
One Piece: The Strongest Emperor

Archelaus Tigra was hailed as a genius ever since the day he was born. He could write at the age of 1, speak at 15 months old, and solve puzzles which stumped even the smartest of wise men at the age of 4. As a Prince of the Tigrian Kingdom he was hailed as a once in a century genius, but little did they know that he was a reincarnator from another world. ------------------------------ I would like to make a few clarifications, I typically don't forget things I've set up, so more often then not if something isn't clear or show at the beginning it will probably come into play a bit later. Besides that this won't be a perfect depiction of One Piece as that is One Piece, I will try and follow the rules and lore Oda has set up as best as possible, but somethings will be altered or be my interpretation since the rules on certain aspects aren't all that clear. So its an AU in a sense. Now another point, this won't be following Luffy's Journey or something this is simply a guy who wants to build a Kingdom, an Empire, so he doesn't have some hate boner for Luffy but is simply trudging along. Rant over sorry about that, I hope you enjoy the story though. (Also this picture is not mine, but LordValmar did some cool edits on it so thank you LordValmar.)

Futility · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 12 Sixis

"So according to the map, we should head in that direction, and after was pass a rock we should turn right." Bertram muttered steering the ship towards their next destination, while he was doing this William was atop the sails looking out into the distance just in case they came across any other travelers.

On the other hand Curt, Cort, Ugo, and Arch were playing cards. "Royal Flush!" Arch laughed placing down his cards. "Again how are you so lucky!" Ugo said in amazement before folding. "You're truly worthy of being King with your luck." Curt sighed as he also folded. Without a word Cort also folded while Arch simply smiled smugly.

These past few days he had been enjoying his travels with the Expedition Team as he had rarely left the island prior to being King. "Wanna play another game?" Arch asked as locked eyes with Ugo. "Sure what is it?"

"Its simple, its called Rock Paper Scissors, Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper........" Arch explained before they started. Sadly for Arch this game was much more chance based, and he ended up losing quite a few times in the various Rock Paper Scissors battles.

"Finally I won a game." Ugo said with a smile on his face, no one liked losing and even the nicest of people would get frustrated after losing too many times in a row. "Let me try." Curt said hoping to edge out a win on Arch.

A few minutes later Arch's face soured, turning around from the group of 3 it seemed like his luck had come to an end. 'This, come on.' Arch thought as he felt like punching himself in the face, why did he teach them Rock Paper Scissors just to get pummeled by them?

Ugo and the rest were quite elated though as they looked at Arch with smiles plastered on their faces. It had been a truly painful experience constantly losing to Arch.

Thus their journey continued on the East Blue as they headed for a deserted Island Sixis. It wasn't mentioned much in the manga if at all, but it held a very very important devil fruit, the Flame Flame Fruit also known as the Mera Mera no mi, the devil fruit which would earn Portgas D. Ace the epithet Fire Fist.

Eventually they arrived at the island, it was a small island with trees littered on its coast and a large mountain like formation in the center. "This should be it." Arch muttered as he looked at the island, he wasn't too familiar with it but from his memory this seemed to be the island he was looking for.

"So what's the plan now?" William asked jumping down from the sails. "Due to the nature of the island I think its best if only I and you go onto the island, while the others man the boat at a safe distance." Arch replied, his gaze never leaving the island in front of him.

"I have no problem with that." Bertram concurred as he twisted the boat slightly, it was obvious at a glance that the currents near the island were dangerous to say the least. "Then we'll be off, the second one of us finds the item we alert the other and then come back to the boat." Arch decided before turning into his tiger form.

After that he ran off the boat stepping on the wind before landing on the island. William simply turned into his eagle form and flew to the island to begin looking for the treasure. Before they had arrived Arch had informed them that they were looking for a treasure chest which contained a devil fruit. He made up some random reason and they simply accepted it, at least so far Arch hadn't led them astray and as King he did have certain privileges.

Once Arch landed on the island he turned back into his human form and walked through the forest. It was quite the beautiful island, if not for the terrible weather that surrounded it. After some time Arch found himself at the mouth of a cave that led to the mountainous structure in the island and entered it.

Inside the dark and dreary cave, Arch could barely see ahead at all he was lucky that some of the light from outside could pierce through the mouth of the cave or else he would be blind within it.

Arch continued walking through the cave seeing less and less until his vision was almost completely shrouded in darkness.

"Plop, Plop, Plop."

The sound of water dripping echoed through the cave as Arch continued venturing inside, eventually Arch noticed that the path began to elevate as it took him further and further up the mountainous structure.

