
Chapter 18- Loguetown at last! Two Mysterious People!

As we head toward Loguetown theres a strange shift in the weather. It started to snow and some sleet too, but the clouds aren't right amd there are very little clouds, then. Then I saw a dark figure fly over us, its too high to tell what it is but its moving at an astounding speed. "CAPTAIN!!! We are just about to reach Loguetown!!", screams Roy. As I look at hom and look back up the object was gone, I blame it on a cloud, but I knew it was something flying. We finally arrive at Loguetown we dock the ship and put cloaks on before we head in. We had Roy and Joe stay at the ship to guard it since the navy is constantly on pratrol. "Shoot a cannon ball in the sky or something if things get fishy, we'll come as soon as we can and get out if here", I said. They agreed and kept low on the ship as Lizard and I went into town to get supplies. As we are gathering supplies there is a lot of navy soldiers running around, I thought to myself, woundering why they are here with this many soldiers. As we are heading towards the center plaza we find the platform, or what it use to be before Luffy destroyed it somehow. As we head to a different part if town I notice there were no guards here at all. And that there was a tall man standing beside the platform, and does he really have an afro? "Hey, we need to keep moving and get the stuff we need", said Lizard. I agreed and we continued. We obtained all that we wanted an needed and headed back towards the ship, but there was a checkpoint. Navy officers searching people and seeing if they were pirates, we duck into a back ally to evade them, we needed to get out tp the ship and fast. As we dodge several navy posts we hear someone playing some music. We walk towards it and a person in a cloak, with a sword handle on his back and the blade in the cloak, sitting on the ground playing a saxophone. We aren't sure if we need to avoid them or not. As soon as we thought that two thugs ran up  the person demaned the instrument. They both held guns to his head and were demanding vigorously but quietly. He wasn't going to get out of that. "We need to go now, before things get ugly here and then worse with the navy", Lizard said. But I couldn't do that, so I threw two clouds at the thugs. They were shocked and confused tp why the clouds were sticking to them, "Lighting bolt!", I yelled. The two thugs got got zapped and passed out. The person look at me in shock, but then said, "Thanks, but I could of handled it". "Well it looked like you needed some help", I said, " Say, how about you join my crew, we need a musician for long trips". He chucked but refused, "I'm not a pirate, I'm a person who people pay to kill, an assassin, that loves to play the saxophone". I was befuddled but didn't force him to. As I was about to say something sone navy guards come to the back ally and notice and recognize us amd start to charge. I get a cloud ready and Lizard and I get on it, and Iturm around to have the other man get on, he was gone, just disappeared. I was shocked, untill Lizard punch me and we fled. We went to a different part of town and landed. "Why not to the ship??" Lizard asked. "There isn't a cannon ball yet so that means they don't know our ship, I rather not lead them directly there", I said, " But we need to get out of here fast".