
One Piece Time Travel Pirates, I Have A Coquettish System

(Following the boat + time travel + funny + coquettish + passionate…)Lin Hai, an orphan in the 21st century, accidentally traveled to the world of One Piece.Since then, the style of the Straw Hat Pirates has gradually changed, becoming more outrageous…Luffy: “Hey Lin Hai, what are you doing?”Lin Hai wiped his hair coquettishly: “Listen up, Luffy, hairstyle is a man’s soul. The head can be broken, blood can flow, but the hairstyle cannot be messed up!”Luffy’s eyes lit up and he said, “Is this a man’s romance?”Then Lin Hai and Luffy put their hands on each other’s shoulders and cheered, “Romantic, romantic…”Nami was furious: “If you two bastards jump again, the boat will capsize. Just stop it…”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 74

"Moo haha…" Valpo said while sitting on the Maohe horse: "The straw hat bastard and that annoying guy, you just dared to sneak away while I was asleep, now you are obedient Accept the verdict, moo haha…"

Ignoring Valpo's words, Lin Hai turned around and asked Luffy, "That guy's mount seems to be quite meaty. How about we have a barbecue later?"

"Barbecue?" Luffy drooled instantly, and immediately nodded: "Okay, the barbecue you make is the best!"

Lin Hai quickly stepped aside and exclaimed: "Can you stop being so disgusting and stop your saliva?"

After saying that, Lin Hai took out the cane sugar and sprinkled it on the snow, then threw one Luffy and Chopper respectively.

Chopper looked at the snowball in his hand confusedly, what was he doing?

Luffy smiled and said, "Chopper, this snowball is delicious. Eat it quickly."

Chopper licked it blankly and exclaimed: "It's delicious! It's sweet."

The hairy hippo not far away was a little confused. Is it raining? Isn't it snowing? Why is there water?

Oh, it turned out to be Valpo who was drooling while watching.

However, after being reminded by the two thugs beside Valpo, Valpo immediately reacted and said angrily: "How dare you bastards ignore me!"

After speaking, Valpo turned to his men and ordered: "There are two more laws in this country. Anyone who eats without sharing with the king will be criminalized. Anyone who does not listen to the king will also be criminalized!"

Chopper reacted and said angrily: "What do you bastards want to do when you come back?"

Lin Hai stepped forward to stop Chopper, and then said to Valpo: "Valpo, listen up, we are pirates, hand over your mount obediently and let us cook barbecue, otherwise, I will call Luffy and Qiao I'll beat you all away!"

"Moo haha." Valpo said with a smile: "You are such a reckless brat, and you are so courageous. Malimon and Jace, come here and kill them."

After receiving the order, Valpo's two capable men, Marimon and Jace, took action immediately.

This situation should be left to Luffy to handle. If Lin Hai comes, he will not be able to achieve the purpose of fighting with Chopper!

After all, if you want Chopper to be your crew member, you should get to know him first, right?

It was expected to be wonderful, but the reality is…

Luffy was seen half-crouching with one hand on the ground, "Second gear…"

"Jet pistol!"

Valpo felt as if two things were flying by the corner of his eyes. Valpo reacted and said quickly: "Malimon, Jace, where did you die!"

Luffy smiled brightly and replied, "They were knocked away by me just now."

Qiaoba's eyes shone brightly and he said, "Silk cake one!"

Because everything happened so fast, Valpo didn't react at all, so he didn't believe it: "Stop talking nonsense, Straw Hat bastard, what on earth did you do to them!"

Lin Hai slapped his forehead with one hand, "Hey, hey, let's fight side by side, now?"

But Lin Hai noticed the flag on the top of the castle and suddenly had an idea.

Lin Hai stepped forward and said, "Have you seen that flag?"

Valpo exclaimed: "Who put such an ugly flag up there? Take it down quickly!"

"It's so noisy, hey, get out of here." Lin Hai kicked Valbo's hairy hippopotamus to the horizon, taking Valbo with him.

Lin Hai clapped his hands and said, "The world is finally clean."

"Hey Chopper, who put that flag up?" Lin Fan asked, pointing to the top of the castle.

Chopper replied: "Doctor Siruluk put it up."

Lin Hai continued to ask: "Why did he put that pirate flag up? And what does it mean, do you know?"

Following Lin Hai's guidance, Chopper couldn't help but think of the past between Dr. Siruluk and himself…

Dr. Siruluk: "There is nothing a man who bets his life on this skull and crossbones flag can't do! Chopper, one day you will go to the sea, and then you will understand how insignificant your troubles are. The island you were born on is only so small in the entire world…"

At this time, Luffy put his hand on Chopper's head and whispered: "I don't know what happened to that flag, but you didn't put it up just for fun, right? Since that flag blocked a person life, then we should respect it!"

Chopper suddenly trembled, as if he had been opened to Ren and Du's second vein, and he vaguely understood something.

Seeing this, Lin Hai added: "Making the impossible possible and persevering, this is the belief of your respected Dr. Siruluk, right? Listening to what you just said, Dr. Siruluk seems to have put his dream on you.

Yes, so…"

Lin Hai shouted: "Qiaoba, what are you waiting for? We are going to sea!!"


For a moment, the three of them hugged each other and cried bitterly. That was because all three of them were infected by Dr. Siruluk's charm!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a coquettish operation. The host will be rewarded with a record player. There is a song in it. Please check the host…"

It's just a record player. Lin Hai won't pay attention to that at this time!

At this time, Nami, who was watching by the window, couldn't help crying and laughed: "What a bunch of bagas!"

Is this the charm of those idiots?

Kuleha couldn't help but shed tears. She really didn't expect that she had not cured Chopper's disease for so many years, but now she was cured by the two brats in front of her!

I don't know if Kuleha is sorry for Siruluk's departure, or she is crying because Chopper's soul has been healed, or she is moved by something in life…

However, she was overjoyed. When she thought that Chopper was about to leave, Kuleha suddenly said unhappily: "Why are you making such a fuss? The patient still needs to rest!"

At this time, Zoro and Usopp, led by former Guards captain Dalton, also arrived here, along with many residents.

As soon as he saw Usopp and the others, Luffy immediately introduced: "Everyone, this is our new partner, Chopper."

After Chopper and Usopp looked at each other for a few times, Usopp exclaimed: "Monster!"

Chopper was originally afraid of strangers, but when he was called a monster, he ran away instinctively, and then a game of chasing each other was staged in the entire castle.

Ahem, Lin Hai naturally didn't participate, he, Lin Hai, is a mature person!

Because Lin Hai heard Weiwei's words and couldn't help but pricked up his ears!

Weiwei said: "Zoron, why are you walking around in the forest with bare arms?"

"I went for a swim in the ocean and before I knew it, I swam over there," Zoro explained.

"Ahem." Lin Hai tried his best to hold back his smile and said, "Are you lost?"

Sauron suddenly became furious and said, "What did you say!"

Lin Hai said loudly: "I said you were lost!"

Weiwei said speechlessly: "You don't have to be so loud, right?"

Lin Hai said funny: "He asked me to say it, I'm afraid he won't hear it!"

Zoro shouted angrily: "Try saying it again!"

"Zoron, you idiot!"

"Stop, I'm going to chop you!"