piercing and intense. "Listen to me," he said, his voice low and soft. "You're going to be fine."

The children, taken aback, looked up at him with wide eyes. They could sense the raw power simmering beneath Aki's surface, but they also felt a flicker of kindness, a small ember amidst the inferno in his persence.

Aki's voice softened, his tone laced with a mix of empathy and reassurance. "I won't let anything happen to you," he said, his words carrying a weight that resonated deep within their wounded souls. "You're strong, stronger than you know. And I am here."

Then, with a heavy heart, Aki asked the children a question that had been weighing on his mind. "Were the four of you the only children here?" he inquired, his voice tinged with sorrow.

The children exchanged glances, their eyes brimming with tears. They shook their heads, unable to find the words to express the pain that now gripped their young hearts. They had seen others, their friends and companions, fall victim to the merciless onslaught of the monstrous creatures that plagued their island.

Aki's hand reached out, gently patting each child on the back in a gesture of solace. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine sorrow. "But we will honor their memory. We will carry on, for them and for ourselves."

As the children wiped away their tears, their spirits lifted slightly by Aki's words, he felt enraged.

With a wry grin, Aki leaned in closer to the children. "You know what?" he said, his voice filled with mischief and a hint of excitement. "I happen to have a giant crab waiting for us. It's the biggest crab you've ever seen. Who's up for a feast?"

The children's faces lit up with delight, their sorrow momentarily forgotten.

The giant crab loomed before them, its massive form stretching over fifteen feet in length. Aki and the children stood in awe, their eyes wide with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The creature's jagged pincers, each the size of a grown man's forearm, twitched menacingly as if eager to snap shut. It still had some life left in it, though not enough to save itself or harm others.

With a nod, Aki rallied the children, his voice filled with a mix of determination and anticipation. "Alright, kids," he bellowed, his voice carrying across the desolate landscape. "Let's get to work. This crab won't cook itself."

The children eagerly surrounded the colossal creature, their small forms dwarfed by its immense size. Aki handed out knives and utensils, their glinting blades catching the slivers of sunlight that managed to pierce through the heavy cloud cover.

With a collective effort, they began to dismantle the beast. The sound of metal meeting exoskeleton filled the air, accompanied by the children's excited chatter and occasional gasps of awe. Aki guided them, his hands deftly maneuvering the blades, showing them the intricacies of cutting and carving.

The crab's shell cracked under the pressure of their knives, revealing the glistening meat within. Aki marveled at the rich, reddish flesh, its aroma wafting through the air, mingling with the scent of salt and sea. They could almost taste the sweetness that awaited them.

As the children worked alongside him, their small hands gripping knives with determination, Aki couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Their innocence had been shattered, their lives forever changed by the horrors they had witnessed. Yet here they were, demonstrating resilience and adaptability, finding solace in the simplest of tasks. 

Hours passed, the sun sinking below the horizon as evening draped its dark cloak over the island. The feast was nearly ready, the crab meat cooked to perfection, its tantalizing aroma filling the air. Aki and the children gathered around the makeshift table, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Other villagers along with the rest were on the ground, having plates of food.

As they dug into the succulent crab, their teeth sinking into the tender flesh, a chorus of moans and satisfied sighs filled the night. The taste exploded on their tongues, a symphony of flavors that danced across their palates. It was a moment of pure indulgence, a respite from the horrors that lurked beyond their makeshift sanctuary.

Aki watched as the children's faces transformed, their weariness momentarily forgotten. Their laughter rang out, carrying across the darkened landscape, as they relished in this small moment of normalcy amidst a world gone mad.

But even as they reveled in their feast, Aki's gaze drifted to the horizon, where shadows lurked and danger loomed. Law too continuously observed the surroundings, while Beppo, Sachi and Penguin seemed carefree.