
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 64

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 64

"Hey! It's so cold today!"

After the Meili approached the man, the man standing on the sea waved towards the four of them Said.

"Well, it's really cold today!"

"ahhhh! So cold, so cold! It's very cold today!"

"Is it?"

Then the four of them looked at the man standing on the sea again.


Suddenly a huge ship emerged from the feet of the man standing on the sea.

"So you were standing on the boat?!" Hood Hill said as he looked at the person who looked on the platform.

"wa ha ha ha! Did you scare you? This is the large submarine raid on the iron barrel!" Wapol wave came out of the iron barrel and ate his sword.

"It's miserable! This…this…is Pirate Ship…" Usopp shouted nervously.

"It's so big!" Luffy exclaimed as he looked at Wapol Wave's barrel number.

"Hey! It happened to appear at this critical juncture…" Zoro helplessly said.

"Do you want to fight?" Hood Hill has already set his posture.

Sanji, who took care of Nami with Vivi in​the room, ran out after hearing the movement.

"Hey! What happened…" Sanji, who had just run out, understood what was going on in an instant.

Standing at the original place, looking at Luffy with a cigarette and asked plainly: "Hey! How's it going?"

"We were attacked, this ship!" Luffy replied flatly.

"Fortunately, it was almost as I expected. I knew it at a glance…"

At this time, Wapol Bo's men had invaded the Meili and pointed their guns. Everyone on board.

"Hey! We are in a hurry!" Luffy complained to the man who pointed the gun at him.

"Oh oh oh…that's five people!" Wapol said while eating the iron, "Are there only five of you on the boat? Forget it, forget it. Let's ask first. Let's ask. Want to go to the drum kingdom, do You have permanent pointers or record pointers?"

"What's the matter with that guy? Even swords?" Luffy said in astonishment.

"Aiya! It hurts just watching him eat!" Usopp said with embarrassment with his hands raised.

"No, I have never heard the name of this country." Sanji shook the head.

Luffy yelled impatiently: "Hey! If you are done, go back soon!"

"Ah...yeah! Don't worry! People are growing! Now! If you don't bring any pointers, give me your boat and treasure!" Wapol Bo said while still eating the iron.

"What did you say?!" Luffy shouted angrily.

"But…wait!" Wapol Bo ate the fence next to the Merri into his stomach, saying: I'm so hungry…

"You What are you guys doing!" Usopp shouted angrily.

"Don't eat our boat!!" Luffy jumped down and planned to beat the Wapol wave, but was immediately surrounded by Wapol wave's men.

Luffy knocked those people down with a few punches.

"Have you said that the fight is over! The breath of water, the shape of three, the flow of dance!" Hood Hill pulled out the Sun Wheel knife and started to fight.

"That's how it should be at first!" Zoro also drew his knife.

"haha! How do you do it!" Sanji laughed and kicked Wapol Bo's men down.

Vivi heard gunshots in the room.

"Gunshots! Run fast! Take good care of Nami! I'll be back soon!" Vivi yelled anxiously, and then ran out of the room.

At this time, everyone has been killed by Wapol wave's men.

Wapol Bo himself was eating the Meri because of hunger. Luffy walked up to Wapol Bo and planned to punch him.

But Wapol wave opened wide and ate Luffy in one bite.

"Luffy?!" Usopp yelled worriedly.

"This guy is so hard to chew!" Wapol wave kept biting Luffy, because Luffy is rubber.

Luffy extended his arms outside, and then directly used a rubber rocket launcher to fly Wapol.

Seeing that the immediate boss was beaten up, all of Wapol wave's men returned to their iron barrel number and went looking for Wapol wave in the direction where Wapol wave flew.

Vivi suddenly thought of where he seemed to have seen the person named Wapol Bo.


The sky is getting dark gradually, Nami is still having a high fever, even the temperature is getting higher and higher.

"If you splash water or something…will the heat drop a bit?" Luffy asked stupidly.

"Idiot!!" Sanji and Vivi together beat the idiot out of the room on the boat.

"It's getting dark, so let's stop there today. Vivi!"

"Yes! It's almost time to find a place to anchor. Without Nami's instructions, I can't It's night sailing."

Sanji and Vivi said so, everyone dropped anchor and parked the Meili on the sea.

Sanji was in charge of watching the ship's night watch. Luffy, Zoro, and running fast even though they said they wanted to look after Nami with Vivi, but their three people fell asleep.

Hood Hill followed Usopp to repair the boat with wooden boards outside.

Nami woke up in the middle of the night and saw everyone staying in his room, smiling slightly, lying down and going to sleep again.

The sky gradually brightened, and the Meili was almost repaired. Hood Hill went to lower the sails and put the anchors up, and the boat moved slowly along the sea breeze.

"Hey! Don't you think it's very quiet and cold here?" Sanji shouted while standing on the platform.

"Yes! This kind of thing is the sea of ​​change, too." Usopp responded.

"Maybe it's about to approach the island. I once saw an introduction about the Grand Line in a book, saying that when sailing on the Grand Line, if the weather becomes very severe for a period of time. The stability means that we are approaching the nearby islands." Hood Hill said, raising a finger.

"Yes! Sanji pay attention to the horizon line! There must be a winter island near here." Vivi stepped out and said.

"Winter Island?" Sanji asked suspiciously.

"Well, meteorological experts divide the many islands in the Grand Line into four categories, namely [Spring Island], [Summer Island], [Autumn Island] and [Winter Island]. American islands have Your own four seasons.

"That is to say…the weak must take a trip to the Grand Line, at least from the summer of [Summer Island] to the winter of [Winter Island], you must go through 16 stages season. Of course there are many exceptions and unknown weather types. "Vivi explained to everyone.

"so that's how it is! Because the islands are lined up together, the weather on the sea between the islands will become unstable, which is different from the usual situation.

"Yes! Therefore, if the weather on the sea becomes very calm, it means there are islands nearby…"

At this moment, Sanji, who was standing looking on the platform, suddenly shouted, "Hey! I see the island!"