
Chapter 19- The Escape From Loguetown! Hurry to Reverse Mountain!!

After we landed from escaping the navy in the ally, we keep running into soldiers around every corner, and we cant lose them. We turn the corner amd run into a dead end, we turn aroundvamd see tons of soldiers and officers with their guns pointed at us, we are trapped. They are yelling to surrender or die, all i can think about is that there is still no cannonball fired or sign, I hope that means that the navy is that dumb or they are already captured. As i looked at Lizard and looked back at the officers I was about to create a thick cloud infront of her to save her but then it happened. They all fell down, with massive cuts on their bodies, out of the blue. We were confused and couldn't move at all. But we couldn't think about what happened, the navy knows we are here and we have to get out of here before we get captured. As we sprint around the city towards the dock we fend off navy officers continuously. "Turn left here and we should be by the docks!" Lizard yells. As we turn the corner we run into somebody, somebody tall, somebody with an afro. " "HEY WATCH I...." I cut my sentence short as Lizard and I are frozen and turned pale white. We just ran into Admiral Aokiji Kuzan... " Oh pardon me, I wasn't looking where I was going. Wait, you're that new rookie pirate who's already making a name for himself", he stated, "Well good luck to you and your crew kid, you're going to need it since Akainu is the Fleet Admiral now". "Wait... you're not going to arrest us?", I shakingly ask. "I'm not with the navy anymore, I got some other business to do in the New World. You probably won't see me till you get there, if you make it there", he states. As if we weren't in anymore shock than before we were now. "Here, this should help, ICE WALL!", he yells and a giant wall of ice is formed between the docks and the town. "Get to your ship quick, I won't have this up much longer". We don't hesitate this time, we book it to the ship. As soon as we got there the wall fell and the navy stormed to their ships we got outband headed towards Reverse Mountain with the navy trailing behind us firing cannon balls. Lizard is sterring the ship as I cover the sides with clouds, so we don't take too much damage if we hit ghe sides of the mountain. We can see it and the pathway, but we got to get rid of the navy first. Roy is shooting at them but he is out of range, I dont have enough energy to create a giant cyclone to the wipe them out. So i go to my technics. I am facing the ships and creat a smallish cloud in front of me, flaten the sides facing me and the ships, and I wind-back and punched the cloud yelling," LIGHTING PUNCH!!!!", and a strong, thick bolt of lighting flies out and breaks through one of the bavy ships and stops it, two to go. "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!", Roy yells with pure excitement. Then I turn to the next ship, line up and I did the same thing but yelled," CYCLONE DRILL PUNCH!!". A clyconr similar to the one I used on the island came flying out and drilled straight through the bottom of a navy ship, and I made it twist over to the other ship and destroyed the main mast with it going straigh through the floor, making a hole in their ship. All ships are stopped, Roy is going crazy, I may need to knock him out its getting annoying. "Captain! We are approaching Reverse Mountain!!", Joe yells. We keep the ship steady and we hit the pathway perfectly, now we just have to wait and brace ourselves for whats over this mountain. All of a sudden we hear music playing, more specifically a saxophone.