
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Black Silk

Around noon, Sebastian finally grasped Observation Haki, and the auras of the surrounding beings resonated within his consciousness. Page's aura resembled a flame, and with just a bit of focus, Sebastian could intensify that flame.

Ulti's aura was similar, yet her presence was even more potent and fiery than Page's.

Page threw six stones towards Sebastian, who nimbly dodged them while getting closer to Page.

Page then inquired, "Have you truly understood it?" and continued to throw more stones.

Sebastian evaded all the stones with finesse, and as he approached Page, he responded, "I don't believe that mere comprehension of Observation Haki allows you to see through all of my attack patterns so quickly."

Undeterred, Page increased his stone-throwing rate, sending nearly a hundred stones in a dense barrage from various angles.

Despite the overwhelming assault, Sebastian confidently whispered, "There are gaps between the stones."

With the agility of a loach, he gracefully navigated through the stones, rendering each one harmless.

"Impossible! I haven't even reached this level of proficiency!" Page exclaimed in disbelief as Sebastian walked past him.

Sebastian then removed the blindfold, saying, "I think I've mastered Observation Haki."

Page marveled, "No, you haven't just mastered it—you've realized it."

He couldn't help but pat Sebastian's abdomen, as he was too short to reach his shoulder. "It took me four hours to grasp it, and you already possess such precise observation skills right after understanding it!"

Sebastian casually inquired, "Whose blindfold is this? It smells nice."

He had noticed the unique fragrance even while blindfolded.

Page replied, "I cut it from my elder sister's clothes."

Ulti, who overheard the conversation, was not pleased. She grabbed Page's head, exclaiming, "Page! How dare you cut my clothes!"

Page reacted with alarm, exclaiming, "Sister, no! Don't do it! I'm sorry, I won't dare again!"

Ulti playfully patted Page's cheek until he regained consciousness. Afterward, Page retreated, resting against the wall. "Sister, don't come near me; you're scaring me."

Ulti remained seated on the floor, playfully tapping Page's cheek until he woke up.

Page shrank back, keeping his distance, "Sister, please, don't scare me like that."

Ulti then turned to Sebastian, "It's your fault! That was my clothes! And it's..." She blushed, unable to finish her sentence.

She shook Page's head vigorously to convey her frustration.

Sebastian observed the playful antics of the two siblings with a smile. After an hour of their playful banter, they finally settled down.

Ulti snatched the black silk cloth from Sebastian's hand, tucking it into her own clothes. "This is mine, so I can't give it to you."

Sebastian shrugged, showing indifference to the piece of black silk. The most valuable thing he was interested in was Ulti herself.

"Thank you for your guidance these past few days. Let me treat you to dinner," Sebastian offered.

Ulti agreed, "Yes, I want to have barbecue."

Page chimed in, "Sister, just you and not me? I practiced with you for half a day today; shouldn't you treat me as well?"

Sebastian assured them, "We'll all go together."

"Alright, let's go. I know a restaurant in Wano that's delicious."

At the barbecue restaurant, the three of them enjoyed a hearty feast, consuming substantial amounts of meat. As Zoan ability users, their appetites far exceeded those of ordinary people. The restaurant owner, witnessing their voracious consumption, felt a mix of awe and fear, especially given that they were members of the Beasts Pirates. He wondered whether they would pay the bill or present any problems.

The owner of the small barbecue restaurant was torn inside but didn't dare to interrupt their meal. The pirates of the Hundred Beasts were ruthless individuals who had seen their fair share of violence, and he didn't want to provoke them.

"Boss, I'll take ten more servings of meat. Don't worry; I'll cover the cost," Sebastian offered, understanding the owner's unease. While he might not be a saint, he had no intention of bullying a small barbecue restaurant owner.

"Alright," the owner reluctantly brought ten more servings of meat.

Page devoured a mouthful of meat, causing his cheeks to balloon out like basketballs. Between chews, he remarked, "Your talent is truly enviable. You can become a powerful individual without working hard."

Sebastian flipped a piece of barbecue with his chopsticks and replied, "No matter how talented you are, you can't become the strongest without hard work, just like Linlin."

"Like Linlin? You mean Linlin! She's the Sea Emperor, but it doesn't sound like you hold her in high regard," Page noted, the corner of his mouth twitching.

"She's undeniably powerful, but she had the potential to become even stronger," Sebastian stated matter-of-factly.

The title of the world's strongest was open for contention if she had continued to pursue it.

"You aim to become the strongest? But that title currently belongs to Whitebeard," Ulti pointed out in surprise.

Whitebeard's strength hadn't diminished; he was still unequivocally the world's strongest man. Even Kaido harbored immense fear of him. He was not the aging man who couldn't evade his son's sneak attack during the Summit War.

"People always need goals, don't they?" Sebastian responded with a smile.

"Indeed. This my goal is to become a prominent figure," Ulti agreed with a nod.


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