'This is such a waste of time.' Arch thought but he still continued walking up the path. As far as he knew the box which held the Mera Mera no mi was consumed by a giant bird, and from the looks of it the bird wasn't in this cave, but Arch's curiosity got the better of him so he continued to walk through the cave.

Finally about 5 minutes later Arch noticed a light source and walked towards it. There laid a treasure chest along with some scattered note books.

'Is that the Mera?' Arch questioned a bit confused, as far as he remembered the fruit had arrived to this island due to the owners having shipwrecked onto it.

'Well I am not too bothered, either way I got what I came for.' Arch pondered before reaching for the chest. He then opened it but immediately his eyes dimmed. "Its just more notebooks?" He muttered as he opened one.

"Scientific Journal Volume 1 Chapter 1, Vinci D. Leonardo

A look into Anatomy..."

Arch read the journal in shock before putting it back down and then reading another.

"....Volume 2 Chapter 3.....

Aerial Transportation..."

"...Volume 3 Chapter 1...

Scientific Laws..."

Reading these Journals Arch was amazed. 'Vinci D. Leonardo, wait isn't that just Leonardo Da Vinci but inverted?!' Arch thought in confusion as he looked at the various journals but that wasn't much of a concern to Arch these journals would be extremely important to his Kingdom after all knowledge is power.

As a whole the One Piece world was pretty technologically unadvanced when compared with Earth, but then there are oddities with much higher scientific knowledge and expertise than even the greatest minds on Earth. Take the Vinsmokes cloning technology, Vegapunk's Pacifistas, even Franky's Gaon Cannon could be considered quite the oddity when compared to the rest of the One Piece world.

'With these Journals I could at least develop the general knowledge of the Kingdom as a whole.' Arch thought in excitement as he began to pack them all coming across one unlike the rest.

"My Will"

Those were the words placed on its blood red cover. Reading the words Arch decided to open the journal, on it was Vinci D. Leonardo's final Will.

"I Vinci D. Leonardo have a dream, a dream for science to be spread around the world without censorship or outside influence but sadly at least in my lifetime this will be an impossible feat. The World Government does not believe in the true value of science and has censored many many things throughout my lifetime, so much so that I was forced into seclusion on this small island in a boring sea.

Only when the chains are broken, the seas set ablaze, and the walls are destroyed, will the tyrants who live high above be brought down! This is my Will the Will of D."

"That message was pretty cryptic, but don't worry, I was never intending to let those dragons ride over my head, after all a Tiger is the King of Beasts so why should I fear a mere dragon?" Arch laughed before keeping the final journal too.

Arch was lucky he had brought a bag with him or else it would've been almost impossible to carry so many journals. Simultaneously, the cry of an eagle sounded outside. 'It seems William's got what we came for.' Arch thought before deciding to exit the cave, he had reached a dead end anyway.

'Now that I think about it, where's his corpse?' Arch pondered as he looked around the room, all there was left was a small bed along with a desk and chair. 'Its possible he had an assistant at the time.' Arch continued on this thought process before bowing slightly.

He had learnt his fair share from various novels that when taking dead people's things it was best to show respect lest they get attacked by their zombie or something. 'I don't need his soul coming for me do I?' Arch joked to himself.

Eventually Arch exited the cave and arrived back at the forest where he met up with William. "You found it?" He asked, William landing next to him with a box in hand. "This is it right?" The man confirmed as he opened the treasure chest.

A flame-like orange fruit appeared in Arch's vision, its stem twirled and green in colour. They had finally obtained the first logia of the Kingdom. "Yes, this is going to be a big help to the Kingdom!" Arch said in excitement.

Sure the Mera Mera no mi was not the best logia around and it was suppressed by the Magu Magu no mi (magma) but no one could deny its prowess. It assisted Ace greatly in becoming 2nd Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirate's and the fruit itself was roughly equal to the smoke and ice logia devil fruits in a direct clash.

There was also something else that interested Arch in regards to this fruit. 'I remember a lot of people saying that the Mera Mera no mi was actually a waste in Ace's hands and should even be able to produce blue flames, I wonder if that's true or not.' Arch thought his excitement soaring.

After that Arch and William headed to the boat, and left Sixis venturing back to Isshin Dojo, after all they had a map to return.

Hello there readers. I know a bit of bull sh*t chapter I guess, but what am I meant to do? Either way I'd like opinions is it fine if I add original things every now and again, or does that not fit well?

Cause if its absolute garbage and you all hate it then I won't do something like this again but if you're fine with it or even enjoyed it I might add more things like Vinci D. Leonardo here and there. Naturally it won't be world breaking things but nice additions to the Kingdom.

On the matter of Sixis this is actually canon but the Vinci D. Leonardo was something I thought would be a cool addition.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Futilitycreators' thoughts