
Chapter 17- The Results of Training and the Sea to Loguetown!

After what seemed like a couple days turned into months amd months of training, but it paid off. We are much stronger and battle smart now. Joe added some new techniques and defense techniques, Lizard learned how to use the tempest kick and cut down 50 trees with one kick.... Ray got use to his new body amd trained with it. And I worked on my techniques with my staff and got some new moves as well, and a secret technique that makes me faster but only a bit stronger. I call it cyclone man, I conjure clouds at the ends of my limbs and form small cyclones over my body as a protective coating, and then cyclones from the feet clouds so i can move at an extreme rate of speed. I'm working on another idea but thats for a later date. After that encounter with the spy, we know that we are going to have a big target on our backs, not only to the navy, but other pirates too. "I think we should destroy it." I said. Everyone looked at me with shock. "I'm sorry Joe, but the navy knows about this place and they will search everypart of this island, and they will find this base and use your technology. So I say we get whatever we can and upgrade what we can to the ship before the navy gets here". "I agree with you Captain, but how? How do we destroy this island, we don't have enough fire power for it." Joe asked. "Just let me handle that". I said. We get whatever we can onto the ship and improve the ship the best we can and we head out we get a good distance away from the island but its still barely in cannon fire we anchored the ship. I form a cloud above the island and yell,"drill cyclone!" Amd a cyclone that is pointed at the end comes flying down and drills through the island, "expand!" And the cyclone slowly expands and destroys the island. "Damn!! Now thats some power!!" Ray yells. I forget that he doesn't know my power at all, even though he watched me a we trained... Once the cyclone dissipated rocks started to fall from the sky amd there was no island in sight. "That should throw the navy off their tracks as well" Lizard says. "Alright!" I say, "now that thats over with, lets head to Loguetown before we get to reverse mountain!"