
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 63

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 63

If this continues, there will be a war of blood flowing into a river in China!

Vivi slumped on the ground with a newspaper.

"I must stop it! I can't let Alabasta Kingdom, it ends like this. Can't be taken by Crocodile…" Vivi covered his face and cried and said, "I can't just go back safely, I must go back as soon as possible. If you can't make it, a hundred Totto Land people will kill each other!"

"A million people?" Luffy shouted in shock.

"Your responsibility is so heavy! Vivi." Sanji said.

It's outside at this time.

"Hill? You are at the helm." Nami said weakly to Hood Hill, leaning on the wall.

Hood·Hill smiled and turned his head and said: "Yes, your heart is so big, you actually looked for Zoro, the road silly king, to see the route. Fortunately, I woke up and adjusted my direction in time."

"Everyone said I'm not a Lu Chi!" Zoro shouted angrily from the side.

"Well, route…" Nami walked over with a weak body and looked at the pointer, "This is not that absolutely does not have to follow the route!"

"Because you are sick! So I plan to try my luck and see if I can meet a small island for you to see a doctor." Hood Hill responded.


At this moment, what was the difference between Nami, "The air… has changed the smell… Hill, turn around at three o'clock, and then go paddling. Get out of this area as soon as possible…"

Hood Hill looked at Nami nodded and said: "Understood! Come out, everyone! Work!"

Sanji, Luffy and Usopp and running fast came out of the room.

"Let's go rowing together! Luffy, you go to rewind!" Hood Hill has already turned his direction, letting everyone go rowing together.


"What's going on? Nami-san, the sea is very quiet and the weather is good!" Sanji asked suspiciously.

"There is wind…" Nami said weakly, standing on the edge of the fence, "up ahead, there is a strong wind—it seems to be…"

Just then Luffy Going to Nami's body, extend the hand and touch Nami's forehead.

"Ah!" Luffy felt that his hands were about to be burned. "It's hot! Let's stop the boat and go to the doctor!"

"Don't be fussy! I usually have this temperature. Don't be silly, go and pull the rope to rewind!"

"Nami, I know you are for Vivi, but don't do it so hard." Sanji said worriedly.

"Huh!" Hood Hill finally put the sail away by himself.

"After all, I took care of everything myself. Usopp, why are you here again, hurry up, go paddling with me! This time, listen to Nami's words!" Hood Hill hooked Usopp's Said the shoulder.

"No, Hill, Nami is trying to force herself, she is very sick." Usopp said to Hood Hill.

"So, at this time, I should listen to Nami! We don't know how to sail. Nami must have her reason to let us do this. Let's do this first. Let's let Nami go to rest together!" Hood Hill yelled to Usopp.

"Well, I know." Usopp nodded.

Everyone started paddling and turning the rudder together, and finally left the area Nami said.

At this time Vivi walked out of the room.

"I have something I want to ask everyone. You have already let me take the boat. I really have no face to make a wayward request. But now, my country has fallen into an unprecedented crisis, and I must hurry back as soon as It can't be delayed for a moment. So… now, this ship doctor is the fastest… to Alabasta Kingdom!!"

Everyone standing on the deck was silent, pouting at Vivi. , Even Sanji was a little unhappy.

Nami looked at Vivi and said with a wry smile: "Of course, I promised you!"

"Since everyone agrees, then, immediately go to the island where there is a doctor. Cure Nami's disease as soon as possible…anything, head to Alabasta! This is the highest speed of this ship, right?"

Luffy finally laughed and said, "Yes. There is nothing faster than this. Speed ​​​​up!"

Usopp raised his hand and asked back: "Okay? As a Princess, you should worry about the lives of one hundred Totto Land citizens, right?"

"Yes Ah, so I want Nami to get better soon." Vivi nodded said.

"Well said, Vivi sauce! I saw you with admiration!" Sanji praised from the corner of his mouth.

"Good manner!" Zoro put down the knife he was holding tightly.

"hahaha, do you like to pant when you talk!" Hood Hill shouted with a laugh.

Vivi looked at Nami and apologized: "I'm sorry, you sacrificed the corners of your mouth for me… Don't hold on, Nami."

Nami barely supported himself with his hand on the railing "Oh! No, Vivi…I think…a bit…it seems not to work…"

"Oh oh oh! What are you?!"

Luffy suddenly yelled.

hong long long ~! ! !

In the sky, there was a loud noise, and a huge tornado and storm suddenly appeared in the area where the ship was just now.

Vivi sighed while holding Nami, so awesome! Someone has said that the tornadoes and storms on the great route are without warning, but…Nami is not just in theory, to make weather forecasts. She simply uses her body to feel the changes in predicting genius... Never seen such a Navigator!

"Okay! Everyone hurry up! Keep going, let's find a doctor!" Luffy climbed up the main mast moved towards everyone shouted.


Everyone raised their fists in response and started a new round of sailing.

In this way, the ship ignored the pointer to Alabasta and began to look for a doctor. Then, just a day passed…

In the sky it was snowing, and the weather gradually stabilized.

"Hey! Hill, why doesn't your body attract snowballs...it's not fun at all." Luffy grumbled, pouting.

"For me, attracting snowballs is not fun!" Hood Hill vomited.

"You guys are really in the mood to play here!" Usopp walked over.

"Ah, it's useless if we are in a hurry! Come together!" Hood Hill said, picking up a snowball moved towards Usopp and smashing it.

"Okay, then let you see how powerful this Uncle is!" Usopp finally joined the snowball fight between Luffy and Hood Hill.

"Hey!" Zoro, standing on the platform looking out, shouted.

"Did you see the doctor?" Luffy lifting asked, opening his head.

"How can I see the doctor, this is the sea!" Usopp vomited.

"Someone is standing on the sea." Zoro said incredibly.

Hood Hill walked to the side of the ship and saw a silhouette on the sea not far away. He smiled and said, "Really, maybe it's a doctor."

"Doctor? Very good! Let him come over to see Nami!" Luffy cheered.

Usopp mouth opened wide said in disbelief: "Ah! I am not really a doctor…"