
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 62

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 62

"You are well-developed, Island Eater. You hateful goldfish monster." Dorry said as he looked at the huge goldfish monster.

"It's amazing! This guy has a big appetite! He has eaten up all the islands in this area! It seems that his feces must be very long, too." Brogy said with a smile.

"Indeed... it's better to name its poop the island that doesn't have it."

"Ghahahaha! Ahahaha! Remember that we used to treat that pile of filth as a new continent. , I've been ashore!"

"I miss the days of adventure! Seeing them, I remember the time before…

"The guy who didn't let us pass here was just The blood-stained snake.

"Look! Giant Race from Elbaf is the most powerful gun!"

Dorry and Brogy hunched and set their posture,

has been taken The goldfish swallowed the Meili in his stomach and everyone yelled in panic: "Go straight!!! Go straight!!!", now only believes in Dorry and Brogy.

Outside, "Hey!!", Dorry and Brogy fought hard, like a storm, a powerful sword aura moved towards the goldfish monster swept away.


In an instant, the goldfish monster's stomach was opened with a huge opening, and the Meri flew into the air while holding the sword wind.

"Let's go! My friends!!!"

Dorry and Brogy raised up the battle ax and giant sword because only the handle was left for the blow.

Leaving the Meili in Little Garden on Juran Island, the ship sailed quietly on the sea…

Usopp stood on the fence and faced each other Everyone on the ship solemnly announced another dream of their own, everyone! Sooner or later I will go to Elbaf! Go to the warrior village!"

"Okay, Usopp! must go! When will we go to the hometown of the giants! !" Luffy also walked over to the fence and said.

Then Luffy and Usopp crossed their backs and cheered together.

"They are in good spirits! "Nami leaned against the mast and looked at Luffy and Usopp weakly and exclaimed.

"Aiya, after experiencing what happened just now, I suddenly felt so tired…" Nami took out the permanent pointer of Alabasta and handed it to him. Vivi, touched his forehead with the other hand, "Vivi, can you look at the pointer for me?" "

"Finally…" Nami moved towards Vivi smiled slightly, "You can return to Alabasta."

"Well, I must go back…because-the way to save the kingdom…I will definitely live…return to Alabasta! ! "Vivi thought of what Icarlem once said to her, that is, the only way to save Alabasta Kingdom is to find the truth and tell the people. Only in this way can the riots be put down.

"Yes. , Come on! Vivi! I'm here! ! "Sanji came over with a plate of desserts, "Today's dessert is shortbread cookies. Would you like a piece of it?" Drinks include coffee and black tea…"



Suddenly Luffy and Usopp smelled and ran away Come here, stared wide-eyed staring at the dim sum, mouth opened wide drooling.

"Your share is in the kitchen. "Sanji said silently.

"Ooooooo! "Luffy and Usopp cheered and ran into the kitchen.

At the back of the boat, Zoro was exercising with a few hundred pounds of dumbbells.

"Hateful, if I can defeat that guy at first…I want to be stronger…at least I can cut steel!"

Zoro recalled the scene when he was caught by Mr. 3, because he was not strong enough, even the steel could not be cut.

"hu hu~~"

At this time, Hood Hill is sleeping in the room.

Hood Hill is really tired. I didn't sleep for two consecutive days and one night, and I went through several games. Fighting, the body really can't hold on, he doesn't have the energy of Luffy.

But at this moment, shouts came from outside the house.

"Come on, everyone! That's terrible! Nami, Nami, she has a fever, and the temperature is so high! ! !"

Vivi yelled in panic when he saw Nami who fell suddenly on the ground.


"Oh~~" Hood Hill stood on the deck Yawned.

Then looked towards Zoro, who was standing on the second floor while holding dumbbells and watching the course, said with a smile: "Zoro, give me the pointer. Let the lost king see Route, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach Alabasta in this life."

Zoro yelled angrily when he heard these words: "I'm not a road idiot!" And there is no problem with the route, I will still watch such a simple thing! "

Zoro angrily took out Alabasta's permanent pointer, "Ah…", when he saw that didn't expect actually moved towards the opposite direction.

Hood Hill Zoro got close and looked at the permanent pointer said with a smile: "Well, didn't you say it's very simple!"

"It's calm and tranquil! This pointer is broken!" Zoro said stiffly.

"Well, we have encountered this since we entered the Grand Line. At that time, you were sleeping and you didn't know it. On the surface, looking at the calm and tranquil, we were actually caught in the ocean current in the opposite direction. It's just that we can hardly detect this ocean current with naked eye. If you don't pay attention, it will turn in the opposite direction. . "Hood Hill walked to the rudder with the permanent pointer, and turned around and said.

In Nami's room.

Vivi took the newspaper and said in panic, "How could this be? ? !"

"What's wrong?" Luffy asked.

"Is it Alabasta's business?" Vivi…" Sanji also asked worriedly.

"The 300,000 soldiers of the King's Army turned to the Rebel Army... The original situation was that the King's Army had 600,000 troops and the Rebel Army had 400,000 troops. In this way, the situation was completely reversed!"Vivi said when he saw news brow beaded with sweat.

If this continues, Alabasta Kingdom will fall into a civil war, and eventually become unhappy!

Suddenly Nami sits out of bed. Get up, "It seems that the riot in Alabasta has officially begun…This is the newspaper three days ago. Sorry… Even if you know, you can't change the speed of the ship. 't want you to worry, so I hid it."

"It looks like the situation is serious. "Luffy crossed his arms and said.

"That's right! Fortunately, you understand my painstakingly very well. "Nami said and got off the bed.

"But, you have to see a doctor!" Usopp opened his hands and said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter...Is this thermometer broken? My body temperature is impossible to be forty degrees..." Nami threw the thermometer aside.

Luffy nodded said, "Well, you should have heat stroke… You don't need to see a doctor, you can get better in a while."

"In short, now we are going to sail as scheduled. Go to Alabasta. Let everyone worry. Thank you very much."

After that, Nami, who was flushed and weak as he watched, walked out of the room.