
One Piece Time Travel Pirates, I Have A Coquettish System

(Following the boat + time travel + funny + coquettish + passionate…)Lin Hai, an orphan in the 21st century, accidentally traveled to the world of One Piece.Since then, the style of the Straw Hat Pirates has gradually changed, becoming more outrageous…Luffy: “Hey Lin Hai, what are you doing?”Lin Hai wiped his hair coquettishly: “Listen up, Luffy, hairstyle is a man’s soul. The head can be broken, blood can flow, but the hairstyle cannot be messed up!”Luffy’s eyes lit up and he said, “Is this a man’s romance?”Then Lin Hai and Luffy put their hands on each other’s shoulders and cheered, “Romantic, romantic…”Nami was furious: “If you two bastards jump again, the boat will capsize. Just stop it…”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 75

Kuleha opened the weapons warehouse, and then ordered the residents of Drum Island to transport all the cannons inside to the outside of the castle, and sprinkle the cannonballs with the special powder that Dr. Siruluk gave her when he died.

Suddenly, the thunderous sound of cannons rang out on Ciggu Island, setting off a century-old fireworks for this era of pirates.

No, Chopper, who had already arrived at the foot of the mountain, looked at the sky as Dr. Siruluk said, with cherry blossoms blooming all over the Drum Island!

Everyone was shocked by this scene!

Luffy and Usopp said with bright eyes: "Si, silk cake…"

Even the silent Sauron couldn't help but exclaim: "This is truly an incredible masterpiece!"

Sanji muttered: "Is this making the impossible possible?"

Chopper choked with tears in his eyes: "Doctor Siruluk, you did it, woo woo woo…"

Nami also exclaimed: "What beautiful cherry blossoms!"

After saying that, Nami couldn't help but glance at Lin Hai secretly.

Lin Hai said disappointedly: "Isn't it just to sprinkle pink pollen on the cannonballs, and then shoot them into the sky and mix them into the snow? What's so great, how long will you continue to be amazed? It's almost dawn! "

Everyone's face turned dark!

"Hey, don't slap me in the face!!"

When everyone returned to the Merry, the sky was already bright. Luffy seemed to be tireless and said excitedly: "Everyone, welcome Chopper as our new partner. Shall we have a party?"

"Okay!" Everyone shouted, but Lin Hai sat in the corner and drew circles, because Lin Hai was beaten up by everyone just now!

Chopper had just joined the Straw Hat Pirates and was still a little acquainted with life. When he didn't know what to do, Luffy and Usopp stuck their chopsticks into their nostrils and mouths and said, "Chopper, you come too, it's fun."

Chopper was amused, but when he saw Lin Hai somewhere, he went over and pushed Lin Hai and said, "Lin Hai, what are you doing? Are you playing with everyone?"

Lin Hai said very unhappily: "Are you going to stick chopsticks in your nose like them?"

Usopp retorted: "Do you have anything more interesting?"

Luffy echoed, "That's right, do you have anything more interesting?"

"whispering sound..."

Depression goes as quickly as it comes. Now someone actually comes to compete with me? Lin Hai would not agree to this!

As a result, Lin Hai changed his previous state and said: "Qiaoba, watch it!"

Lin Hai learned the dance posture of the werewolf in League of Legends, that is, with his hands at shoulder level, grabbing the air in one direction, then taking a few steps to the left, then a few steps to the right…

Suddenly, a magical dance appeared in time and space that should not have appeared. Isn't that dance the dance of Jack Xun of Blue Star? Can anyone escape this magic?

Chopper's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Lin Hai, teach me quickly!!"

Luffy and Usopp felt that chopsticks were no longer fun, and they exclaimed: "We also need to learn!"

Weiwei and Nami, who were on the side, stared blankly for a while, then they both covered their stomachs and laughed so much that they fell on the board of the boat, "Hahaha…Lin Hai, where did you learn to dance?" It kills me, hahaha…"

"Ouch, I can't do it anymore, can you guys stop jumping…"

"Hahaha…" Sanji and Zoro on the side also kept laughing.

How could Lin Hai let Sauron go? That guy had just beaten him the hardest Lin Hai had ever beaten in order to avenge himself for calling him a road idiot!

Ever since, Lin Hai forcefully pulled Zoro over!

Zoro exclaimed: "Let me go quickly, beat me to death, I won't jump… Oooh, help!"


After the banquet, it was time to rest. After all, in this ship, at least neither Lin Hai nor Luffy slept!

At this time, on the deck, Usopp and Chopper were chatting…

Usopp said: "Chopper, guess what monster I encountered back then?"

Chopper shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Usopp said: "At that time, our ship encountered a monster that was several kilometers high and several kilometers wide. Lin Hai and Luffy encountered it. They were so frightened that they both called me to save them."

