
Chapter 20- The Lighting Fast Musician Appears!

As we speed up the mountain our emotions are all over the place. The excitement, the adrenaline, the nerves. An assortment of emotion is rushing throughout everyone, and then we hear something. Music playing, but only one instrument, a saxophone. Lizard and I looked at each other and got ready to fight. The other two looked confused but got ready too. We continue to hear the saxophone and frantically look around and then out of nowhere the person shows up on the front deck still playing the saxophone. Its the same guy, or at least we think it is. They have the same kind of cloak and the giant sword handle in the back. "You guys got a nice ship", the person says calmly. We look at him with pure befuddlement....again. "Oh yea I have my cloak on", he rips it off, "Hey guys!". He is a dark man, with his hair in dread lock ponytail, has two elbows and a very muscular body. We continue to have befuddlement written all over our faces. "Oh yea, you guys haven't seen me at all", the person chuckles. "Who the hell is this guy??", Roy yells, "I like him! But who is he?!?". Lizard and I explain the situation and Roy being Roy, gets excited. "So, who are you and why are you on my ship?", I ask. "I should of started with this, but my name is Aeon, the Lighting Fast Assassin, that is a master at playing my saxophone and weild the time-time fruit. Which allows me to slow time down a certain percentage for a certain amount of time, and thank you for helping with the two thugs. Oh I saved your ass back at Loguetown too". I look at him confused, but I remember what happened in Loguetown. When we were cornered all the navy soldiers fell over dead in a second. This guy sounds deadly, especially with his fruit. "So why are you here on my ship? You here to kill us? Because we won't go down without a fight", I yell. He chuckles and says," if I wanted to kill you, I already would of. No, I came here to join your crew". I was surprised, I remember him saying it wasn't for him. "What change your mind?", I asked. "I always want to travel around the globe, call it my dream if you want. But I wanted to go with Luffy, but hes in the New World now." He threw a news paper at me and it said that Navy Vice Admiral Smoker got news that Luffy was at Punk Hazard. " I thought about it after you helped me out and I helped you out, you seemed very similar to Luffy". I chuckled and looked around, everyone nodded, Roy was jumping up and down saying yes over amd over again. I turn to Aeon and say, " Welcome to the crew Aeon, you are officially a Storm Pirate!! Lets break out that Sake!!" He appears right beside us and cheers. "Lets keep the slowing down time thing for more important situations", I said. He chuckles and says, "Sure thing! By the way, what should I call you?", he asked. "Call me Captain", I said. "Well I know you're the captain, but whats your name?" "I told you it's Captain". "Dude, what is your name". I look at him like he had a foot growing out of his head. And the others were rolling on the ground laughing to death. Then it sank in and he was very apologetic. I told him it was fine and handed him a cup of sake, he laughed and took it. And all of a sudden we fly into the air and land on the downward stream, to the Grand Line. "Next stop the Grand Line!!!", I yelled as Aeon starts to play his saxophone.