
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 61

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 61

"Very good! Come and have a senbei party, everyone!" Luffy raised two senbei and shouted excitedly.

"Hey! Luffy! There are only three senbei left, can you still have a party?" Usopp said suspiciously.

"Captain! This is not the time to do this kind of thing. Hurry up! We don't have time for dill-dallying!" Nami tapped Luffy's head with his finger and said.

"There is still a lot of tea, why not have a tea party!" Hood Hill raised his teacup and shouted.

"Okay! Let's have a tea party!" Luffy raised his hands in agreement.

"Hill, don't mess around with Luffy now! We are going to Alabasta as soon as possible!" Nami tapped Hood Hill's head helplessly and said.

"Yes!" Hill and Luffy nodded, then look at Issho.

"That's right! Hey! You don't have our hunting game, right?" Sanji asked while looking at Zoro.

"Ah…that way, I won." Zoro said with a smile, then opened his hands, "Because I caught such a big rhino!"

"Hunting game?" What came to mind when Brogy and Dorry heard this word.

"Then, fat uncle, giant uncle!!! We are leaving!!!" Luffy shouted to Brogy and Dorry.

"Really? Ah! Going to leave soon?" "It's a pity, but you can't stay here forever!! I hope your country is fine!" Brogy and Dorry responded.

Vivi bowed to Brogy and Dorry and thanked: "Thank you!"

Hood Hill also waved his hands and shouted: "Brogy, Dorry goodbye!"


"Don't die!" Luffy shouted, raising his hands.

"Master! Me! One day! I'm going to Elbaf Village!" Usopp yelled with clenched fists.

"Hey!" Running fast and yelling goodbye to Brogy and Dorry.

After Luffy and they both left, they were quiet for a moment.

"The friend's boat has set off…" Brogy said with a smile.

"Yeah! We can't leave them alone. There are monsters in East Blue over there!" Dorry lowered his head in response.

"Dorry! Your injury..."

"It's okay, you can't die!"

"Here is the lifespan of the battle ax and the sword Almost…"

"Are you sure to win?"

"Maybe! This is the tomahawk that has been fighting with me for more than 100 years…for them! die! Without regret !"

Brogy and Dorry stood up, picked up their tomahawk and giant sword, and walked to the entrance of Little Garden East Blue, waiting for the arrival of the Meri.

At this time, it was on the shore where the Meri was docked.

"Look at it! My lizard won!" Sanji pointed to his own T-Rex and shouted to Zoro.

"What's wrong with your eyes? My rhino won!" Zoro pointed to the Three-Horned Dragon and shouted angrily to Sanji.

"Lizard? Rhinoceros? Aren't these two dinosaurs?" Hood Hill stood by and looked at the two dinosaurs that Sanji and Zoro had caught. He folded his hands on his chest and asked in confusion.

"Ah!" Sanji and Zoro froze for a while.

They didn't know that Little Garden was an ancient island, so they thought it was a huge animal.

"Forget it, it looks almost the same level anyway!!" Luffy said, lying on the fence beside the boat.

"When are you arguing? Anyway, there is no way to transport all of them, so let the necessary things stay. It's time to sail!" Nami moved towards Zoro and Sanji shouted.

"Yes! Nami-san!" Sanji heard Nami's voice and immediately stopped arguing with Zoro.

"Hey! Hill, whether they are dinosaurs or other creatures, did I win?" Zoro looked at Hood Hill and asked.

"Yeah, it's delicious anyway! If it's delicious, it's over! By the way, the meat on the legs is especially delicious. Must cut it off and take it away!" Hood Hill said with a faint smile.

"Okay, let's cut a little more leg meat." Sanji took the kitchen knife and broke down the two dinosaurs, cut off what Sanji thought was the best part, and took it on board.

"Hey! Can't you put more meat?" Luffy pouted.

"Idiot! No amount of it! The boat will capsize!" Nami said.

"Just go straight ahead and you can reach the east side of the island."

The boat moved forward and drove straight along the river. It didn't take long for them to I saw Brogy and Dorry who had been waiting at the coast.

"Oh! Uncle them! Are they here to see them off?" Luffy pointed at Brogy and Dorry laughed and said with a smile.

"The dwarves who came to this island…the main reason for not being able to reach the next island is just ahead."

Brogy and Dorry said flatly, and then raised their battle axe. And giant sword.

"What's the matter?" Everyone asked suspiciously.

"You have defended our honor. Of course your enemy is our enemy.

"We must never let our friend's Pirate flag break! !

"Trust us, go straight! No matter what happens, keep going!"

Although I don't understand what's going on, Luffy still agreed and shouted : "Understood!! Go straight ahead!! Goodbye!! Hope to see each other again!!"


Just after the Meili sailed out of the coast, Mutation occurred on the calm and tranquil sea.

"Look! Ahead!" Nami yelled in astonishment.

A super huge goldfish got out of the seabed.

"Has it appeared? Island Eater!"

"We will make a way for you in the name of Elbaf!"

"Wow! What is it? Sea King?"

Usopp took a closer look, "Huge goldfish? Where did I hear about it before…" Ah! Isn't this a lie between me and Keja? Huge goldfish, I am walking on the dung of the goldfish…

"Hold the rudder!! Hurry up!! It's going to be swallowed!!" Nami moved towards Usopp yelled, "Usopp, hurry up !"

Usopp yelled and gritted his teeth and said: "No! No way!! Go straight!!! Yes…Luffy!!!"

"en !!!" Luffy smiled and turned back, "Of course!!"

Nami yelled anxiously, "Don't be foolish!! This time is different from Laboon!!!"

"I know! Don't make a noise! ​​No! I gave you the last piece of senbei!" Luffy was also very anxious, and directly gave the last piece of senbei in his hand to Nami.

"Are you still in the mood to make a joke? We have to turn around!"

Zoro came over and said: "Nami! Forget it…"

"Believe in our giant friends at this time!" Hood Hill said with a faint smile.

"Luffy! Can we really trust those giants?" Nami stood up and moved towards Luffy and asked.

"en!" Luffy nodded.

"There is something wrong! Do you really want to go to the innermost part of the monster?" Vivi yelled anxiously.

But at this time, even if you want to turn around, it is too late, because the Meili has been swallowed by this huge goldfish.