Chopper exclaimed: "Really? Usopp! What happened next?"

Usopp raised his head and looked into the distance, and then said: "Then I took out a forty-meter-long sword, used my special skill, shouted 'Demacia', and made a shocking blow, and then the The huge monster was split into two by me…"

At this time, Luffy, who had just woken up and was looking for something to eat, passed by and heard Usopp's words. His eyes suddenly lit up and he ran over to Chopper and exclaimed, "Sikuichi, Usopp, you are so powerful!"

Sanji on the side was really speechless.


Lin Hai, who was sleeping inside, was speechless. He felt that he had not slept long before he was woken up by the noise outside. Who could have guessed that Usopp was so awesome! And Luffy is even more awesome, why does he admire him at the same time! !

Lin Hai yawned, walked out of the room with dull eyes, and asked Nami next to him, "Nami, how long does it take to get to Alabasta?"

Nami replied: "Almost ten days!"

"What?" Lin Hai woke up instantly. Does it take so long?

Nami rolled her eyes and said, "Didn't I make it clear just now?"

Lin Hai waved his hand and said, "I heard clearly, what's wrong with Weiwei?"

I saw Weiwei sitting there looking worried, and Nami had no choice but to spread her hands.

Seeing Weiwei's sore look, Lin Hai couldn't help but walk to her side and said, "Weiwei, what are you doing?"

Weiwei explained: "The situation in Alabasta is getting more and more critical. I'm just worried about the people there. I'm sorry that it has affected you."

Lin Hai waved his hand and said: "You said you are the only princess in Alabasta, can you really be a good princess? Looking at you now, I really doubt you!"

Nami heard Lin Hai's words and wanted to step forward to remind Lin Hai, but was stopped by Lin Hai.

Sanji on the other side remained silent, vaguely feeling that Lin Hai had something to say.

At this time, Weiwei looked at Lin Hai with a little anger and said, "Am I wrong to worry about my citizens?"

Lin Hai spread his hands helplessly, "If you want to inherit the position of the Kingdom of Alabasta in the future, there is definitely something wrong with your current thinking!"

Weiwei asked: "What's the problem?"

Lin Hai explained: "What is about to break out is a war involving millions of people. You don't think about the overall strategy and how to resolve this war, but you are worrying about which people will be injured? Why don't you say there is something wrong with your thinking?"

Weiwei said angrily: "Then tell me, where is the problem with my thinking?"

Lin Hai slapped his head, hadn't the question already been said? This woman is really difficult to communicate with!

Lin Hai had no choice but to change his mind and said: "The main conflict in your matter this time is that the king secretly used dancing powder, right?"

Seeing Weiwei nodding, Lin Hai said: "And the mastermind behind this incident is Crocodile, right?"

Weiwei nodded again, and Lin Hai continued: "What you are thinking about now is how to use us to defeat Crocodile, and then how to use us to resolve the misunderstanding between the king's army and the rebels.

This is what you should consider, instead of worrying about a war happening here or there, and how many people died there.

As the decision-maker of a kingdom, you are still entangled in your personal life and death. Can you really be the only princess of a country? Wake up you. "

After hearing what Lin Hai said, Weiwei was thunderous, but how could that guy Lin Hai allow herself to take advantage of them?

Seeing Weiwei's embarrassment, Lin Hai said with a smile: "What's wrong with using us? As a decision-maker, you must consider your own people. This is necessary and something you should learn from.

But I can tell you that we are not looking for Crocodile for you. We are looking for him to compensate for mental damages, lost wages, intimidation fees, shipping fees, etc., so you don't have to be grateful. "

After saying that, Lin Hai turned to look at Nami. He originally wanted to ask if they would mind. After all, the purposes of both parties were different, but the result was what both parties wanted.

Now, well, no need to ask!

Because Nami's eyes were all about money at this time, and she was still muttering, "It doesn't matter what you use, I'm going to make a fortune this time, make a fortune, Lin Hai, you are really a genius…"

Next to Nami, Sanji already had red eyes and muttered: "Vivius-san, use me as much as you like, I am willing to do anything for you…"

Sauron opened his eyes with difficulty and said "boring", then closed his eyes again!

"Silk, silk cake…"

"Lin Hai, your brain is really useful!"

"Are you a genius?"

After hearing Lin Hai's words, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper on the side suddenly exclaimed again with their eyes shining brightly.

Seeing them like this, Lin Hai got angry and said, "You bastards, can you please be quiet for me? Let me have a good sleep! You keep making noises, you really think I'm that pig from Sauron." ?Crap, here we go again…"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Hai was beaten again!