
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Black Tiger Pirates

Maria continued her discreet observation of Sebastian, marveling at his incredible talent and relentless dedication. She knew that he was a formidable force, and that's why Kaido had sent her to keep an eye on him. As a companion, Sebastian was an asset, but as an enemy, he was a terrifying adversary.

"Maria, you're peeking at Sebastian again!" Ulti's voice interrupted her thoughts.

Maria, with a smile, took a puff of her cigarette and teased Ulti, Ulti, it seems like you care about him a lot. Do you have a crush on him?"

She enjoyed teasing Ulti and had noticed the younger woman's growing interest in Sebastian ever since they set sail.

Ulti blushed, her face resembling a ripe apple.

"I'm going to ask you again! You've been secretly watching him every day, so you like him, right?"

Maria, composed and unflustered, replied, "Tsk tsk, I like him. What's the problem?"

Ulti, cute and flustered, pouted in response.

Maria couldn't help but giggle at Ulti's adorable reaction.

Their conversation was interrupted by a pirate who rushed to report the sighting of three approaching pirate ships.

"Go and tell Sebastian, it's his turn to play," Maria said calmly.

The pirate nodded and hurried to find Sebastian, who was on the deck, sweating from his intense workout.

As the pirate reported the situation, Sebastian listened and acknowledged the approaching pirate ships. He had been wandering the New World for over a dozen days, encountering few pirates in Kaido's territory.

"The ones in front are the Black Tiger Pirates! Captain Black Tiger has a bounty of 100 million Baileys!" the pirate informed Sebastian.

Sebastian, with a calm demeanor, murmured, "100 million? They can barely be considered opponents."

In the New World, pirates with bounties exceeding 100 million were numerous. Sebastian understood that New World was a land of powerful individuals, and the world had become more chaotic after Roger's final words were revealed.

Without Roger's declaration, the sea wouldn't be as lively as it was now.

The reporting pirate gulped, realizing that the Black Tiger Pirates were considered mere children's playthings in Sebastian's eyes.

Ulti approached Sebastian and handed him a silk cloth, suggesting, "Wipe off your sweat."

Sebastian declined, saying, "No, I'll continue to exercise after dealing with them."

Meanwhile, the Black Tiger Pirates, led by Captain Heihu, spotted Sebastian's pirate group and prepared for battle. The prospect of taking on a ship under the banner of an Emperor of the Sea excited Captain Tiger, and he rallied his crew for the upcoming clash.

The pirates aboard the ship erupted with excitement, brandishing their knives, their eyes gleaming with murderous intent.

"Our path to glory begins with the Beasts Pirates!"

"Hahaha! You're right! Our captain has the Zoan's black tiger fruit! The title of Sea Emperor rightfully belongs to our captain!"

Captain Tiger couldn't help but chuckle at the praise his loyal crew. He envisioned the day when he would defeat Kaido and ascend to the throne of the Sea Emperors, sending shockwaves through the ranks of the Marines.

But suddenly, the joy was shattered by a barrage of cannonballs. The projectiles ripped through the Black Tiger Pirates' ships, causing chaos and injuring several of the crew.

"Ah! Boss, our ship is taking on water!"

"Damn it! They're bombarding us! Return fire!"

The Black Tiger Pirates swiftly retaliated, launching their own cannonballs toward Sebastian's pirates.

Captain Tiger barked orders, "Bring our ship alongside theirs! Our vessel is leaking, and we need a new one. Let's steal their ship to survive!"

"Go! Seize their ship!"

On the deck of the Beasts Pirate Ship, Page murmured, "Let me shoot down those incoming shells."

"No need," Sebastian said calmly, extending a finger as a dark green light gathered at its tip.

In a flash, his projectiles flew out and intercepted the incoming shells.

The shells detonated in the air, filling the sky with smoke.

"Boss Sebastian intervened! He obliterated all the shells in an instant!"

"So powerful! I've never seen Boss use this technique before."

"These fools dared to attack us; they're asking for their own demise!"

The crew on the Beasts Pirate Ship braced for action, ready to swarm the enemy ships as soon as they got close, determined to eliminate the audacious pirates who had dared to challenge them.

"Return to your positions; I'll handle this," Sebastian declared with a calm demeanor.

The sky transformed, with thick clouds, thunder rumbling, and an endless clash of lightning. Dark rain poured from the sky as Sebastian extended his black wings, soaring high before swooping down upon the Black Tiger Pirates.


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