
One piece: Vendetta

In the Great Pirate era marked by the ferocious conflict between Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionaries, a young child, scarred by the repercussions of their epic clash, resurfaces from the shadows. Driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society, while keeping promise made years ago. He faces monstrous outlaw with no fear, who has caused extreme suffering to many. Patreon: patreon.com/Honored_Fics

Ease_Life · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


The steel-handed grasshopper sprang into action, leaping towards Law and Bepo with astonishing speed. Its metallic limbs extended, ready to strike with deadly precision. Law swiftly unsheathed his sword, his movements fluid and practiced.

With a resounding clash, the sword met the grasshopper's steel hands, sending sparks flying in all directions. The force of the impact sent Law hurtling backward, his body bouncing off the ground as he rolled to a stop.

Beppo, seeing his captain take a blow, bared his teeth and charged in, his massive claws poised to strike. But before he could land a hit, Law's voice rang out, commanding and decisive.


Law's powers surged forth, creating a spherical space around him. In an instant, he swapped Beppo's position with a nearby boulder, his mastery over the Room technique allowing for swift and strategic maneuvers.

The grasshopper, caught off guard by the sudden switch, swung its steel hands down upon the boulder. The impact was tremendous, slicing the massive rock clean in two. But as the rock split, Law seized the opportunity.


Law's skillful manipulation of the Room allowed him to switch places with the separated halves of the boulder, leaving the grasshopper vulnerable and off-balance. In a swift motion, Law struck, his sword cutting through the air with precision.

The grasshopper let out a piercing screech as it was cleaved in two, its metallic body crumbling to the ground. Law stood firm, his gaze fixed upon the halfed creature.

Bepo approached cautiously, his eyes wide with astonishment. "Captain, You're alright!"

Law thrusted his sword onto it's head. "It's unnaturally strong, and it's body has weird physilogy."

"Be careful, There might be more," Law warned, shaking starting to move.


Aki's hands, stained with oil and grime, trembled as he surveyed his completed repairs on the submarine. His weary eyes scanned the vessel, searching for any signs of imperfection. Satisfied with his work, he let out a tired sigh, his face etched with lines of exhaustion and determination.

"Sachi, gather up the tools," Aki muttered, his voice strained. Sachi moved swiftly, collecting the scattered equipment and packing them away in the toolbox. As he reached for the last wrench, the sand at the shore's edge shifted, a sinister ripple cutting through the tranquility.

A large pincer, sharp and menacing, erupted from the sandy depths, aimed directly at Sachi. Time slowed to a crawl as Aki's survival instincts kicked in, shattering the calm of the moment. He lunged forward, his hand colliding with the pincer, barely managing to protect Sachi from its deadly embrace. Blood trickled from the scratch on his hand, a painful reminder of the danger they faced.

With a grunt, Aki flung the pincer aside, revealing the true source of the attack. A massive crab, its eyes gleaming with malice, emerged from the sand, its enormous form casting a sinister shadow. The creature scuttled forward, its claws clicking with a menacing rhythm, its wrath now fully unleashed.

Aki's voice, filled with a mix of authority and concern, cut through the tension. "Sachi, get back! I'll take care of this beast."

Aki's hand throbbed with pain, and he couldn't help but notice that the pincer that had scratched him appeared unnaturally sharp. He stared at it, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed its razor-edged tip. Something wasn't right.

Sachi, sensing the danger, glanced at Aki with concern etched on his face. "Captain, Be careful."

Aki cracked his knuckles, his gaze never leaving the menacing creature before him. "Get in, Sachi. Get the tools and head back to the submarine. I'll deal with this."

Sachi stopped for a moment, then shook his head, He quickly gathered the tools and retreated to a safer distance, leaving Aki alone.

Sachi quickly left harm's way, the monstrous crab lunged forward with its deadly pincer, its intentions clear. Aki's reflexes kicked in, and without a moment's hesitation, he drew his gun and fired. The bullets struck the creature, but to Aki's dismay, they merely ricocheted off its tough, armored skin. "You don't look normal,"

Aki's withdrew his gun, as the pincer continued its relentless advance. With lightning speed, he backflipped, narrowly evading the razor-sharp tip as it embedded itself deep into the sand. Aki landed deftly on its head, his boots pressing against its tough exoskeleton.

The crab, infuriated by Aki's audacity, thrashed about, its massive form shaking violently. Aki gripped rough scales, his grip tightening, maintaining balance.

As the creature reared back, preparing to attack Aki with its other pincer, he rolled to the side, avoiding its deadly grasp. And as planned, the crab's own momentum betrayed it. The pincer, driven by the force of its own attack, pierced deeply into its own head, causing it to stumble and fall.

With a thunderous crash, the crab collapsed to the ground, its massive body twitching in its death throes. Aki stood over the fallen creature when a realization dawned on him. "So you're here!" He muttered.


Law slashed through the thick underbrush, his sword cutting a path as he followed the faint footprints that led deeper into the dense forest.

They emerged from the dense foliage, Law's eyes scanning the scene before him, a deserted village nestled in the heart of the forest. The dilapidated houses and crumbling infrastructure.

Parting tangled brush, the duo emerged into a rural clearing. Scattered shacks laid empty and foreboding under a shroud of mist. No lamps or signs of life flickered within the ramshackle dwellings.

Law's gaze shifted to the four children playing in the path, their laughter abruptly interrupted as they caught sight of him. Fear etched across their faces, the children scattered like startled birds, leaving behind only a trail of dust.

The sound of approaching footsteps resonated through the stillness. Law's hand instinctively moved towards the hilt of his sword, his eyes never leaving the horizon. From all directions, the villagers emerged, wielding a menacing array of tools. Axes gleamed, pickaxes glistened, and a wave of hostility crashed upon Law's senses.

Law's gaze softened as he took in the sight of the injured villagers. Their wounds were deep and numerous, evidence of a relentless and merciless attack. The realization dawned on him that these people were not his enemies but victims of a much greater threat.

Lowering his sword, Law approached one of the villagers who seemed to be in severe pain, his voice laced with concern. "We are not your enemies. We're here to help. Please, tell us what happened."

The villager, clutching his side, winced in pain but managed to find his voice. "It came out of nowhere—a monstrous creature, unlike anything we've ever seen. It attacked with such ferocity. We barely had time to defend ourselves."

'Suddenly! Those monsters weren't here previously then?' Law thought, pondering on it for a moment.

"I am a doctor, I can treat you if you want," Law proposed to help.